I have been having this issue with my game for a long time now:
When you leave the game area the frame is supposed to restart and load the next area but something rather weird happens sometimes. The graphics freezes completely as if the graphics driver just called it quits and let you stare at the last rendered frame. However, the rest of the game continues to play so it's not a complete crash. It's a bit hard to explain so here's some old footage of an earlier build of of Jarvis where it happens: Please login to see this link. (it's played on a surface pro 3 with low battery and Fraps recording the footage hence the crappy FPS)
Notice how the visuals just stops updating at the 0:22 mark but you can still hear the audio and everything, that's me running around blindly and getting beat up my some enemy. At this point you have to quit the game, as in turn it off and launch it again. You can try restart by hitting F2. And sure the game does restart but still no graphics, in fact now the window goes completely black. It is still responsive to my input however and I can play the game but not see what is going on.
It happens less often on my desktop computer but often enough to be a rather big issue for me. On my testers laptop it happens very frequently. On my surface pro 3 as well.
Has anyone else run into this issue before with their games?