I'm trying to make a metroidvania, and im completely stuck on the spawning more of the same enemy. It's a very simple enemy with a rectangle in front of it that checks for the player.
So first i just tried to add every event in the enemy behavior, creating a new rectangle and movements for each clone. But the rectangles keep behaving weird and always stuck on the latest clone.
Then i read that if you create the enemy and the rectangle/healthbars or whatever in the same event they become "linked/unique" to each other.
So my idea now was to just use spawnpoints and each spawnpoint create a certain enemy at the start of the stage/frame. But i have no idea how to do that or is there a better solution?
And yes i could ofc do a create event for each spawnpoint but it just feels like it should be a better way.
Yes I'm pretty new at this and sorry if there is a thread at this but i just couldnt find one for my problem
Help is really appreciated!