I know there's been questions similar to this but I don't think this specific one has been asked since I couldn't find it. What I'm trying to accomplish is a smooth scrolling effect, BUT, I only want it to occur when the player goes so many pixels past the center point of the screen.
Here's a more specific example. This is the effect done in the 2D Super mario Bros. games where the camera would be in one place, centered on the screen. once mario would walk so far off the center of the screen, the camera would gradually begin moving until it reached his position and centering on the screen. The thing is though is once the camera caught up with him, it would stay centered until he either changed directions or came to a complete stop. If he stopped, then it would do the process over again allowing you to go soo many pixels off the screen center before gradually moving to catch up.
So basically I want the player to always be centered in the middle of the screen along the X, but I don't want the camera to move AT ALL until I go so many pixels either left or right, but when it does move, I want it to be smooth until it catches back up and I'm centered again.
Phew, hopefully someone could make sense of this question and tell me how I could achieve this in Fusion. I've been trying but with not much success. I mean I got the smooth scrolling part down based on some other examples in the forums, just not the other part.