Hey guys, it's been a while. So, i've tried doing a platformer-like minigame where there are several enemies and you have to shoot them.
The enemies jump, walk around, and fall off ledges by themselfes.
So, the problem is, i can't make it work at all.
What i did was make collision boxes for the sides, top and feet, and the collision boxes have specufic Alterable Values, and if they match with the alterable value of the enemy, it follows him.
But when i try it, the collision boxes always follow only one enemy. There is NEVER an enemy with alterable value of 0, because i know it would mess it up.
I tried deleting the collision boxes, and made it an Bouncing Ball. It kinda worked, but when it falls off ledges, it sometimes goes below the ground, allowing him to walk through platforms. (Which is not my intention mind you)
Note: i know how to make it move, jump, and all that, i just can't make the collision.
So, can anyone help? Is there an extension for this? Other solutions? If there is, i'd really appreciate an example file, though it's not necessary.