yeah I'm not English so thats all I can explain, I used the global variable too ,but I didnt set it to 2, now this example showed me how to do it exactly what I want ,thank you very much ,your great!;)
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yeah I'm not English so thats all I can explain, I used the global variable too ,but I didnt set it to 2, now this example showed me how to do it exactly what I want ,thank you very much ,your great!;)
Hi guys,I have a problem about the movement,say when I have a game with 3 platforms, 1 top 1 middle 1 bottom, and im starting at top, when I go down to middle , I click down arrow, and I wanna go to the bottom one,u can't click down arrow again,how can I click the down arrow again to make it go to the bottom one, and click up arrow go to the middle one ,and click again go to the top one? any help will be appreciated! thanks.
Hello guys, I know there are alot of you guys already released games on apple app stores, I would like to know how the ads work when your games get played, is apple store put the ads in automatically ? or you need to agree on something to put ads in your game? thank you
thanks for the help guys ,very appreciated!
Hello everyone ,I just bought the ios exporter ,and the app store licence , I wonder how can I test my game with iphone before I release it ? thank you for all you guys help~
do I have to say created with clickteam fusion? or just a logo image is enough? thanks XD
so all I need just to put their logo in my game ? can I draw their logo myself? or have to copy paste their logo? xD
Hello everyone, I just finished a game , I wonder how can I put my game in app store ,google + ? what shall I need to publish my game with standard version? thank you !
I want a menu before the game starts, I got a pause menu example ,yeah hope somebody can help me with this.
Hello, everyone ,I'm using sub-application to make a menu screen in my game frame,can you guys show me where I can pause the game play before I click the menu screen? my game runs before I click the start game menu ,pls help ~~
Thanks for the tutorial xD ;D
Hello, guys, I'm trying to make a game like swing copter ,I used platform object movement to my player and i set jump whenver I press spacebar, now I get stuck ,I can only go up and down whenever i press spacebar I cant go left and right ,how can I fix this problem?
Hello guys, I wonder where I can change names of alterable value ,thank you very much !
thank you very much ;D
Hello ,everyone, I'm new to this place and this software, I would like to ask a question:I have 3 objects, I would like every 6 secs, 1 of the 3 objects spawn at the same place,every time it randoms. how can I do this ,thank you very much if anyone could help
Hello everyone I 'm new here how can I post threads, sry to bother anyone .
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)