Dash Tank Fever progress thread

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!

  • Finally getting some momentum regarding coverage. Still nothing back from the press though :(

    Oh well got some final adjustments to come prior to release including the removal of instant death if the AI touches you.

    Anyway here is one of the videos :)

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  • Nice coverage there -what do you do to get coverage like that? is it a simple matter of sending out tweets to youtubers?
    Also - you have a PC version now? thats cool - are you releasing it on game jolt or some other similar site?

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  • Nice coverage there -what do you do to get coverage like that? is it a simple matter of sending out tweets to youtubers?
    Also - you have a PC version now? thats cool - are you releasing it on game jolt or some other similar site?

    Hi, thanks its taking a lot of work and yeah all the coverage is either from old contacts or just tweeting youtubers.
    We are attempting Steam with the PC version as well as the likes of Itchio and Desura.

    Just finished the final visuals and added some lovely scanlines and crt effects.

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  • Been a little while since I updated this section but still working hard on implementing new features and improving old ones.

    Some of the improvements since the initial release include:

    Particle effects (I love fastloops now)
    Better AI
    Mystery box added to title screen
    Improved UI
    More levels
    Added portal pick up and Block Randomiser pick up
    Removed the instant death that happens when both tanks collide
    Upped the song total to 6

    Coming in the next release

    New enemy tank added after level 3
    Working on AI that helps each other to trap player
    Created demo screen
    Made it so if a player has all the consoles unlocked console pieces are replaced with money bags

    Future ideas

    Falling missiles
    Add more to multiplayer as it's pretty bare bones right now
    PC port

    And finally some pics below

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