Posts by klikhappy
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Maybe this isn't the sort of solution you were looking for, but you don't need to use the calendar object to find out whether or not it is a leap year. Just take the year value modulo 4. If the remainder is 0, then it is a leap year.
Line 1:
Start of Frame
Counter: Set Counter to 2016Line 2:
Upon pressing "Space bar"
Counter: Add 1 to CounterLine 3:
Value("Counter") mod 4 = 0
String: Set alterable string to "It's a leap year"Line 4:
Value("Counter") mod 4 <> 0
String: Set alterable string to "It's not a leap year". -
Maybe this... ?
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A flag is like a value, except there are only two possible choices - on /off. Think of it like a light switch. In this example, it is turned on when the mouse is being pressed. When the mouse is not being pressed, an action is triggered and the flag is turned off. This allows for the action to be triggered only once when the mouse is released.
You can play around with values to get it working better on your device. As this was only tested on a Windows PC, I have only checked for mouse movement that is greater than 5 pixels. This value may be too small of a distance on your device and may need to be increased. I cannot see your entire list of events, so I'll refer to my own example .mfa ----> Increase the values to check against on lines 1,6,7,8, and 9 from "5" to a higher value and try again.
As far as I can tell, the built-in platform movement doesn't allow for the jump action to be triggered within the event sheet. The built-in movements can have limits that hinder development. I was lazy when I used the Platform Movement Object... a custom engine would probably be best for this sort of game. Here is another .mfa that eliminates the Platform Movement Object:
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Here is a quick example that might give you some ideas...
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To test in Windows, click and drag the mouse up or down to jump and slide. Click the mouse to shoot.
... or there is the Edit Box: Selection object.
1. Click "View" and choose "Data Elements".
2. Click on the "Binary Data" tab.
3. Click the "Add" button and choose the video file that you want to embed.
4. Copy the full path of the file as it is on your pc. (ie. "C:\Users\HP\Desktop\1.wmv") Use this path in the event editor when you want to load and play your video.
5. Build your application. -
Maybe these instructions will help?
1. In application properties, choose the "Window" tab.
2. Scroll down and check the "Resize display to fill window size" box.
3. Drop a Window Control object in your game frame.
4. Create an event to resize X and Y dimensions.or... you could perform steps 1 and 2 and also tick the "Maximized on boot-up" box for fullscreen.
or... you could use the Ultimate Fullscreen widget/object:
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Maybe this will be useful?
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No guarantees, but I think these might be what you are looking for...
Isometric Grid Object:
Please login to see this link.Layer Object:
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Maybe this will help?
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That is odd. It seems to work correctly if the animation is set to loop and is forced to stop in an event rather than when the animation plays through.
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Try this one:
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I made this tonight. I don't know if it will help you at all:
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Here is the one I made for you last night in the chatroom: Please login to see this link.
Mr. A made file association easy in Multimedia Fusion 2. I imagine it probably still works with Fusion, but I haven't tested.
Please login to see this link. - Mr. AThe links in the release thread are password protected, but Nivram has archived the widget here:
Please login to see this link. - Nivram's MMF2 Examples
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Your animation is a single frame and is not set to loop. The second event is immediate, so when the animation flips back to the previous animation, it is working correctly.
I believe the reason why the first event causes the animation to stick is that the action is constant - that is, while the mouse is over the object it is constantly signalling for the animation to change and the animation eventually sticks.
I ran a quick test:
I grabbed a large image from Google, created a new .mfa, and pasted it into 10 frames as a non-global active object.
Then I created a new .mfa and pasted the image into 10 frames as a global active object.
The resulting .exe files are identical in size, but the .exe with the global active compiled faster.
I created a 3rd .mfa and pasted the image into a single frame as a nonglobal active. The resulting file was identical in size to the first two.