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Is it possible (no strike that, I'm sure its possible)...
I want to create multiple objects based on the value of a variable. So if the variable is 3, three objects are created.
Can anyone guide me in the right direction?
UPDATE: I think I have it. I need a 2nd variable equal to the first. Each time an object is created, reduce the second variable by 1. Only have it create object if variable 2 is greater than 0.
I have three conditions that must be true in order for an event to occur; Global value a (experience points) greater than 10 Global value b (level) equals 1 Button (upgrade) is clicked
Global value a greater than 20 Global value b equals 2 Button is clicked
The problem is, if Global value a is greater than 20 and Global value b equals 1 the second set takes place, even though value b does NOT equal 2.
Any ideas why? Is there an easy fix or do I have to hack my way around it?
Thanks Jacob, but doesn't that give it a range of 90 deg (min) to 270 deg (max)? That's the opposite of what I'm trying for. I need from 0-90 and also 270-360. Maybe I just don't understand, so I'll try what you posted. =)
I'm using the atan2 event for 360 degree player rotation. As it turns out, 90 deg is straight up, 0 deg is straight right, 270 deg is straight down, and 180 deg is straight left.
My Player is on the left side of the frame, so I only want it to face up/right/down. Is there a way to limit the angles to less than 90 and/or greater than 270?
You could have Harry simply crash into the farmer's airplane over and over until crashes. Put a helmet on Harry and make the plane an old beat up junker.
Thanks LB, but I don't follow the math. Using your formula 'Random(y+1)+(y-x)' if x (lower) is 10 and y (upper) is 390, then I get Random(390+1) + (390-10) which works out to Random(391) + 380.
I get it though. 0-399 is what I was looking for. Thanks! Turns out Random(380) + 10 is close enough for my needs.
Ahhh, nice. Single fire. Great idea. I also thought about limiting ammunition. If a player only has 100 arrows and knows 80 enemies are coming, they may click slower.
I have an archer shooting an arrow. When mouse left-clicks, it changes the archer animation to Launching which is four frames. If I left-click really really fast, the animation can't keep up and it will 'freeze' stuck on animation frame 4. I realize this isn't a 'bug', its user error, so to alleviate this I have a Timer event Every 3 Seconds Restore Animation Sequence.
I'm wondering if it would be better to say On Mouse Left-Click Restore Animation instead of using the Timer.
infinitum3d, could you expand on this last one? I'm trying to figure this same issue out, making the arrow tip face the mouse position
In my Arrow properties, I set up an Alterable value named inFlight, and set its value to 0. I then set up a Behavior (event) for the arrow.
My New Condition is "User clicks with left mouse button" AND "inFlight of Arrow = 0"
Then under the arrow I set the result to "set Angle to angle of (Archer)" AND "set inFlight to 1"
So now when the user clicks the left mouse button If the arrow is NOT in flight, it rotates to the same angle as the archer, but if it IS in flight (meaning inFlight is set to 1) then it no longer rotates, it just continues on.
If you need better explanations post again. I sent this from my mobile phone.
Wow! That's brilliant! I never thought of that, but its exactly what I need. So you use Strings as Labels. This makes it alot more like Visual Basic, which I'm somewhat familiar with.