I don't see an option for that. It says:
Set Joystick X coordinate
Set Joystick y coordinate
Set joystick position
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Open a TicketI don't see an option for that. It says:
Set Joystick X coordinate
Set Joystick y coordinate
Set joystick position
I have tried using the events that allow you to move the touch joystick to a different coordinate using events, but they do absolutely nothing and the joystick does not move from the bottom right corner (where it is defaulty positioned)
Now that I have added ads to the game should I check Yes or No on this when submitting the app? Please login to see this link.
What question?
I asked if you wanted me to look at your project, then PM me a link with the Xcode project.I have no problems, so you are doing something not correctly.
Ok, I'll send you the files when I get home from school today.
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I have all of the files on a flash drive.
If your still having the same issue Kritter, send me a PM with your Xcode project from the mac with everything in it, so i can take a look if you want
Does it matter whether I send the files from the Mac or the Windows computer?
Sorry for the late response
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I don't understand.
There is nothing that you need to add in Xcode.
Just export the IOS file. Import in Xcode. Add Chartboost. Compile... DoneDon't use those steps. it's all inside the Chartboost object already.
So I don't have to do the SDK steps in xCode if I use Fusion?
(I still got the same error either way)
I just added the security.framework and I get the same error D:<
If you mean the Chartboost framework, what I did is I clicked add framework, and then selected other, and added the Chartboost framework file I downloaded. I don't know if I did check off copy files if needed but I will check when I get home.
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Btw, I had unzipped everything on the Mac from the start
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I think it might be Bitcode compatible now, but in the beginning it wasn't.
you can try skipping it for now, and just add the 1 framework that's missing and do a clear and compile..
Is there a way I can just download the Chartboost/Chartboost.h file from the internet and then put it into Xcode?
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What security framework and also it won't let me add a build setting
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I was wondering if any Admins could grant me a username change, as there is no option for it. Thanks.
The Chartboost object is up to date.
I am using Clickteam Fusion 2.5 build R287.9 with the Chartboost object
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Here are all of the frameworks Please login to see this picture.
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I still get the same error after following the SDK guide. It can't find Chartboost/Charboost.h
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Please login to see this picture.
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Sorry I've been busy I think I'll try it later today
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Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)