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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I am making an app where people starting it for first time willl see intro and text. But other times it jumps straight to main frame. I made it save to txt file and it works on my computer but if i download to somewhere else, it does not work.
Because app thinks even though computer has changed that the path is C:// users / jesse etc....
How to make it that in the install process of app it changes location to downloaders path?
Hello. I have encountered a problem that also can scare my customers away.
I personally use CTF 2.5 to make apps, not games. I create it's content with website makers (Mobirise, code etc) and use webview object to load the content in to app. This way customers need to only download the app once, but I can update it's content as many times as i want without people having to redownload every update.
Problem is: When someone installs my exe (even myself) Windows pops up an blue message (Windows defended your computer) And I have to click on more info for download anyways button to appear. This lead to many my potential customers being scared away. Also virus total alerts that my app is malware, but i know for sure it isn't because i made it. How to get rid of those pain in the ass problems? I love CTF 2.5 editor so much so I don't want this to be an reason to reconsider my platform.
Please login to see this attachment. Please login to see this attachment.
Hello! im making connect me appliaction which allows users to add server ip addresses and save them to an ini file. Then they can load it and see in app those servers.
I need instructions to how to save, load and view those links / ip addresses.
Hey im making app with alot active pictures in it and when i build it, csf 2.5 wants me to put exe file in same folder with pics, but then user's don't find it because too much images in it.
How to make exe file import images from different folder? (so i can put exe to different folder and images different.
Hey im making app with alot active pics in it and when i build it, csf 2.5 wants me to put exe file in same folder with pics, but then user's don't find it because too much images in it.
How to make exe file import images from different folder? (so i can put exe to different folder and images different.
Im using active pics. so they can b e like buttons. normal ones does not work. Can you tell me step by step how to fix this. THere is so much images in directory where i have to put naxal.exe that users will not find the exe file, so i hd to make own directory to naxal.exe. Where i insert the thingy so it takes images from other directory ``
Im making windows app and users said that hover effect on buttons would be great. Can you make me step by step simple instructions that how to make it ?
When i try build app it says this. and when others download it. they see only grey. No any images. how to fix this ? Please login to see this attachment.
highlighted (last) item. is link /Steam connect command. How to make it show in app. App is all about joining server. and it is not usable if even last thingy are not in app.