Very nice to hear that, Jeff. Thanks for the insight!
Watch this space for a release date I guess...
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Open a TicketVery nice to hear that, Jeff. Thanks for the insight!
Watch this space for a release date I guess...
I retract my statements regarding the Xbone exporter then. Sorry to stir up any fuss. ^_^'
Thanks for the retraction Mobi, Clickteam loves you. Enjoy a warm fuzzy feeling at your leisure.
Totally agree with you, and really I don't understand with this drama, the new exporter will be a huge Plus for Windows and Xbox One, on Windows we are going to be able to sell at the Microsoft store and who wants to extend to the market Xbox One indie's going to be able to do.
On the other hand, F2.5 works well super on Windows, so any improvement is super well received.
I'm normally one of which really bothers exporters developers, iOS is for my best exporter in performance but was left behind which has changed with the inclusion of Fernando and all of the arrangements that have been made in the 285.8.
Android Esporter is slower but Fernando made incredible changes.
In conclusion to me if I think a success and I am very happy that Clickteam will give strength to F2.5 with updates and new exporters like this.
That's great news about the guy being a permanent addition to the team.
Though my glossy-eyed dream is that next time CT have money to hire someone, they hire a UX coder for a few months. Not just someone who'll work on bugs or new features, which seems to be the team's usual priority.
Fusion 3 will have a whole new UX -- Fusion 2.5 won't be getting many updates in that area.
So is the UWP exporter out? I can't find a way to get it other than to win the contest. X)
No its not due out till a bit later.
The contest winner would get an advanced beta testing copy but the release version isn't too far behind it.
I'm nearly finished my entry! It has nearly killed me ( I've never worked so many hours on a game in such a short amount of time ) If nothing else, I've learned that I need to somehow impose urgent deadlines on my own personal projects because they never get finished!
Good luck Dave, I'm sure it will be epic
DaveC - I can't wait to play your game!
Hi Jeff
do you have idea of the exit of the exporter? Q3, Q4?
ASAP -- Its on the fast track.
Thank you Jeff!😀
Sent from my iPhone
Thank you clickteam for this great news
Very interesting and unexpected development!
When will be the UWP Forum?
I have many doubts and secure with the community of the exporter could advance in many topics.
QuoteI have many doubts and secure with the community of the exporter could advance in many topics.
I'm sorry what is your concern again?
The idea is to share with other developers who purchased the exporter the same themes, enhanced configurations, performance, tips and tricks.
For that I ask when is going to be available the Forum.
Koji - most of the info that would be there is posted in the news thread
Please login to see this link.
Some info about the application and frame properties and the objects supported.
There is also an excellent tutorial video from Sparkman about how you compile a final project.
Please login to see this link.
The forum will be happening soon also -- Simon has been working with Steam -- the API isn't returning the ownership of UWP yet.
We didn't want to open a forum until that was solved.
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