Dude -
I think that might just do the trick! Thank you!
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I think that might just do the trick! Thank you!
Hello Everyone-
Does anyone know if there is a way to receive signals from an RS232 port into fusion?
We are currently working on a project for a donation kiosk at a museum, and I would like to connect an arcade style bill validator to the system, but I'm not sure if there's a way to receive signals from it. The bill acceptor does Pulse, RS232, CCNET, and MDB in terms of interfacing, but finding manuals on how any of those work has been a horrible experience. (There are no manuals for this stuff anywhere!) I think if I could get a signal from the RS232, I could make it work.
I'm looking into using the ICT L70 unit. **EDIT** May use Pyramid Apex 7600-SN1-USA
The client wants a system where a patron can walk up to the kiosk, enter a name and an email, and get a virtual donation placard that displays on the screen. We have a way of getting the information back out of an OBDC database so that the director of the museum can set up mailing lists and automatic thank-you letters of donors who opt-in at the kiosk. It's just getting the data on how much money they put in from the validator. The idea is they can't enter the data unless money is put into the system. (Think of it like the world's most boring arcade game.)
I've heard of people doing arcade style applications with fusion. Anyone have any suggestions?
I'm at a loss, and I have a cabinet manufacturer needing to know which bill validator system I'm using.
Thanks in advance for any input on this.
I recompiled the program and ran the program through Virus total and I popped a 4/60. CrowdStrike Falcon: malicious_confidence_79% (D). Endgame: malicious (moderate confidence). Invincea: heuristic. Rising: Malware.Obscure/Heur!1.A89E (classic). I use Webroot, and it's never picked up a virus with any of these. Malwarebytes isn't finding one either with the new compile or the test application I'm using.
I created a new exe from scratch, just file > New Project and compiled an EXE. Same results.
It's actually coming up in several other applications exported by Clickteam Fusion, not just the one with the plugin. And it's only fusion exe's. Are there viruses out there that target fusion apps only? Or is there something in the build that's bringing up a false positive -- maybe because a previous app was infected and reported to Malwarebytes and anything made in Clicteam with that version pops because of the hueristics?
I'm at a loss.
Hello everyone-
A while back, I made a password encrypter/decrypter app for my company, so that we could store our client passwords on our project website in a salted form, copy and paste it into our app, and get the real password. Our graphic designer noticed that every once in a while a screen would pop up behind other apps, then close. She ran Malwarebytes and found that the exe file we made for the password app had Adware.VideoAbductor in it, and quarantined the app. If we start the app while malware bytes is running, it will automatically delete the app.
The only non-clickteam object we're running in the MFA file is Cypher Object (cypher.mfx) by Xinok. Website listed as Please login to see this link.
Can anyone else confirm the presence of the adware for us in this plugin? (I'm guessing it only shows up in built apps and files.) We know that the Adware IS active and not a false positive. We think that it's loading ads behind the scenes to generate revenue for someone, but we aren't sure.
On a side note: we have our unsalted passwords printed out and locked in an off-site safe for backup, and the project management site we use is protected by 2FA. We're not too worried about the loss of the software, it's more of a minor inconvenience at this point. We just want this to be on record and verified that it's the plugin and not something else.
Hey Fernando --
Wanted to touch base with you on this. I think we could swing the purchase of the android compiler to go with our non-steam version of fusion if we have to, just so we could get the newer builds. If there's an update queued for this already, let me know.
In Android settings, there is a place in "About this device" where you can set the name of your tablet. Is there a way to get this information into a CTF android app?
I tried the Android Object, and set a global string to "Name", and it doesn't return anything. I tried android plus, with the same name feature, and it returns "AndroidPlus" as the string. If this is not for the device name, what is it for?
I am on the steam version of CTF. Can I test a new runtime with this version, or will I have to wait for it to filter through steam. (Biggest mistake was buying it on steam...)
Thank you!
We're testing this now:
I made an app with two counters that generate a random number every 5 seconds. Then, it will send one of those numbers to Intent (outgoing): Add extra string "xCoord" = Str$(value("CounterX")), the other Intent (outgoing): Add extra string "yCoord" = Str$(value("CounterY")). Intent type is set to application/text, then Intent (outgoing): Start intent "android.intent.action.SENDTO" with URI "com.companyname.atlas"
I have my developer working on something that will display data received from intents as they are received. Is there any reason the above wouldn't work to send data across apps? This is just a test app for sending out from my app. Then, we will test the other way. I just need to know if theoretically this will work.
Hey Fernando -- can you give me an example of non-administrative intents?
Thanks for your reply!
Sorry to do this, but bump.
Maybe this will help, can anyone explain explicit intent in android apps and if it's possible through the android compiler?
Everything else on the app is coming up awesome.
I'm trying to understand how to use intents, both incoming and outgoing, for a practical application. There isn't much information on how to use this in CTF other than how to send the occasional thing to Facebook or via email.
We have a two part system. I have a developer working on an android service which needs to be able to send and receive data (strings and values) with the app that I'm making in CTF.
