I made a guide for it..
it's somewhere on the board.. but here is the direct link
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Open a TicketI made a guide for it..
it's somewhere on the board.. but here is the direct link
Please login to see this link.
Thank you for the quick reply, but it appears that the guide you posted is for the iOS Game Center only, and not for the Android GPG objects...
Thank you for the quick reply, but it appears that the guide you posted is for the iOS Game Center only, and not for the Android GPG objects...
Oops my bad.. I am looking in my folder, and seems that I have lost part of it due to a crash months ago.
But the example posted is really good. it shows all the info you need, and on the Google website you create the items that you need for it.
No problem, I just found the help files! I was searching for them in the wrong place. I thought the 'Clickteam Fusion Developer Help' (accessed by clicking Help > Contents) included all help files on every object, but it seems that to find the help files on the GPG Objects you have to go to the object's properties and click the Help-button under the 'About' tab.
I think I'll manage now Thanks anyway!
Extensions... removed? But why?!
Please login to see this attachment.
is being updated
When will the update be available?
Is it possible to have an example for multiplayer updated with a pdf guide? Thank you so much.
Is it possible to have an example for multiplayer...?
Google Play no longer supports multiplayer. Look: Please login to see this link.
Thank you! But NOW!!! @#!?@@#?
There are news to Google Play Service extension. Hi score, Leaderboard and .... without multiplayer? Thank You!!!
Any word on how it's coming along? I have a finished game that I'm hoping to release soon.
I'm also wondering if we could get any kind of update on this. I had the bad luck of purchasing the extension shortly before it stopped working and was taken offline, and leaderboards and achievements were like half the fun of my game.
wonder if you received a last email where these objects were updated?
Oh wow I uh.. actually did lol.
Is this object updated? I can't find the link to buy
When a jump to another frame happens, the Google Play Games interface (such as login or achievement notification) disappears. Is it fixable?
For those complaining about the price of tools to make Fusion even better. You're nuts!
Fusion has been making me Money from day one.
It has paid itself off in the first month.
Even all the extensions I purchased Separately .
These Developers spend their time to make clickable working extensions and they update them as Google Changes Android for the umpteenth million time this week.
So $40 is cheap is you ask me. I don't use Google Play games achievements yet, but I am slowly getting myself into it. I'll be more then happy to spend $40 on a working extension
that allows my games to work with Google Play Games Achievements.
Nice to see Development is still active with Fusion! Keep up the great work!
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Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)