You know that you can write mid-code notes, right? They're referred to as comments, and are very, VERY useful.
(And, well, if you didn't know that was a CF2.5 feature before, then now you know!)
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Open a TicketYou know that you can write mid-code notes, right? They're referred to as comments, and are very, VERY useful.
(And, well, if you didn't know that was a CF2.5 feature before, then now you know!)
Oh, believe me, this project is riddled with comments. It's just I used a lot of unnamed alterable values that went beyond the number allowed in the alterable value properties so I was making notes about what they did in the text document. I suppose this is a major learning experience for me, so hopefully for future projects, I can simplify things better. I think trying to accurately emulate the original games physics stuff though, there's really no easy way to go about it. I suppose now would be the best time to get honest critiques about how I did things and possibly where I could do things more efficiently.
WOOHOO! downloading!
Prepare to be confused! lol.
100% not more confusing than my 1000+ event least u made notes XD
lol @ the 6170x480 background object XD
Looks awesome.. I see you started on another level..
Heya Perry! Are you referring to the underground level on the other frame in the project or you talking about the one in the video? The one in the video is just the same test level I've been using but a little more decorated up. The underground level in the MFA project was actually left over stuff from when I was dabbling in the 8bit part.
The one in the project.
I was going into a tube in the 1st frame, but never got there lol... so figured it was w.i.p.
Updates continuing to look fantastic
This is very cool. I actually just came here to the forums trying to find an example of proper Mario physics because everything I was doing with the PMO values felt wrong. It was always too floaty or too much gravity. Great work!
Thanks so much Shawn! I know it's a bit complex but I guess at least people could pick it apart for some ideas.
I've tried to replicate Super Mario World physics using PMO too, but I got inconsistent results... And the values are a lot confusing...
Tweeking an old open source custom engine, I've got better results, but it's hard to make some things work, like the spring.
I've found some data about Super Mario World Physics, take a look, maybe you can give me some guidance.
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Here's a preview of my engine:
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Tis a pity that there is not a mfa.
I'm planning to make it open-source, just like the Hello-Engine that was made with GameMaker.
But it has a lot of issues right now...
Oh man this is so awesome and also very well organized. Made me realize how complicated Clickteam fusion is.
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