Is Fusion 2.5+ gonna be available in Mac?
I would like to know this as well
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Open a TicketIs Fusion 2.5+ gonna be available in Mac?
I would like to know this as well
Joining patreon at clicker level (or higher) = instant beta access?
Does the beta work with the mac version of CF2.5 Developer?
Hello! Just popping in to wish the CF3 dev team a Happy Halloween!
So I decided to once again try to make something with CF2.5 but keep getting stumped by what should be very easy to do.
I have an active object and at start of frame I want to set one of its variables to randomly be -1 or 1 but I can't find a way to do this.
Why is there no "choose(x1, x2, x3....) function?
The reason why I asked about a "proper" mac version of CF3 was that the mac version of CF2.5 (trial version) took veery long to start and ran slow and sluggish when I tested it on my Macbook pro 2017. Other game creation softwares mac version (native, not wine) runs without similar problems but as I'm sure you understand, I would prefer to use CF.
Well if not I think I'll prefer to run it on a bootcamp install of Windows 10... or I could just keep a pc around So it is not exactly a dealbreaker.
So I'm in the process of migrating to mac (just waiting to see if they refresh the iMac this year before buying) and today I tried the mac version (free edition) on my macbook pro and discovered that it is actually just the windows version in a wine package. Will there be a proper mac version of CF3?
Just wanted to ask how long the 50% off on pro membership offer will last? I have some funds incoming mid september (I'll probably buy it then anyway but there's no hurt in asking)
Ok, just one more question
So I have the CF2.5 developer license but never really got around to learn and use it. If I get started now, will it help when it is time for CF3 or will there be many differences making it like starting all over again?
Will Firefly work with CF3?
I have CF3 on the top of my christmas wishlist
I did send a request using the upgrade request page a day or two after I started this thread but theres has been no response. Never mind I'll wait and see what F3 brings before spending any money.
So right now I own PC-version of CF2.5 dev and exporters for iOS and Android.
If I want the installers for my iMac will that cost extra? if so how much? Should I wait
for CF3 and buy the mac version of that then instead?
So until the results of completed negotiations with Nintendo are announced, I will assume that the answer to both questions is a clear NO.
So will there be a Swtch exporter for F3 or not?
Every time someone from clickteam talks about it it's like "potential" or "hopefully.." and so on.
Just give 2 straight answers:
Switch exporter for F2.5? Yes/No?
Switch exporter for F3? Yes/No?
Looks fantastic and oh could I really use it but right now I'm saving up to upgrade my developer license and exporters when CF3 arrives.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)