Mobile ports is not match with runtime . I'm really tired...

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  • Hi

    I'm working with Fusion for years and I hadn't problem with it before appear the Exporters . I made a cinematic platformer game that I never couldn't fix bugs in mobile ports .
    Indeed Fusion only works perfect on windows port not more . Let me more explain :

    I made a character with more than 50 custom animation movements ( Jump up,Jump width ,grab ledge , swim , ....) and everything is OK in runtime and Windows port but in mobile ports I see strange bugs that I really can't find any solution for it like bad movements freeze and others . Actually there is not any special extensions and complex events . Also I added custom Inventory system and other stuffs and it works in runtime and don't work in Android and iOS port . My all events is more than 700 line at the moment.
    There is many other examples that I can write here but it take long time . Please help me for this questions :

    0) Is this problems is about my knowledge or Fusion?
    1) I really want know How did Fusion read codes ? I think main problem is for it.
    2) Do Fusion couldn't handle complex games for many number of events and many custom animations ? My mean is not little games with 10 - 50 events
    3) Isn't any way for write Object Oriented Programming for any object in F2.5 (No level editor) ?
    4) How can I find my problems for mobile ports before exporting ?
    5) Did you believe Runtime is not same with mobile ports (My mean is not performance) ?
    6) Is Fusion not made for advance games ?

    I really like Fusion but I worked 3 months on my new game and now I see many bugs in mobile ports and I'm really tired... . Even I can't send to bug report too because my events is so long and I don't know how can explain this errors .

    7) Did you recommend other engines like Unity for equal runtime and ports ?

    It's very important decide for me next days . Maybe complete I give up and switch to other engines . Although I was really fun with Fusion .

    8) Is Fusion 3 made with same method ? Or it's a miracle

    I appreciate for any help , suggestions or recommend

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    Edited once, last by MEHRDAD: Add line 0 (September 21, 2016 at 7:18 AM).

  • Hi,
    50 custom animation ? have you make an animation engine ? With so many animations, i suggest you to do so. I did that with active picture, a list with the parameters of each animation (basename|direction|number of images|delay|type of animation(simple, loop, ping pong)).
    0) maybe ;)
    1)there is a topic on that. little search ;)
    2)i make games with more than 1000 events
    3)don't understand what you want to do ? levels ? ini or array are good for that. And to populate a level, level editor is the only way.
    4) experience ! even with other middleware !
    6)Fusion is for all games.
    7)use an engine that you know perfectly.
    8) Fusion 2.5 is already a good choice. Fusion 3 will be more powerfull... no doubt !

    Instead of telling that you have many problems, please consider to show one problem by one problem to us. I am sure one of us can helping you.

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    Edited once, last by arthurh (September 21, 2016 at 8:35 AM).

  • Yeah i completely get the frustration, sometimes there is a bug on a runtime where it's hard to isolate the cause, and it's easy to blame the development tool.
    Here are a couple tricks to prevent these kinds of problems:
    - Clean object picks: use loops and for each loops to clearly select which objects are involved, this prevents common problems when multiple things are happening simultaneously.
    - Custom movements and animation: Manually set animation frames and exact coordinates using alterable values, alterable values can have floating points, f.ex 4,333 instead of 4, this makes everything smoother and exactly the same on all runtimes.
    - Frequent testing: keep running your game on each of the runtimes you need your game to work on while developing, to spot issues before it becomes too complex.

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  • arthurh

    Thanks for fast reply . Did your test your game ( More than 1000 events ) for mobile ports ? As I said Fusion haven't problem in runtime and Win port .
    I don't know how can I make Animation engine.

    3) My game is similar to classic Flashback or Another world game . What is your opinion for OOP ?
    4) How can I guess what happen on mobile when runtime is OK? Do you think I'm kind of soothsayer or somethings? :)
    6) I agree for desktop not mobile


    Thanks for your suggestions

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  • Like i said to you ;) call an image with the active picture or use a part of images of an active object (between im0 et im24, it is stand, im25/im48 walk animation etc...). Very simple.

    3) Use an engine to draw only the window for the collision. Call the gfx only for the windows too.
    4) you have no choice to test your app in the device ! this is the same with ALL the middleware (and with direct programming too) ! You can not ask the same with a PC than a phone ! And the runtime is different too. So, it is normal that there is some difference.
    Build your game for the less platform. Use correct sprite size (power 2). Don't destroy, create many items. Try to make less test of collision (the less overlap test you can ! use collide instead).

    +1 with softwarewolf : be careful with loop too.

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  • Thanks for suggestions guys .
    Unfortunately I don't get answer for my main question yet .
    My game haven't complex events . Only number of events is more than 700 . Sorry I couldn't upload mfa file.
    I have a full custom Platformer movement with Inventory without any extensions. In Runtime and PC haven't any bug But in Android Inventory doesn't work at all !!!!! and it miss some animations in movements too. WHY?

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  • I don't know much about the mobile exporters but it honestly sounds like the phones you want to try them on can't keep up with what you want to do.
    Much like any other port i think you have to dig into your code for each system and optimize it in how it's read and executed. I dont think there ever will be a unified exporter that works for everything from the start.

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  • So this word is not contain Fusion "write once time and publish anywhere " right?
    Actually I'll find bigger bugs next times too.
    In my opinion it's so foolish that I give time many days for find errors that I can't see them in runtime.

