Wow ! Déja merci pour ta réactivité ! Et effectivement ça semble tellement logique maintenant haha !
Merci beaucoup
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Open a TicketWow ! Déja merci pour ta réactivité ! Et effectivement ça semble tellement logique maintenant haha !
Merci beaucoup
Hello everyone,
I'm currently trying to get a "ball" launches when you drag and hold the left mouse button to get an impulse force AND an angle to drive the ball movement when the mouse is released.
Right now, I've been able to create the drag and hold fonction and get my actual impulse force and an angle for the launching. BUT ! My ball is launches in the precise angle while I would like to launch it in the opposite angle.
Here's a quick video to show you how it looks now
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As you can see. I would like my ball to get to the other active object right on top of it (like my second lauch). i've tried to add * -1 to my angle value but the X angle is still wrong while to Y is solved.
Here the mfa : Please login to see this attachment.
Do you know a work arount to this ?
Thank you very much for your time
PS : sorry my english may be bad !
Guys you are brilliant ! Haha thank you so much I'll implement that today !
Hi guys ! Hope your good after this Game Of Thrones finale Haha
I would like to implement ennemis on my game !
I tried to code them with a PLATFORM MOVEMENT OBJECT directly on a behavior pour my ennemis !
It's working great until the second ennemi spawn...
When the 2nd ennemi spawn, the first one dosen't move at all
I guess PMO isn't working for multiple instances and I've looking for old thread but havn't find what I'm looking for
So guys is there a way for making multiple ennemis with PMO ? If not how do you guys do it ?
Thank you very much
Yep it take care indeed ! You work with Unity ?
Oh ! Seing your code helped me understand that my left and right sensors stopped my Player before the actual PLAYER object (blue rectangle) collide with the obstacle !
Haha Idiot mistake ! Thank you for your help DaveC
Hi everyone ! Hope you're well today !
I'm wondering how can I properly make my PLAYER walking on an diagonal obstacle...
I'm using the Platform Mouvement Object which is quit good actualy ! But I told myself "Man would be cool for level designing to add some diagonal ground". So I tested out.. Well it's work but only on small distance and in high speed.
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Do you already get stuck on that question ? Do you came up with a solution ?
Thank you have a nice day folks !
Man this is brilliant I'm an idiot I did not put the sensor position on the loop !
Before you reply I tried the Platform Mouvement Object which is quit good actualy... I'll try both solution and see what's work best for me.
Thank you so much for the help man
Hi guys ! How you doing ?
I'm making a platform engine for my new project ! In order to get proper pixel collisions detection, I'm making the X movement system through a Fast Loop called "move_left" (for left side) and "move_right" (for right side).
But I also want to get sort of a deceleration of the speed when I release the joystick
My "PLAYER" object have an alterable value called "X_SPEED".
On loop "move_left" + "X_SPEED" is lower than -4 (the maximum speed) On loop "move_left" + When I release the Joystic On loop "deccel_left" + "X_SPEED" is lower than 0 (so you still have some speed to decelerate) Until "X_SPEED" = 0 and stop both loops "move_left" and "deccel_left"
When I'm pressing Left + My "left_sensor" isn't overlapping any backdrop
Start loop "move_left"
sub 0.1 to "X_SPEED"
Stop loop "move_left" + Start loop "deccel_left" (deceleration)
add 0.1 to "X_SPEED"
"sensor_left" is overlapping a backdrop the stop both loops as well
I did the same thing for right side of the movement
But here is my issue !
When my sensor_left is overlapping a backdrop the "move_left" loop is shut down correctly but my PLAYER is doing anyway the deceleration thing like if the "deccel_left" loop has not been shutting down...
So my PLAYER is still moving left and don't stop where the collision should be
Don't know if I was clear enough for you ! If you want I can send you the file.
I would higly appreciate your help guys !
Thank for your time
Bonsoir Xenon !
Merci pour la réponse ! J'vais le faire de façon "tricky" du coup
Merci à toi
Bonjour à tous,
Je me tourne aujourd'hui vers vous car je suis confronté à un soucis.
Avec l'extension SWF, j'aimerai créer des "boutons animés" pour mon site internet. Mais pour rendre le tout jolie, j'aimerai rendre la frame transparente pour l'intégration du bouton au site...
Pouvez-vous me filer un petit coup de main les gars please !
Pour info mon problème s'est résolu avec le dernier correctif Flash.
Can someone help me ?
Hi !
I'm making a Endless Runner game's style ! I add a counter object for the score ! It was working perfectly until I change the "numbers pictures" When I launch my game in flash my level is totally blank.
I need help please
Hi I got this message
"Clickteam Fusion 2.5 SWF Exporter has not been totally installed because of the following reason:
The server is busy, please try again later.
You will have to run this utility again to completely install Clickteam Fusion 2.5 SWF Exporter."
S'il vous plaît ? ...
Hello everyone !
I made a endless runner game style with the Flash exporter. My game was running great but one day when I launch the SWF I only saw the title scene and when I click "Play" the game began .... blank.... White ! Like the application doesn't load properly ! I use Clickteam Fusion 2.5
Can someone help me ? with this ?
Salut j'ai résolu ce problème en l'intégrant dans une page HTML. Mais j'ai un nouveau soucis
Jusque ici le jeu tournai très bien sous flash... Mais d'un coup mon application reste blanche. Même en ouvrant le SWF directement du navigateur je vois le menu principal de mon jeu mais quand je clique sur "jouer" l'application devient blanche comme si mon niveau ne se chargeait pas.
Pouvez-vous m'aider ?
Thank you =D !
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)