Posts by DrPumpkinz

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    I went to edit an event that works perfectly fine and suddenly there's too many open brackets, even though there seems to be the correct amount of open brackets. I've been occasionally getting bracket errors on things that seem to have the correct amount of brackets, but this is the first time it's happened when going into an already-existing event that I know for sure still works.

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    So I had the idea to store dialogue in hidden lists since they seemed like they'd be easy for me to edit mid-development, but the system I put in place to advance the dialogue doesn't work. There aren't many moving parts to it, just a list and a string, with these two events at their core:

    1. upon pressing Z, scroll to List Line Select("List)+1
    2. set alterable string to List Select$( "List" )

    The second event successfully sets the string to whatever the currently selected object in the list is, but the first event doesn't scroll the list and I don't know why.

    For the project I'm working on, I'd really like to be able to put stuff like collision and load zones in behaviors and global events so that I can just slap a qualifier and some alterable values on a wall and call it a day, but behaviors and global events don't allow using qualifiers, and trying to sneak them in via copy-paste gives an error message. Is there some other way to put a general case interaction in a behavior and/or global event, or am I going to have to repeat the code for collisions and load zones and whatnot in every frame?

    I want to load in an external spreadsheet in as an array for RPG monster stats and attacks and stuff, and I'm having trouble figuring out how. Preferably the spreadsheet stays as an external file, since I imagine that would make tweaking things during development much easier, plus as a bonus I think the player being able to go in and mod stuff is charming.

    So the game I'm making involves shifting window sizes (the framing device being the paper the game is on rotating, hence 8.5x11 aspect ratio) but for some reason the gameplay area keeps getting cut off, even though I'm setting the window size to the visible gameplay area. Or at least I'm pretty sure I am. Virtual frame size is the size of the visible gameplay area, yeah? The virtual and actual frame sizes of the two frames I've been testing with are identical so even if I'm wrong in that understanding I don't think that's the reason it's not working.

    Arrow keys to move, V and H switch between the vertical and horizontal frames (they're separate frames, not one frame dynamically changing shape)
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    So I'm trying to make one-way collision in a platformer, and I can't seem to get the walls to work (floors and ceilings work fine). By "one-way" I mean if the player touches a collision hitbox from any direction besides the "intended" intended, then nothing happens. It's not helped by the way I have walls set up being more complicated than the way walls and floors are set up (walls have an alterable value that determines if they face left or right) but even still, I can't see where I'm messing up.

    The problem is on frame 18, event 36. Arrow keys to move and jump.

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    I have two questions, but they're both related to solving the same problem, so I thought to put them both in one thread.


    I'm creating a planetary gravity simulation where the user places down virtual planets, sets their mass, initial velocity, and initial angle, then presses play and watches the planets interact via virtual gravity. During the simulation, the user can click on a planet to view its current velocity, acceleration, the force acting upon it, and the angles of the velocity and force. The problem is that in order to make the planets move faster than snails, I set the forces to be 1000x stronger than they would be in the real world. As you might expect, this is causing issues with the variable viewer, because I want the variables shown to be accurate to the real world, but I also want the visual simulation to be engaging. Also, since the visual simulation is just a representation what's going on, it doesn't necessarily have to be totally physically accurate, unlike the displayed values.

    Alright, let me get to my point. I think part of the problem is that I'm calculating distances using each planet's x and y coordinates (and the Pythagorean Theorem), as well as the physical mass of the planets, thus having a mixture of physical and non-physical values. This is where the two questions come in.

    First question: Can someone explain how Display Factor, Velocity Iterations, and Position Iterations work?

    From the description, the display factor seems to be related to converting between actual distance and physical distance. From testing, I know that increasing the display factor proportionately increases things like force and physical velocity. If I had a better understanding about how it worked, I think I would be able to have the displayed values be accurate, and have the visual simulation be proportionally accurate (for example, have the displayed velocity be scientifically accurate, but have the planets moving twice as fast as they would be, as if it were being fast-forwarded). I'm also unsure as to what the velocity and position iterations do, but maybe they're the key to all this. I don't know.

    Second question: Is there a way to find physical distance?

    You know how in the expression editor, physical mass is written as PMass( "Object" ) and physical velocity is written as PVelocity( "Object")? Is there some way of finding physical distance? Something like PDistance( "Object 1" , "Object 2" )?

    Finally, while writing this, I realized that it might be caused by my planets not being very massive by planet standards, which would explain why when I make my calculations 100% accurate, the force between the planets is so small. Regardless, I've decided to ask the two questions because the information might be useful in the future, be it for me or someone searching past threads for answers.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    So, I have a program with a lot of counters on-screen at once and I decided to make a new, smaller typeface for the numbers of the counters. I changed one of the counters, and saved it as a spritesheet so I could change all the other counters without changing each one individually. The problem is that when I try to import from the spritesheet I made, it only changes the one number I have selected. Is there a way to change all the numbers in a number counter at the same time?

    Here's the spritesheet. I have it in box mode, and the orange is the transparent color.
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    I'm making a reverse Space Invaders game where you control the aliens. To prevent the player from moving the aliens out of bounds, I tried the standard "alien leaves the play area, stop alien." However, that only stopped the aliens touching the edge of the screen. So I made Global Value A set to 1 when an alien tries to leave the play area, and all the aliens stop when Global Value A is 1. Global Value A is set to 0 all the time. The problem is that you hold down left or right, you can go past the boundaries.

    Also, this is for a game jam, so I need a solution by tomorrow night. Help! :O

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    I'm trying to make a planet simulator and I'm having some trouble. It works fine with two planets, but when I add a third planet, problems arise. Each planet is only attracted to one other planet. I'm pretty sure it's because of forces being overwritten, because when I move the order to the Always events around, they behave differently.

    Is there any way to combine multiple forces exerted on an object?

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    Just ignore the second frame (which is named Frame 1 because it was originally the first frame)