Hey folks! I wanted to go ahead and show people what I've been working on for a while now and maybe other people could find some ideas in it. This is strictly a learning project and I have no intentions of making an actual fan game from it. Since I started working with fusion and game making about 8 months ago, this is pretty well what I taught myself with. Of course I've scrapped this and restarted things quite a few times, but it's all finally building up to something descent I think.
Please keep in mind this is still in a completely unfinished state meaning lots of features aren't even implemented and some things that are are half working, which you will see if you decide to give it a shot.
I'm hoping to update this over time and upload when I get more things added in.
Here's some details and features I've got in already. The project makes a lot of use of the Platform Movement Object. You will also need ForEach object extension and the Window Control Extension.
Things pretty well working so far are:
- Slopes (WIP)
- Sliding on slopes either up slopes or down slopes as well as breaking out of slopes.
- Powerups: Super Mario and Fire Mario as well as Invincibility
- Coin blocks and Multicoin blocks.
- Breakable and bumpable blocks.
- 1-UPs
- Spring boards.
- Horizontal and Vertical platforms with gradual direction shifting.
- Vines from boxes
- Goombas now only become active when Mario comes in range, and ones not killed will respawn back at their original locations.
- Functional Flagpole with bonus point zones
- Timer, Coin Counter and Score Counter
- Leftover time at end of level now gets added to points as bonus with leftover time counting down and adding 500 points each cycle.
- Functional Pirhana plants that go up and down pipes as well as become active when Mario goes so far away from pipes.
- Bonus powerup mushroom from multi-coin blocks if player gets 10+ coins from the box before the box runs out.
- Infinite rising and lowering elevators.
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