Thats what I thought too, but in previous scrapped projects I have, where this worked just fine, the height is still set to 0 for some reason.
I'm starting to think my copy of fusion might just be corrupted somewhere.
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Open a TicketThats what I thought too, but in previous scrapped projects I have, where this worked just fine, the height is still set to 0 for some reason.
I'm starting to think my copy of fusion might just be corrupted somewhere.
My ini currently has hundreds of lines in it, so thats not the issue.
It doesn't seem exclusive to this .MFA. I tried it in some of my scrapped projects as well as created a new one specificly to test this and got the same result.
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All you need to do is press Enter to change the alterable string. Ignore that the text itself will be blank after you press enter, you can still see the text's height jump to 0 in the debugger, and manually inserting text from the debugger won't work either.
I have no idea what the heck is going on here.
I have absolutely no commands on this string except Set Alterable String to GroupItemString$("My_Ini", "TEXT", Str$(Value(Alterable_value_of_Active"))).
Yet for some reason whenever I use that, it sets the high of my string to 0 andit can't be seen.
It only happens when I try to set it to a string in an INI, if I just set it to "Hello" or something it works just fine.
Any ideas why this is?
Didn't even realize the edit box was a thing. It works perfectly for what I need, thank you!
So this doesn't need to be anything fancy, it's would just be used as a debuging thing. But is there any way to alter a string via a text box? I know there's the debugger that runs when playing through the scene editor but I mean something like, you click an object or area in the game, and a text box pops up to alter a specified string? It'd be a bit easier than shifting through all my alterable strings for the right one in the debugger.
I just use an alt value, 0 or 1. (in some cases, 1 and anything else)
Did not know this!
Though I still think the search option would be better for bigger, even massive projects. I often have groups within groups within groups within groups within groups within...
I get lost in my own code sometimes.
its 100% redundant. you can now deactivate single lines, not only groups. so the theory of seeing events you dont want to delete is shot to pieces. you can do that without using NEVER.
having said that - its not harming anyone being there.
BUT, Unlike simply activating/deactivating lines, you can search for events using the "never" condition. So thats ONE advantage
I use Never for debugging stuff.
Step 1: Create an event to test out a feature
Step 2: When you no longer need that event, I put in the Never
Step 3: Leave that there in case I ever need to test that out again, remove the never status when I do.
SUPER helpful.
Okay, let me get as much detail as In can in here.
So for this game I'm making, I have a cutscene engine going on. This engine is built to take both the text and cutscene script from two separate INI files and execute them in realtime. This lets me use the same programming set for multiple scenes.
I have the first file build to house all the en game text, like so:
0=!!!ERROR!!! NO TEXT ID SET (This is used in case I make a mistake, if I don't tell the game a line to pull, it defaults to this)
68=Hello! My name is Bob!
69=Yes yes, we all know what goes here.
70=I need your help! Some rotten thief stole my Apples!
71=And it was probably my STUPID neighbor, Steve the JERK!
72=Go get my Apples back! Oh, and if somehow, Steve dissapeared...
73=...that would be an absolutely TERRIBLE thing, *nudge, nudge*
The Second INI, with help from a value in the engine, tells the scene what lines to pull for the textbox, like so:
The first INI is being red without any problems. The second one however, is not.
When I start the scene, the first line, number 68, is read just fine, and displays properly. However upon advancing the scene, the game stops reading the second INI, and starts defaulting to line 0, completely breaking the scene and making it unprogressable.
The weird thing is, about 10% of the time, it works fine. Whether or not it will properly read seems to be chance, this is completely unacceptable.
Any idea on what might be going wrong, here?
If you can't figure that out, I have this setup in my current project
Have a value that determines the room (I call mine "ROOMID" and keep it in a global active with other system values)
Store the programming in every room in separate groups, that are set to activate when ROOMID equals it's value, and DEactivate when there's a room change.
Hey there! This is more for future reference thn anything but is there any possibility that Fusion games can be made to read files packed in archives?
I like to use external files in my programs. A LOT. To me it adds for flexability for the program itself. So I was hoping I could make an archive of all the files the program would need, like a DATA.RAR or something and for the program to pull all the files it needs from that, instead of having just the raw files right there, easily accessable to everyone.
Alternatively, how about a fake EXE like what Undertale uses? Like, the EXE itself is an archive, with another EXE thats the actual game and the external files inside it, but the archive itself ACTS like it's the EXE? I dunno how to explain that. I know Undertale was made using a completely different engine but hopefully something similar can be used.
Thanks for the help guys!
I can't remember where the original is so if anyone wants to post the source feel free.
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Hi there! New question of the day for y'all.
So when my frame is loaded, an active picture is loaded and is 177x200 in size, with the hotspot set set the bottom right. Like so:
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Under certain conditions, the image changes to one that is smaller in width, 90x200.
The hotspot is still in the bottom right, so you would expect the new image to display like this:
Please login to see this attachment.
However, it instead displays like this:
Please login to see this attachment.
I also get this problem when switching to a BIGGER image. When switching from an initial 90x200 image to the 177x200 image, it displays like this:
Please login to see this attachment.
I've tried the sizing options in the object but it's no good, I can't seem to figure out what causes this. Any ideas?
Took me a few months of futzing with the free version to decide it'll work for me. No worries about taking so long. Got my own ATB style RPG goin already so I can certaily understand how you're feeling.
Ah, yeah, I typed that wrong, that is how it's config'd in the code. My bad.
But yep! It's working properly now. Thanks a bunch guys!
Wait, I have the Altval(Active) + 20 in Parentheses, so should't it me more like 96 * 32 / 16?
Well regardless, adding the .0 worked. I'm not sure HOW that even makes a difference, but comparing a 12 and a 13 running at once, they now seem to be running at different paces.
Thanks for the help!
:Edit: Ooooh, so it wasn't using decimals and thus rounding it to the same numbers? And adding the .0 forced fusion use decimals and NOT round it up? That makes sense, I didn't know Fusion acted that way. Great to know, thanks for the help!
Hi there. I seem to be having an issue with my counters, they don't seem to be adding to the proper amounts per add.
My current expression to add for each counter is:
Always > Add ( 96 * ( (Altval("Active")) ) + 20 ) / 16 )
The red value can change defending on least it should. But it doesn't seem to unless it's a VERY large difference. Lets say that on two counters that use this, the altval is 12. By the above expression, that means the counters should add 192 per frame. If it were 13, than 198 per frame. 14=204, 15=210, and so on.
But it's not doing this. It seems to be adding the same amount for a large amount of values. When one counter is set to 12 (192 per frame), and another counter set to 13 (198 per frame) it adds the same amount, and it keeps doing this until I change the second value to 28.
I get the same results on values 0 to 11, and higher values as well, and I'm not sure what exactly is going on to cause this.
any ideas?
Darn it, I was afraid if that. Using qualifiers has given me problems in the past, so I was trying to avoid them.
Oh well, thanks for the reply, I'll give it a shot and see if it works better this time.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)