Hi All,
we are looking for user that have the following devices and are interested to run some test at their side.
a. IPhone 5/5c
b. Ipod 3rd Gen
c. Ipod 4th Gen.
d. IPhone 6/6s/6C
e. Ipad Air
we have verify that some devices take more time than other to convert ogg sounds to be played inside the runtime so it is important to have a clear picture of all these values comparing devices.
so please if you have one of these devices and want to runt an small example here is the link
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this example have 3 sounds in OGG and one in MP3, although MP3 sounds open the audioplayer faster since is an internal feature is important to have some clues of the speed according the device.
so to run the example please change to one of your ID, build and install on one of the devices mentioned and post here the result.
the red counter represent the sound number for ogg and the counter result in blue frame
to have the same format please use something like:
0 Rondo alla turca xxxxx-zzzzz
1 sound "A" quality 3 xxxxx-zzzzz
2 sound "A" quality 4 xxxxx-zzzzz
sound "A" quality 3 xxxxx-zzzzz
where xxxx-zzzz is the low and high value you get there.
thanks in advance for your help