That demo works fine! I don't know why, but every time I compile mine it breaks pushpins for me.
Oh well. Not a big deal to me at all. It may just be because the object is pretty small anyways. I'm just really happy my demo works without issue.
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Open a TicketThat demo works fine! I don't know why, but every time I compile mine it breaks pushpins for me.
Oh well. Not a big deal to me at all. It may just be because the object is pretty small anyways. I'm just really happy my demo works without issue.
Manually defining the joints worked a treat, everything looks fine now. Pushpin joints still broken, though.
But the backgrounds are fixed, and that was my problem with the current official verion, the Beta seems to fix my problems Thanks.
Compiled and tested, it seems to work okay but this does not use the thumbtack/pushpin joints like I'm using so it really doesn't apply. The thumbtack/pushpin joints are completely broken in this beta though.
I guess I can switch to defining the joints manually for now, it's just kind of annoying when the thumbtacks are supposed to work.
Ugh, I got this to try and compile my little rally demo game and I can't tell whether or not it worked because the joints are all broken. The thumbtack joints are just completely broken and don't work at all. I tried repositioning and still nothing...
I've included the game file...
So I created this very very basic rally demo, and I just compiled it to see how it ran on Android using the latest 2.5 exporter.
First impressions are shoddy, seems the physics works "okay" but the background implanting to Box2D doesn't work at all, and my ground angles are all screwed up!
What the heck do I do from here? Not that I expected it to be perfect on the first try but after tweaking a bit and getting nowhere I can't see what could possibly fix the problems I'm having.
If someone could be of assistance I'd be very grateful, if it's a compiler issue at the moment I guess I'm SOL until it gets fixed. Either way, just a tad bit frustrated at the moment and just need a second opinion on what's going down.
I've attached the game file as well as a compiled APK.
Another thing I've noticed, I have it set to not show the top bar but it still does... I'm just baffled by the strange happenings with the Android exporter now. I really never had issues with it before.
Having the same problem, same crash under Windows XP.
As I've said, I have an Optimus V. The ROM isn't the stock Froyo ROM but is a stable and good one, I've had no problems running my own software on it.
Black screen, nothing happens. ANY button press results in a force close, be it menu, home, back, or search.
Froyo 2.2.1 simply shows a black screen until you push a button, and then it force closes the application.
I have an older LG Optimus that I test all of my games and demos on to see how well I've optimized them. I can see how your game runs if you'd like.
Any plans to port the isometric grid object? I was toying with it the other day and would really love to be able to use it in some neat little tactical games.
I made a very simple multitouch example MFA to help out anyone who doesn't quite understand how to use it.
You can get it Please login to see this link..
This was written a while back so it's a bit outdated but the actual basis for multitouch is the same. It essentially assigns two objects, one for each touch, and then you test for the touches.
You can't use mouse detection reliably with multitouch.
If anyone has example MFAs they can use my Please login to see this link. if they'd like. No ads, and it will upload anything up to 10mb permanently.
Ah, cripes. I've reached the max number of installs of the exporter and/or MMF2 again. I swap computers around a lot, and MMF2 is one of the first things I install, so... eh.
Guess I'll PM Yves to see if he can do something about it. Until then I'll have to use my old laptop and desktop to compile.
I've noticed it doing this in Windows apps too, not just Android.
Turns out any Android-specific attempt to build an application with the Mobile Utilities extension is the cause.
I'm unsure if this is a bug or Mobile Utilities isn't supposed to work -- But it is in the list when you work on an Android project, suggesting it should be working with the exporter. I got around the problem by using the Android object (I was just detecting screen width and height to resize my game's "window" accordingly).
Mobile Utilities should either be removed from compatibility or fixed, but there was my problem.
I was able to build apps all the way up until today, I now get an error message:
Please login to see this picture.
Any pointers? I'm assuming something in JDK or Android SDK has broken, but if it's something simple I'd rather do it first than find out after re-installing all of my JDK/SDK stuff.
Isn't lacewing only the client? It'd be nice if the server got ported and could use bluetooth or wifi to set up some ad-hoc multiplayer games. Or even just use the internet, but local would be nice.
Been toying with 33 and haven't really had any problems with anything, have even tested some apps on the x86 port of Android (which I run on my extra laptop) and they work perfectly fine.
Going to be working on a small app for the Play Store soon, nothing too special.
It really doesn't matter if they are doing it differently. Public Perception is what matters (to me). Buyers and Reviewers are going to have plenty to say about load times. Certainly, I understand we're in beta here, so I know the current state of the Android Exporter is not what it will be in the future.
I'm confident that something will be done but I would love to hear from Clickteam on the subject.
Completely agree on everything, was just stating how it worked.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)