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Thanks, this is just what i was after too!
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Thanks, this is just what i was after too!
This is great. Is there a tutorial that accompanies it?
Cool, thanks for this
Cool, thanks for your perspective. I'll look into those methods!
If anyone is unclear by what I mean, here is an example from Supreme Commander 2:
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For a really insane example, see Path of Exile!:
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I planning on implementing a Diablo style unlock tree into my game for the weapon / ability upgrades. The game will allot credits awarded at point thresholds that can be then used to unlock incremental upgrades on branching unlock trees.
It doesn't seem too complex, but just wondered if anyone else had gained experience from trying it themselves before I set about my own ham-fisted attempt.
It seems I am unable to edit my posts to create a single list..
Disthron's development stream
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There is also:
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Working on their metroidvania RPG Heart Forth, Alicia.
I will update the first post with a list as it builds.
Hi Guys.
I recently came accross this great live stream page that this Mortal Kombat site has built into their site:
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It shows current live streams from Twitch etc for that game and I was thinking what a great feature that would be for this site.
Live streams at their best can combine the best elements of a video tutorial with the immediacy of an IRC type chat, as well as being a great place to watch experienced users at work, creating art and showing off projects.
This would also be extra useful because most Click streamers stream under the 'Game Development' channel filter in Twitch which could be any engine / middleware, Unreal, Unity, GamesMaker etc.. so it can be hard to find Click streamers even when they are live.
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I have already come across two super helpful and talented Click streamers who are streaming thier current game projects and answer questions in the chat, even providing real time tutorials and examples to download:
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Perhaps other Click streamers could post their pages in this thread to get things going?
Thanks, its moving with the camera now.
Thanks, this is a cool example and I like the barrier. Thanks pisces also.
I already have the bouncing ball scroller etc working from Sparkmans example. What I cannot understand is from his and your example is how to make the ship move with the camera (keep the smae position within the screen) when it is not controlled or near the edge of the screen where it is pushed along.
You say make you spaceship follow the fame, but what condition do I use to do that? I can't see it in either example's fame editor.
Many thanks again.
Hi guys, I am working on a shmup game with automatic scrolling. I have followed Sparkman's 'R-Type Enemy Loop Example' in the Guides, Tutorials, Examples, Widgets subforum (it won't allow me to link here).
I was able to work out pretty much how the scrolling was all done, except for how to get the player ship to follow the camera when it is not being manually moved by the player. As it stands my ship get left behind by the auto scrolling and then pushed along by the left side of the screen.
If any one could please fill me in on what I am missing I would greatly appreciate it!
Thanks for this Sparkman. This is just the type of game I am working on and wanted to learn how to do the R-Type style auto scrolling. I downloaded the example and got most things working, but I can't see in the example how you make the ship move along with the camera if you are not controlling it?
Could you please tell me how that is done?
Thanks for this Sparkman. This is just the type of game I am working on and wanted to learn how to do the R-Type style auto scrolling. I downloaded the example and got most things working, but I can't see in the example how you make the ship move along with the camera if you are not controlling it?
Could you please tell me how that is done?
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)