Posts by gagegage926

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Great tutorial. I am having a small issue with it taking forever to connect to that darkwire server you showed. I have great internet speed so I know its not on my end. Could it be the server or something I messed up? It is very hit or miss. Sometimes its instant other times it wont load at all.

    Could you show how to set up our own server to use?

    I would also like to know if there is a way to make an account like a moderator. So if needed you can kik people from that chat. Or if its possible to send different text colors.

    Thanks sparkman for all the great tutorials!

    Hello! I am currently working on a small android application, and am having a small issues. I havent used the EditBox much so have been playing around with it. I want to have the player input a character name, but I want the name to be 16 characters/numbers exactly. Not under or over 16. I know you can limit the amount how many characters you can place in the editbox with the limit feature. But that only stops it at 16. They cant still put under 16.

    So basically I need to somehow make it to when the amount of characters and numbers in the edit box hits 16 it makes an active object appear knowing they can set there name.

    Any suggestions?

    Sorry if its a bit unclear.


    Okay so have spent quite some time working on an app, tearing apart tons of examples from the guides section and finally finished my app! Just for fun, and the learning experience I wanted to try to monetize the app with Chartboost. I have two frames in my app. The chartboost frame, and the game frame. On the start of the application the I have it load the chartboost frame, and its supposed to start the ad, but its just a blank screen. Nothing pops up. I am guessing it has something to do with how I have it set up.
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    Thats a screenshot of what it is currently doing. I have the application ID and signature right I have checked that 3-4 times already. I tried basing this off Sparkmans GemCube tutorial but I must be doing something wrong.

    Any help would be great, thanks in advance! :)

    So I am building a simple Android space game. I am having issues with the movement. I would like to be able to tape somewhere on the screen the the player glide to that point of the screen, and if the person were to move there touch the players ship would adjust and follow.

    So was guessing I would need the touch object, and the easing object but so far all I have tried either makes it just go to the one point and stay until there is another tap on the screen (it wont follow the drags) or it teleports to the click.

    any help would be great! I am using the touch object, and the easing object. (felt like that would be helpful to know)

    Sweet thanks Danworth, and Macca02. I have some coding experience (mainly C, Arduino, and some extremely basic JavaScript.) I have been reading quite a few examples and playing with them. Going to take awhile of messing around with the array object but I should be able to get it.

    Thanks for the tons of help guys!

    Thanks Danworth I will talk to her about it next time I see her. Until then I would still like to get some work done one the one I am making incase the one you suggested isnt what they are looking for.

    Would you or KLiK-iT have any suggestions on how I should go about all of this?

    Okay this may be kinda sorta long, but I need help. I am a second year engineering student at my school. We are fairly big into basketball and our games are usually packed. at our concession stands our the students do the math in there head, and they have a hard time keeping inventory. My engineering teacher asked if I could possibly build an app solving this issue (using android).

    The first thing I thought of was ShopKeep (a POS system on an iPad that my moms store uses (Please login to see this link. )) We discussed a general layout on how she would like it setup. we only accept cash at the basketball games so I don't have to deal with credit cards and stuff.

    So I need the app to do a few things. When an item(s) is clicked display those item(s) in a tab on the right of the screen labeled checkout, and then to add them up for a total amount due. I need to be able to display lots of items on the screen so the ability to scroll threw items or pages of items. The ability for the person taking stock to see how many were sold at the end of the night to subtract that from there stock paper. And the price of each item, and ability to change that if needed.

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    (kinda the layout I am aiming for (this was done in photoshop) The cash screen would be where the student would enter in the $ amount the person handed them and it would show them there change, and then pop back into the main screen.

    The items sold screen would show the stock person the number of items sold, that game (and maybe total money made that day if that's possible)
    and at the end of the day after all of the stock has been taken there be a button that would wipe the numbers from that day so it would be clean for the next game.

    I will do the graphics and make it pretty but first issue is getting a working app. Any help would be amazing! This isnt an assigment so there is no due date. She would like it done soonish though before our larger tournaments.

    Thank you

    Okay so I have been working on and off on this app for a while. Thought it would be cool for in the back ground of the menu to have the game played by a robot. Worked fine on the PC while testing it. After exporting apk though it would crash the app. Not to sure how to go about fixing it though.

    I am also kinda having a writers block. I am not to sure what I need to add to the app. I also am not sure what kind of sounds I should put into it. I know I need to put some sounds into the app. The graphics are not done yet. I plan on slightly blurring all everything a bit like to match the paddle, balls, and pause button. I also need to change the backdrop because I didn't make it I just randomly dropped it in there as a filler for now.

    Would love if someone could help with the menu issue, and if you had time would love it if you can maybe change anything that you see wrong or if there is a better way to do something. Would love to team up with someone on this app!

    I will throw the file on my Google drive.

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    Thanks for any help you can give!