There's an input problem with Fusion.

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  • Hey all.

    I've set up a menu, but I experienced this bug with my double-tap-dash maneuver earlier in development, as well as during the making of a name select.

    Here's the issue.

    When you press a direction and a button simultaneously (or possibly just very close to one another, as I can repeat the problem consistently), the directional input gets doubled.

    Happens with all directions and with every button that is mapped to "Fire 1-4" So pressing down and A B X or Y, when I hit them close together, once, firmly, the cursor moves two grid spaces down.

    It's not just the controller either. I was doing this with the keyboard back on the name select menu. It's definitely a bug with Player 1 object.

    In case your wondering I'm not using any "repeat while" events, Just "moved right" "moved left" "moved top" "moved down".

    This seems like something that might be way deep the heck down, but i think this deserves the highest priority for getting fixed quickly.

    For action games with a lot of quick input this could and probably has been a thorn in peoples' sides.

    I 'nerfed' the issue on the dash and name select by putting a couple frame delay after the first input, but sometimes the player will still dash unexpectedly. It even happens when I use the built in pause feature. Pressing a directional input and the key that I've set to pause the application at the same time will freeze everything but I can see that the dash has started. Very frustrating.

    Edited 2 times, last by FlipSwitchX (October 10, 2016 at 7:20 AM).

  • That's really weird - if you have an example MFA, it might be worth putting that up to see if other people have the same issue. Is it feasible for you to switch to a different input object such as the Control-X object to get around it?

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  • With other things like movement, it's understandable if they don't offer the same quality as custom systems or alternative extensions, but for the basic INPUT of the application, don't you think it should be flawless?

    Here's a gif of it happening. Very easy to recreate:

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    And the MFA to try it out:

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    The strange thing is that there is no input in the events other than Moved Top/Down/Left/Right, yet pressing a Fire button simultaneously with a direction causes this to happen. Happens on both the keyboard and controller.

    Edited 2 times, last by FlipSwitchX (October 10, 2016 at 7:13 AM).

  • Interesting find! I can reproduce it here with my keyboard. I also modified your .mfa with the Control X object instead and the issue disappears. Only had to replace the directions and leave the fire buttons as Player Object conditions for it to work.

    Looks like something in the default input system is bugged?

    Btw - Just curious about why do you "Sub -1" instead of "Add 1"?

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    Freelance Dev | Currently Working on Jarvis | Please login to see this link.

  • The sub -1 is just caus I was lazy.

    Alright so I thought I came up with a simple workaround, but, it only led me to discover another amazing facet of this bug. This one is a little harder to reproduce because it requires a specific timing, but when you press a direction and then a Fire button closely following but sort of as your thumb leaves the D-pad, the Fire input becomes a directional input so the object moves an extra space. Yeah. :(

    Here's the example:
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    Just sort of go back and forth between a direction and a button and you'll eventually see the object move on a fire input.

    The workaround btw was to put a 1 frame cooldown on the inputs, and it did help the simultaneous-input bug, but yeah... :(

  • You could try send a bug report on the Please login to see this link.. That way you get the attention of the developers and best case scenario they figure it out and fixes it for the next version. Worst case; it cannot be fixed but we'll never know until we try :)

    Just make sure its easy for them to reproduce. Like including a .mfa and a gif/video that shows the issue happen. And clear instructions. The less work they have to do to reproduce it, the better!

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    Freelance Dev | Currently Working on Jarvis | Please login to see this link.

  • I don't think so. My keyboard passed the test on that site, and I'm only pressing 2 inputs simultaneously, and semi-simultaneously, but a good way to find out would be to get more people to test out the example MFA.

  • I've got similar problem to yours, only in my case when I press, say, left arrow and space (Fire3), it fires two times (jump control). Normally it wouldn't be a problem as I'm using PMO and this mean the only effect is that jump sound gets doubled, but since I've done double jumping, that means you won't be able to double jump if you press arrow key and jump button at the same time.

