Hey all.
I've set up a menu, but I experienced this bug with my double-tap-dash maneuver earlier in development, as well as during the making of a name select.
Here's the issue.
When you press a direction and a button simultaneously (or possibly just very close to one another, as I can repeat the problem consistently), the directional input gets doubled.
Happens with all directions and with every button that is mapped to "Fire 1-4" So pressing down and A B X or Y, when I hit them close together, once, firmly, the cursor moves two grid spaces down.
It's not just the controller either. I was doing this with the keyboard back on the name select menu. It's definitely a bug with Player 1 object.
In case your wondering I'm not using any "repeat while" events, Just "moved right" "moved left" "moved top" "moved down".
This seems like something that might be way deep the heck down, but i think this deserves the highest priority for getting fixed quickly.
For action games with a lot of quick input this could and probably has been a thorn in peoples' sides.
I 'nerfed' the issue on the dash and name select by putting a couple frame delay after the first input, but sometimes the player will still dash unexpectedly. It even happens when I use the built in pause feature. Pressing a directional input and the key that I've set to pause the application at the same time will freeze everything but I can see that the dash has started. Very frustrating.