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Ah yeah the realm crafter one, good times - shame there isnt programs like that around any more.
I was around that engine since the beginning, such a pile. I mean that thing was something else. I get it about the 3rd edition fiasco. The fun of writing books and having publishers.
In regard to the fluff and your response. I get it, it takes up pages and slowly lets you get into the reason for the book. I just don't really see even a beginner wanting all of that before digging into why they purchased the book. When I purchase a course on Udemy, I don't want to know all the different game genres. If I'm making an rpg, I don't care about text adventures and sports games. I just want to get right into it. I understand an interface video or two. However, after that lets get going. When I was learning 2D sprite art and vector drawing, I didn't want to know a Picasso or Leonardo perspective on art. I wanted to learn about that software and creating sprites the correct way and drawing. lol.
As I've said, I have all your books. Mostly, that is in physical form. I like your style of writing and they are easy to follow along to. Videos would be great, because the ones for Fusion on udemy or that I've found aren't very good from the reviews perspective. I wish you luck and success! Good luck in the development world!
I have most of your published books, including the short lived one on Realm Crafter. Will have to check this one out as well. Only thing I've seen that kind of turns me off of these type of books is the fluff first few chapters.
What is Fusion, how to install. What is/are an adventure games, board games, text adventures. A lot of fluff to be gone through to get to the reason for the book purchase.
According to the Table of Contents we're looking at 50 or so "fluff" pages before getting into the development. Your writing and knowledge has always been top tier. So I might purchase just for that. I'll keep you posted If I purchase and once I get through it.
Also, or lastly. Your "Making Amazing Games Using Fusion 2.5 3rd Edition" is $41 on Kindle, and only $23 on paperback. I bring this up because it looks like you only create four small games throughout, with one being a simple clicker and more fluff chapters than development.