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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
When you send a get request which return something and, due to internet slow speed, get request is pending (and will probably not be effective), if you try exiting the current frame (jump to another frame or quit the application), it freeze for about 30 sec then do the expected end.
Hello I have the same kind of problem, physic havnt the same bahavior under android than under windows. I have posted but the problem isn't fixed at all...
Please test the .mfa under your pc and the .apk under your android device so you could confirm this problem.
My post: Please login to see this link.
.mfa : Please login to see this link. .apk : Please login to see this link.
Hi clicker. Hem what do you want exactly ? I have maybe not well understand but it seems you want a complete tutorial and why not a ready-to-use game ^^'
I never heard about multiplayer games using the Get Object, what about (if it's released on iOS) Lacewing ?
Box2D.. You mean the new physicals objects of CF2.5 ? If I remenber well it should be some tutorials on the forums.
Bonsoir, Voilà le .mfa et l'APK. Je ne les ai pas modifiés depuis le test qui s'est soldé par un dérèglement de la physique sous Android par rapport à celle du PC (Test sur un Galaxy Ace, dites-moi si vous constatez de tels bugs sur vos appareils.. Please login to see this attachment. Please login to see this attachment.
Toutefois sur Android les frictions ne semblent pas être les mêmes que sous Windows, et semblent moindres. C'est embêtant car je souhaite réaliser un jeu de type motocross d'où l'importance d'avoir des comportements physiques similaires sur PC et sur smartphone.. A quoi est-ce dû ?
Ok thank you This technique works very well.
However on Android friction does not seem to be the same as in Windows, and seem smaller. It's annoying because I want to make a motocross game from where the importance of having similar physical behavior on PC and smartphone .. What is this due?
Hello, I have a question. In my app I have a circle with static physic movement. In the condition editor I have:
-while left pressed -> Circle -> Set Angle Velocity-> Set PVelocityAngle( "Circle" ) + 1 -while right pressed -> Circle -> Set Angle Velocity-> (-1)*PVelocityAngle( "Circle" ) - 1
The left works, the circle rotate and go to the left.
But with the right it's strange. Sometimes it rotate at full speed and sometimes it it almost no rotate..
It's not very difficult. Your .php file point to your Mysql database. In your Mysql database you have at least 2 columns which are your one-time-use promo codes, and a number (for example 0 if the code has not been used yet, and 1 when it have been.)
Then in your app with GET object you send to the .php the one-time-code the user want to validate. Configure the .php to send the second column, so the activation state.
Screenshot of the computer Please login to see this attachment. Screenshot of the samsung galaxy ace Please login to see this attachment. mfa:Please login to see this attachment. Its a basic physic test i have made for android.
Pour les non français: Anyone know how to do a stream from a webcam ? I know there Opencapture the object that handles the webcam, but it and can send real-time video stream much like skype?
Quelqu'un saurait comment faire cela ? Je sais qu'il existe l'objet Opencapture qui gère la webcam, mais et-il possible d'envoyer en temps réel le flux vidéo un peu comme sur skype ?
Les jeux Windows Phone 8, c'est la même chose que les applis Windows 8 ? Et si c'est le cas, Windows Store demande de tester l'appli avec Visual Studio, or pour cela il faut utiliser certains types de languages bien définis, évidemment pas du code MMF2...
Connais-tu des développeur utilisant MMF2 qui ont mis des apps sur le Windows Store, si oui lesquelles ?