Point & click games exemple

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  • Hi guys
    i made this threads to post all the exemple to make an adventure game, my point & click games is already finish and i wanna to share part of the code i use for my game.

    In other threads i post the inventory exemple, and now i wanna share the text blitting engine. The blit engine is the Chris Burrows engine with a little bit modification to get this more usefull for my game.
    I have also a question, anyone know if it is possible to center the second line in the blit, in my game i made the second line center with another blit loop and another object but it take much event.
    Anyway as soon as possible i post other exemple, the next will be my pathfinding engine

    As usual sorry for my worst english :D

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  • Thanks to your site i learned to use the games factory than of course Nivram there is any problem.
    I put my question again to you, it's possible to center the second and the other line of text blit?

    Seriously thank you to your work Nivram ;)

  • yes, is only with active object, but guys anyone can help me with the center of the blit?
    you know i'am a little bit sad because i post the exemples and nobody answer me for my doubt, anyway at least tomorrow i upload the path finding but guys my path work good for my game but it doesen't be much accurate but maybe can help someone :D

  • Hey don't be sad, people might be busy but is generally helpful around here ;D

    Take a look, is this ok?
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    You can enable or disable text centering by writing "yes" in the "center_text" string of the blitter object
    (disable by leaving it empty or writing anything else)

    I've also removed the "Mask" object, you just needed to flip group order to avoid that positional glitch you were probably experiencing

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  • here i am with my pathfinding, i tell you, it's very simple and make it only with active object so don't have many axpectatives.
    as for the blit and the inventory it would be nice if you wanna help to improve this exemple

    i have also a question for schrodinger, why in the second or third line o the blit the first characheter was destroy? It is not a very big problem but i don't understand
    maybe tonight i post a demo room absolutly incomplete of my little game, and the next exemple will be the game aspect like monkey island 3, than stop exemple :D

  • In line 14 of above example,
    set loop index of Blit loop to
    LoopIndex("Blit") + 1
    instead of +2

    I suppose at the time that example was made, Newline$ counted as two characters (maybe CR for a carriage return)
    while now it returns 1 character
    just a guess though!

    Btw, I assume your character could be moving while talking?
    Otherwise this could be optimized a bit, as it's currently "always" positioning characters,
    it's not needed if your character will be static while talking.
    If this is for pc, and you don't have extremely long text to show, this should be no issue anyway X)

    Btw - very nice example for pathfinding, even if you can't have complex scenarios,
    for an adventure game could be well suitable and lightweight!

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • sorry schrodinger but i don't understand very much when you talk about moving charachter and the condition always, my english is simply terrible! :D

    anyway the blit with +1 is perfect, and you see for my game this path is perfect because it haven't complex scenarios, i know is a limitated path finding but maybe can help someone wanna create a p&c game

    thank you so much for solving my blit problem ;)

  • Glad to help :)

    yeah you've been kind to share, I'm sure adventure guys will find it helpful!

    as for the "always" thing
    I was just noticing that all the characters blitted are "always" placed in their position, after you blit them
    (60 times per second, each single letter is repositioned again where you see it on screen)

    if your character can move while talking, this is ok, as in this way the text will follow him

    but if your character stands still while talking (and maybe the text is cleared when he moves),
    it is not needed, as you can just leave the text fixed in the static position where it is blitted

    anyway, this won't be a real issue if your target platform is PC!

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • Because PCs have plenty of power and won't bother doing this kind of "extra" work,
    while if you were targeting mobile platforms, this could have been something more important to fix :)

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • the game i made is only a little demo to verirfy my competence, but the idea for the next game is the multiplatforms, also mobile and than when i finish i wanna fix all the the technical question maybe with asking help at the comunity because for mobile i'm totaly uninformed.

  • It's great pathfinding ciaciosacchetti .Nice job!!! . It works perfect on Flash and Android too.

    Two recommend for add please :

    1) Add ability for diagonal walking .
    2) Turn before walking

    Schrodinger was made a great pathfinding too but it used grid base and had some bugs on mobile ports . Anyway that was so cool . If you don't mind please add 'turn before walking' from this example.
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    Edited once, last by MEHRDAD: added link (November 10, 2016 at 3:10 PM).

  • Hey Mehrdad, can't remember specific bugs left on mobile? :o
    (beside the fact you can't fire a lot of pathfinding calls in the very same moment perhaps? but that's a limit we can't overcome unfortunately)

    I recall you experienced a "quick twisting sprite" issue right before turning, in the movement, it was hardly noticeable and I missed it for long time,
    but that's fixed in the latest version I posted in that thread (Please login to see this link.)

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • Hey Schrodinger

    As I said your works was nice and great . But I have some problem with it.So I still couldn't handle it for an adventure game .This up example is OK and my mean is last builds from you ( I don't know exactly which one . If you want I can find and up here )
    I have this issues :

    1) Character ( or bug object ) have lag or satter sometimes in movement. Please relative an bigger object to it for more clear in latest builds.
    2) Speed movement doesn't work for me in Android but runtime is OK
    3) Bug object pass some obstacles in Android . It occur sometimes we have an block in scene

    My website and 2d Animation artworks: Please login to see this link.

  • 1) should have been fixed in the latest version (I think this is not the one you were using in your example) if I understood what you mean,
    you should try copying the behavior from the pathfinding_engine object (from the zip above) and substituting the code you had in your pathfinding_engine behavior
    and see if it still happens

    2) speed movement? like moving objects very fast while pathfinding? there are some things to consider when doing that, I guess this could break the system because of characters "missing" nodes, but that should be addressed by the movement code, not the pathfinding code

    3) some obstacles are ignored? make sure they are "obstacle" backdrops and they are well aligned in the grid,
    I can't remember this happening?

    If I recall correctly, your worse problems were with avoiding characters colliding one with the other,
    and finding nearest spot where to pathfind once a player clicks in blocked/obstacle zones,
    both are quite difficult things to handle in a smart way :( but both are "extra" features not included in a general pathfinding code

    a selection of my Fusion examples can be found Please login to see this link.

  • Thanks for reply Schrodinger

    Please download my latest file:
    Please login to see this link.

    1) I replaced it now and problem not solved . See carefully movement character special in diagonals you find statter

    2) I changed move_speed in bug object . It works on PC and don't work in Android

    3) Please stand in 'B' place and click on 'A' . Character ignore little block obstacle in Android and go straight to up.

    My website and 2d Animation artworks: Please login to see this link.

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