I'm working with Fusion for years and I hadn't problem with it before appear the Exporters . I made a cinematic platformer game that I never couldn't fix bugs in mobile ports .
Indeed Fusion only works perfect on windows port not more . Let me more explain :
I made a character with more than 50 custom animation movements ( Jump up,Jump width ,grab ledge , swim , ....) and everything is OK in runtime and Windows port but in mobile ports I see strange bugs that I really can't find any solution for it like bad movements freeze and others . Actually there is not any special extensions and complex events . Also I added custom Inventory system and other stuffs and it works in runtime and don't work in Android and iOS port . My all events is more than 700 line at the moment.
There is many other examples that I can write here but it take long time . Please help me for this questions :
0) Is this problems is about my knowledge or Fusion?
1) I really want know How did Fusion read codes ? I think main problem is for it.
2) Do Fusion couldn't handle complex games for many number of events and many custom animations ? My mean is not little games with 10 - 50 events
3) Isn't any way for write Object Oriented Programming for any object in F2.5 (No level editor) ?
4) How can I find my problems for mobile ports before exporting ?
5) Did you believe Runtime is not same with mobile ports (My mean is not performance) ?
6) Is Fusion not made for advance games ?
I really like Fusion but I worked 3 months on my new game and now I see many bugs in mobile ports and I'm really tired... . Even I can't send to bug report too because my events is so long and I don't know how can explain this errors .
7) Did you recommend other engines like Unity for equal runtime and ports ?
It's very important decide for me next days . Maybe complete I give up and switch to other engines . Although I was really fun with Fusion .
Is Fusion 3 made with same method ? Or it's a miracle
I appreciate for any help , suggestions or recommend