    This problems is for an engine like Unity too?

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  • I have a really simple game on google play(van damnation) that i made ten years ago. Exporting it to Android took some work as i had to rewrite a lot of it even though it worked fine on pc. It's to be expected if you havent built the game for android from the ground up

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  • All engines have their own problems with every runtime they export too. There is no single engine that just works for all platforms, although some might have more features that correspond across different runtimes. it is a little bit of a simplified (and misleading) statement that you can "write once and publish anywhere." In a literal sense, yes you can. But if you want to take advantage of the strengths of each runtime, you have a lot of work to do.

    I work on all 3 platforms you mentioned and have done my best to make my main game code work consistently across them all. I have 4000+ event lines as well. The real hassle comes with using services like Game Center or Google Play, and dealing with UI adjustments to meet compliance rules.

    Some things to remember:
    - Put your code in groups and disable anything you don't need running. Only enable groups of code the moment you run it and disable it immediately after it is no longer needed.
    - For Each loops should be used when possible for mobile.
    - Always develop for mobile first. if you plan on mobile and PC, PC should be the last platform you add features for. And like everyone said, export to the mobile device often to make sure you didn't introduce something that causes a cpu hit.

    Games like Flashback should be simple enough to make for mobile. So I don't see that choice of game style being the problem.

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  • Thanks Mobichan

    Actually I started my game on Android base . As I said my problem is different between runtime and mobile show and I don't know where is my wrong because everything is OK in runtime.
    In easy games like Mario style and with PMO object we have less bugs or nothing . But in full custom platforming I see strange bugs on mobiles .


    A)I used all custom animation movements in one object only . Did you recommend split some motions like swim or shootings to new active objects as destroy previous and add new or vise versa ? Is it will be more help to less bugs?
    B) I used fastloops instead For Each loops . Did you recommend use For Each only?
    C) I still don't know how read fusion events . I write all games in one frame . Above all of events I write all function for character movements After that Inventory and other HUD and final puzzles of game and rooms functions . All of them is in groups . Is it correct method ?

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  • Are your problems performance related? Or simply you get buggy results in your player movement? Without seeing your code it is hard to understand the problems.

    As for loops, I have no problems using both fast loop and for each loops in the same project. But you should try using for each loops on operations you do often that are processor intensive ( for example: distance checks between objects). But if performance isn't the problem then you probably are fine without changing your loops or groups.

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  • Performance is OK . Problem is about movements . It missed some custom animates . I use all animations in one active object (More than 50) .Is splitting to many active object help to less buggy?

    I appreciate for any answer to 'C' question .

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  • my suggestion, is find an experienced person you can trust, and show your code to that person who is willing to help track problems or offer suggestions.
    * the active picture method, would require an whole game rewrite.~sometimes you may have to rewrite from scratch on a few occasions.

  • I have actives with nearly 50 animations in them. That shouldn't be a problem. It does mean that every animation frame is loaded into memory when that active is present. But unless you have 10+ enemies with that level of animation complexity running at once, I don't think you will have any problems. but since your problem is not performance related, the animation discussion is not important. If your problem is movement code, then that is a problem most likely related to your coding. Or rather, some coding style that the mobile devices don't like.

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  • I remember that I once coded something for a Windows & Android game and I did some comparing stuff. Sometimes I noticed that >= and > was both possible on Windows to get the exactly same thing, but for Android only >= did the job. I assume this means that you really have to code things differently for Android sometimes. You just have to find the events causing the issues and replace them with Android compatible events.

    Currently working on ... [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] ... a Puzzle Platformer

  • @Mobichian

    Yes , Problem is about coding . Not Windows as it's for Android . But there is not any error output log for Fusion and not error in Android runtime mode . So how can I get debugging my game ? Indeed my knowledge is low that which exporters use right events . Is any way for find compatibility codes ?

    @ Wodjanoi

    Strange !!! . I have many this similar events . What can we do when there is not any log error as work perfect in computer ? Did you can guess where is wrong when you couldn't see anything ? I can't.
    We really need to great debugger from Clickteam or a full manual for Exporters conditions . I saw many many Fusion mobile games and almost was easy games so exporters works fine on them .But make upper intermediate games for mobiles is will be with strange buggy .

    p.s : Please test this simple inventory example ( Thanks for Sparckman tutorial base ) on Android devise . There is not any array even but doesn't work for me on my cellphone
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    Edited 4 times, last by MEHRDAD (September 23, 2016 at 12:55 PM).

  • After looking at the mfa, is your problem that you are trying to use the virtual controls and aren't getting anything to happen? All your movements use inbuilt clickteam movements, so I can't really help you out. I never use inbuilt movements, but it seems to run exactly the same on my Android tablet as it does on Windows. It just seems like the code is not completely written yet to make things work.

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  • 8 direction movement is not problem . Inventory doesn't work . In mfa file I used Shift and Ctrl key and in touch control , button1 and 2 for appear and shooting . Both doesn't work for me in Android. Did you see any problem or hard coding in this example?

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  • I honestly can't make the shooting work on PC either. It just looks like you haven't coded the inventory correctly. This is just badly made code, not a problem with an exporter. Maybe you need to explain what the inventory should be doing and we can help with a fix or an example. Inventories can work a million ways...

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