Posts by sroesner

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    New to PHP. Trying to alter Jeff's highscore script to update a record and thought I could replace the insert with an update statement. Doesn't work - is there something like "$insert_the_data" for updating a record?
    // Everything is cool -- Insert the data into the database
    $query = "UPDATE $tname
    SET Pretest1 = '$Pretest1_safe'
    ,GameScore1 = '$Gamescore1_safe'
    ,SpeedScore1A = '$SpeedScore1A_safe'
    ,SpeedScore1B = '$SpeedScore1B_safe'
    ,Posttest1 = '$Posstest1_safe'
    ,Pretest2 = '$Pretest2_safe'
    ,GameScore2 = '$Gamescore2_safe'
    ,SpeedScore2 = '$SpeedScore2_safe'
    ,Posttest2 = '$Posttest2_safe'
    ,Pretest3 = '$Pretest3_safe'
    ,GameScore3 = '$Gamescore3_safe'
    ,SpeedScore3 = '$SpeedScore3_safe'
    ,Posttest3 = '$Posttest3_safe'
    ,md5 = '$security_md5'
    WHERE PlayerName = '$PlayerName_safe'";

    $insert_the_data = mysql_query($query)or die(mysql_error());

    I have gone through all of the MySQL tutorials. I understand how to fetch data from the database into fusion to display and edit data within the database on the Webhost. I don't want the students to enter their scores on the screen. When the last frame of the game ends, I need it to save the player's name and scores directly to the database. Since I already had my ini files saving data, I have tried just saving the player name from the ini file to the database, but I am not having any luck. Is there any way you could post an example mfa?

    You are so nice, and I truly appreciate your time! The people on this forum are wonderful. I'm so sorry I'm not communicating very well. Say you have a class of third graders playing the game on iPads. Johnny, Susie, and Mike are using IPad 1. Emma is using IPad2. Is there a way for Susie to continue the game by selecting her name from a list and having it load all of her scores. When Johnny gets the same iPad he can get into his game where he left off by choosing his name from the list. Emma does the same on iPad2. Then the teacher could select names from the list to see the scores of all of the students played on any iPad. I saw something about creating individual ini files for each student? I was hoping there was a way to store all of the kids' data maybe in groups or arrays into one file. It is a multiplication game where I need to store their pretest and posttest info to see if the game makes a difference.

    Doesn't look like the easy load and save system solves my issue about saving data from multiple users on the same device, i.e. player 2 data overwrites player 1 data. My ini is saving the data just fine when a player continues his own game. I saw something about the game center object - is that where you save groups of data so that player 1 can select his data to load from the list of players?

    I think I probably described it the wrong way. I currently have it saving all the data for one student in an ini file. I need it to save the data for multiple students in one file. So, for example, two students in the same class or household log onto the website to play the game. Currently, when the second student logs on, he will overwrite all of the data from the first student. If there is a way to save the data for both students in the same file, then, when the second student logs onto play, he will select his name from the list. It will retrieve the data from the last time he played and let him continue where he left off adding to his previous scores.

    I love your tutorials!! I am a newbie writing a children's learning game for a master's degree so this is probably a stupid question. I was using an ini file to save the student's data - player name, score on Pretest, Game 1, etc. I have it saving one student's data so that he can continue on in the games. I don't understand how to save multiple student data in one ini file? I need to do a beta test this weekend, and I need them to be able to log into the game on a website from an ipad, and have it store their data to do a summative evaluation on the game and its effect on their performance. I thought maybe I could store multiple arrays in one file? I'm just not sure how ;)

    I would love you forever if you could! :D I've tried doing the touch detectors all different ways, setting global values on and off to distinguish the cursor from the button. Nothing works. This is the first program I've tried to write, so I'm totally new at this. Please don't judge my code too harshly ;)

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    I am brand new to clickteam fusion 2.5. I am writing a multiplication game in HTML5 that uses the Multiple Touch slingshot from an earlier post on here that gave the example blankframe.mfa. It picks up the touch on the cursor, but when I add an OK button, it does the events as if I've touched the cursor again. I tried using the LastNewTouch = 0 for the cursor and = 1 for the button along with the touch detectors, but nothing works. I'm doing it for a masters degree project and running out of time. I can have the slingshot ball collide with something to do the events for the ok button if I get too desperate, but I would really like it to work. Any help would be very much appreciated. The IOS:wait for a touch box is checked also if that makes a difference. I was wondering if there is some setting for HTML5 to recognize multi-touch that I'm not doing maybe?