Display MoreLOL - always the new guys; - I openly admit, I'm a noob to Fusion (hint:, it's in the name)
struggles. - It's a support forum. By definition, everyone with a question is struggling to some degree.
doesn't understand simple concepts. - Citation needed
complains. - There's a difference between complaining and showing frustration, and there are specific causes for both. Nearly all replies so far have not solved the issue. In fact, Danjo, your earlier answer regarding 'built in' issues has been the only one of any worth so far.
argues. - See above
cant accept advice by other who explain why they are struggling. - I have openly accepted all advice, explaining where, if necessary, it doesn't work. i.e. Sticking is horrible, no Attachments tab, etc.
wonders why people who offer help and examples - suddenly dont help. - I don't wonder at all, and neither do I care. If folk want to help out, that's cool; if not, also cool.
blames everyone else and the tool for their own failure. - Citation needed
i could have given you an mfa with a working movement with full slide etc. not a chance. - Not needed. I have already have it nailed with my own 'code'. Again, I was just wondering why my attempts at a straight forward issue were going awry. By hey, thanks for the offer.
Forgive me, Danjo, but have you ever tried to provoke an argument before? This feels like your first time.
I have created many games in my time - all with G4meMaker I should add, and dip my toes into Fusion now and again to test its capabilities - I am not new to game design. However, my dealings with both ClickTeam and this Forum (which I find to be vague, condescending and verging on a clique) have left me with a incredibly unsatisfactory experience.
I acknowledge that I may have responded sharply on a few occasions and am willing to accept any blame directed towards me. However, it is important for you to reassess the quality of your responses when a 'noob' asks for help.
Yet again, I'm going back to G4meMaker. I shan't post here again.