His service will be called com.(mycompanyname).atlas, and mine will be com.(mycompanyname).west. His app needs to be able to send mine coordinates from a bluetooth beacon system. All I need is the X and Y coords, and I can do the rest. He also needs to be able to send values which will be programmed by me to kill or pause the app, along with a string to alert users of why the app was shut down.
My app needs to be able to send strings and data to his service, so that it can forward information onto the "mothership". The idea is that we have 3 dozen tablets and one mothership, which can keep tabs on what the users are doing.
His service does a lot of the heavy lifting in terms of sending and receiving data around the deployment site. I just have to make my app talk to his using intent.
Right now, I'm building a test app which will do several things. (From there I should be able to figure out how to get what I need.)
These items need to be sent automatically and without user interaction. (EX: When the intent is sent, it does not pop up a window asking where the user should send it (like facebook, as a SMS to a contact, to clipboard, etc...) It should go automatically where it needs to go without any sort of visual notice to the user.)
What would be the best way to set this up?
Danworth, I tried what you suggested (used the first suggestion, and added a stop loop if it pops a positive result), and it stops, however, it faces the same issue that Wodjanoi mentioned. I found that if I reverse the loop find code to read like this:
It actually searches for the whole result in a word, rather than the other way around. I had the search backward.
Thank you so much for your help!
Here's the MFA file of how I have it set up. Caution, there are MANY bad words in the list, but that's what this whole thing is for. Also -- the screen size is 1920x1200, which is because it's being developed for a samsung tablet. I did remove all Android-specific plugins, and it's set as an EXE build type. Shouldn't have issues using it if you don't have the builder.
The keyboard is a background image with zones over it for the keys. If you can't see the keys, let me know and I'll upload the image, but it should be stored in the object, I think.
Please login to see this link.
Here's what we're doing: we have an interactive game where users enter their name. This will be in an educational setting, and you know how kids are -- we are required to have a profanity filter.
* We built a keyboard, so that there can be no spaces or special characters. They are limited to letters A-Z only.
* Keyboard has a 12 character limit. Each time they tap a key, the letter is added to a string object.
* When the button is clicked to enter the name, it's sent to another string field, and converted to lowercase. (Our list of swears is all in lower case.)
* We have a list object with ~400 swear words entered in.
* Start of frame, Alterable Value A of Button Object is set to -1
What we need it to do is to check the name, and see if someone has added a swear word anywhere in the text they entered. For instance, sirdamnit would flag just the same as damn, because the first one contains damn, which would be on the list. (Lame, but the tamest word I could use in the forum and not embarrass myself.)
Here's what I have that's not working:
* An event triggers a fast loop called "swears". It's set to loop the same number of times as the list has lines. In our case, roughly 400.
* On loop "swears" -- The alterable value A of an object is set to
* When Alterable Value A of the button object is >=0 -- play a sound. (It was just to see if it was catching it before I started adding in more stuff)
When I enter in "Lucie" -- it doesn't do anything, as expected. Alt. Val. A on button stays at -1, no sound.
When I enter in "Ass" (on the list) - it doesn't do anything either. Alt. Val A on button stays at -1, no sound. It should change the alt val to 0 and trigger the sound.
When I enter in a single letter, it sets the alt val A to something else entirely, like when I enter in "P", I get an alt val. A of 3, and it triggers the sound.
Can anyone help me with this?
Ok -- just a warning here:
I had a copy of the files Perry had given me, so it's a minor inconvenience, however when you run Studio, it pops up a warning that several things are out of date, and it runs an update. If it does this, it completely deletes everything in the tools directory and replaces it. It's back to 158 mb. Something to keep in mind, but what will we do about future updates?
Thank you for doing that for me. As I said, Google seems to be pushing Studio pretty hard, so it might be something for Android devs to keep on the radar.
Thanks again, Perry!
No strange characters in the app name. Also, I gave you everything that came out of the log. That is literally all it gives me. I'll upload the MFA. It's just a test file, but I need to have my dev environment ready to run so we can test some features from a separate API. I'll send this shortly.
Uninstalled and re-installed everything using default paths (no longer on another drive...). Checked the paths were right in fusion. Used the JAVA link you sent over, and I downloaded the exact same file thinking it might be something with the download. In the SDK, I only installed versions 23 and 24 of the Android SDK, as well as v. 23 and 24 of all the tools. Build still fails.
Error log:
Buildfile: C:\Users\TESSER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AndB4AC.tmp\build.xml
C:\Users\TESSER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AndB4AC.tmp\build.xml:84: Cannot find C:\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml imported from C:\Users\TESSER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AndB4AC.tmp\build.xml
Total time: 0 seconds
(If that's not the log you need, please let me know where I can find the one you want information from.)
EDIT: I looked in the c:\Android\android-sdk\tools folder, and there is no ant folder -- is that something the compiler adds as it's trying to build the program??
Thanks for the help, Perry!
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)