Finally, release
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Open a TicketFinally, release
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i had same problem. I solved it. The way to avoid black screen - put interstitial in 1 frame, not between frames. You need just set *next frame* on *return from ad*. It works fine for me
Completed 1st lvl - code and graphic, alpha gameplay.
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First idea and Pre-alpha gameplay of my game
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Working on my 2nd game "Climbing ivy", its puzzle-like game where you must grow your ivy. For now I have alpha gameplay, but no graphic.
Decided to record videos of developing process. Here i will post them.
Now i drawing ingame art: Please login to see this media element.
Thanks, array works perfect, thats what i need
its works only for 1 instance of object. i need it for multiple instances
Hi, need some help. In frame 1 i spawn 100 instance of 1 object, so i need all these objects stay on their position (x,y) and keep their angles in frame 2. Cant understand how to do this. I know i need fastloop for each object, and use some global values, but dont know how to write automatically x,y and angles of many objects to those global values.
My game is for android so extensions is not an option.
i tried to scaling all objects and new problem - only objects scales but coordinate grid dont.
I tried vieport extension, yes it can zoom out, but its dont work with android exporter. There is a problem because my game for android
Is there any way to zoom out in game? I tried zoom.fx effect but its not working, only zoom in.
Maybe dumb question, but i cant undestand how to do it. I have rotated object1 and want to attach another 2 objects to it. set position to object1 dont work because attached objects dont rotate. Help pls.
here example Please login to see this attachment.
Hi, its my first released game for android. Its free. You play antiaicraft gun crew and shoot down bombers, quite simple game. Spent 2 month for developing. Please rate/comment.
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ok tnx. its what i need to know
device using wifi. so 1-5 sec is ok but i have 15-20. Is there a way to make baner loading faster? or its only depends on internet speed?
tnx. seem it works for my device. can i do same thing (test banner) with android emulator on my pc?
and another question - on my device test banner need 17 sec to load and show. its not usable i think. how to fix it? i need quick loading banner
Pls help i cant get how to use admob object. i Didnt find any tutorial.
i put admob object in the scene, get code from admob site but here is problem: It is against AdMob policy to click on your own live ads. During development and testing, use test ads. If you do need to render live ads before launch, avoid clicking on them. If you click on live ads, your AdMob account may be suspended. How to use test ads in cf 2.5? where to find this test ads?
I have a problem: on windows physics run at normal speed, but when export to android in my phone its run 2-3x times slower. Objects fall in slow motion, and it not depends how many objects in the scene. How to fix this?
Hi im novice at ctf. In my platform game i have hero that hit enemies with sword. it must be 1 hit - 1 kill. But when enemies too many hero kill them 2-3 at once. its a problem. I need destroy enemy objects one after another. i need to destroy 1 object per 1 animation of sword hit, first object closest to hero . Help pls
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)