I'm looking at using the AGBO for a highway simulation, i.e. dozens of cars on a highway with up to 5 lanes going each direction. Each car has an ID which will be stored in an array (the array in my case would be the AGBO). Each array "cell" corresponds to a 25x25 pixel section on screen, and the highway would be for example 16,000 pixels wide (so the array would be 640x10 - 640 cells wide, 10 lanes tall). As the cars move along the highway, their position is updated in the array. Some cars might be moving faster or slower, or might want to change lanes, so they would have AI functions to check the surrounding cells to find if it's safe to speed up/slow down/switch lanes.
With that in mind, my question is on the speed and efficiency of the AGBO. If there are let's say 100 cars on the highway, each moving fast enough to update their array position 2-6 times per second (using AGBO's Move or Swap commands), and each pulling data from the array to check the area around them for other cars when necessary, is this going to negatively affect frame rate?
I currently have this working with the built-in Array object and running at 60 FPS no problem, but I'm considering moving to AGBO for its more advanced features, i.e. having an ID for each element which I can retrieve array position data from easily, and the Swap/Move features, etc.
Is it worth it to put in the time to convert my entire project to AGBO, or is this extension not built for dozens/maybe hundreds of actions and expressions using its array data on every frame?
Does anyone have another array extension in mind that would do this (moving/swapping elements, elements having an x/y position in the array, elements each have an ID that I can use to pull element data without knowing the element's position)
If you read this Anders, I'd like your input since you created the AGBO