    So, similar problem, but also kinda opposite, instead of movement getting doubled, FireX input is getting doubled.

    Note that I'm using keyboard and standard joystick input (player object).

    //edit: Tested with the usb gamepad that I have and the same deal, so it isn't the keyboard wiring issue someone mentioned here (not to mention it isn't anyway as it doesn't happen in other games either that use arrows for movement and space for jump/doublejump.

    There are no impossible things, there is only lack of skill needed to complete the task.

    Edited 2 times, last by Darkhog (October 14, 2016 at 9:17 PM).

  • It looks like Yves has reproduced it and seems to have a potential solution for it >>> Please login to see this link.

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    Freelance Dev | Currently Working on Jarvis | Please login to see this link.

  • Sadly I need to resurrect this topic because the problem still persists and it's kind of integral to good solid gameplay in the action/platformer genre.

    I was excited when they said the issue was resolved in one of the last updates but it's been a few months and i can say for sure that the problem is still there. I have tested with multiple controllers and although it's a subtle thing it definitely still happens and when it does it's extremely agitating/disruptive.

    This might not be a problem in F3, but I can't be sure so I need to keep voicing the issue.

  • This is clearly something that really should be fixed. But, in case that never happens, do you really need the Player 1 object? (apart from the fact that it would be a big pain to redo your code, which of course is a significant reason). I say this because I've never even used the Player 1 object, yet I've made a fast-moving platformer with successful keyboard and gamepad inputs. I don't have anything against the object, but I just never actually came across the need for it, so I've never even tried it. Just glancing now through its conditions, actions and expressions, it all looks like stuff you can do relatively easily without it.

    Of course this doesn't excuse Clickteam from not fixing the bug, and of course, having to redo all your input code would be very annoying, but just thought I'd mention it.

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  • Sadly I need to resurrect this topic because the problem still persists and it's kind of integral to good solid gameplay in the action/platformer genre.

    I was excited when they said the issue was resolved in one of the last updates but it's been a few months and i can say for sure that the problem is still there. I have tested with multiple controllers and although it's a subtle thing it definitely still happens and when it does it's extremely agitating/disruptive.

    This might not be a problem in F3, but I can't be sure so I need to keep voicing the issue.

    I saw this post by chance as I saw it in the Home page, I don't look at forum posts usually. Answer the post in the bug box, or post a new bug report, if you want this to be noticed by the developers, otherwise there is almost no chance we see it.

    I'm pretty sure this is now fixed. Test with the build 289 (though I think it was definitely fixed in the build 288.3).

  • This is clearly something that really should be fixed. But, in case that never happens, do you really need the Player 1 object? (apart from the fact that it would be a big pain to redo your code, which of course is a significant reason). I say this because I've never even used the Player 1 object, yet I've made a fast-moving platformer with successful keyboard and gamepad inputs. I don't have anything against the object, but I just never actually came across the need for it, so I've never even tried it. Just glancing now through its conditions, actions and expressions, it all looks like stuff you can do relatively easily without it.

    Of course this doesn't excuse Clickteam from not fixing the bug, and of course, having to redo all your input code would be very annoying, but just thought I'd mention it.

    I use Player 1 for directional inputs but I'll try changing to Joystick 2 Object.

    I saw this post by chance as I saw it in the Home page, I don't look at forum posts usually. Answer the post in the bug box, or post a new bug report, if you want this to be noticed by the developers, otherwise there is almost no chance we see it.

    I'm pretty sure this is now fixed. Test with the build 289 (though I think it was definitely fixed in the build 288.3).

    I'll resubmit to the bug box if it persists after update 289.3. I know for a fact that I'm not double tapping and yet my guy initiates a dash. I even put a buffer on it so that the dash won't happen if the double tap happens TOO fast. So it's like after exactly 2 or 3 loops the button input is still for some reason translated as a second directional input thus initiating a dash. Incredibly bizarre, granted, but definitely happening to me.

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