Posts by WonkyTonkBotty

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Right, right! Now it's all coming together, thanks! Speaking of, before I showed you the collision/overlap events, I did try the prior version and seriously wondered why the bullets weren't registering hits half the time. :S

    For context, I've tuned the events to pretty much exactly how you've suggested, and now here are what the shooting/colliding events look like:

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    (Excuse the event cutting off. It's pretty much the same event, but for when the bullet is overlapping the "Group.Targets", which are headshot hitboxes, causing the bullet to do more damage)

    Contiuning on from the changes I made from your last post, would anything need changing for this particular event, wherein bullets hit the enemies?

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    Well I'll be dang. When you put it all like that, it makes a lot of sense, and cleaning up these events on my part will probably greatly increase RAM/reduce filesize and memory usage, too! Thanks, man. Just to double check, is this pretty much how it should look, going by your post?

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    In the fast loop, put all the set commands in a child event. This way, they will performed after the creation of the bullet.

    Hmm.. these are not 12 bullets/pellets, they seems to be a bit more. Why ?

    Oh, that - I was playtesting two separate versions of the event. Since the event is for a double-barreled shotgun, which has an altfire mode allowing it to fire two shells (24 pellets) at once (at the cost of much worse accuracy) :3

    Thanks again, I'll set child events...wait, is there an alternative method? Only reason I ask is that I currently only have the vanilla version of CF2.5 and can't afford to throw money at the 2.5+ Addon at the moment. If not...guess I can wait a couple weeks.

    Is there any specific event that should be used for the Child Event?

    Thanks for all help so far. However, it seems as though whichever method I use, something goes wrong. With ForEach, obviously there's the issue of the ForEach loops lagging. With one other method I tried (running fastloops on each individual pellet), that had issues with hit registration for some reason (IE, many pellets just wouldn't connect even when they should) The method you guys have shown me so far seems to work the most reliably, BUT, when several pellets connect at the same time, CF2.5 only seems to scope one of them, demonstrated here: (For context, that counter is supposed to be a playtesting way of gauging when a pellet hits, and does 17 damage, and since there are 12 pellets, that counter should hit 204 when the pellets hit that building)

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    1. The second one deletes bullets that are off-screen, otherwise the loop can induce lag when the bullets are "at long range" so to speak.

    2. It might not be clear from the event list, but those XVel/YVel are used to calculate the angles, since the guns can be aimed in all 360 directions.

    3. I do, normally. It's just when shotguns are featured, since they shoot multiple pellets at the same time. But yeah, I'll try this for the pellets exclusively (since I can just remove the Group.Bullets qualifier and give them their own set of events)

    4. Noted, thanks.

    Here's what a shotgun event looks like in the editor:

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    (Each shotgun shot features 12 pellets)

    Thanks for the example, willy/semar. I shall definitely check it out.

    In the meantime, I was able to solve the issue another way - by using an active object with an "id_generator" Alt. Value, which the enemy objects and hitbox objects alike would bind their specific values to upon creation, allowing them to share the value upon spawning. (And the id_generator in question RNGs every second, whilst adding 1 to the value whenever an enemy spawns)

    However, I do still have one relatively more minor issue I need to iron out.

    Since the gunplay in the game uses fastloops to allow the guns to aim in all 360 directions (instead of the standard dismal 32) and have "realistic" bullet speed (IE MUCH faster than the default max speed of 250). This normally works like a dream, however, whenever shotguns appear, since they fire a bunch of pellets at the same time, this causes the application to lag and can mess with certain events. Is there a way to combat this?

    So, I have a game level in progress, in which enemies spawn, and so do invisible "hitbox" objects, that are intended to set onto the enemies' heads and register headshots for extra damage.

    The enemies spawn fine, but so far, I've had trouble getting the hitbox objects to stick on the enemies' heads or scoping the individual enemy/hitboxes. So far, I have tried experimenting with alterable values, overlap events, Fixed values and Instance values alike, but so far, what should ideally look like this: (This is in the frame editor)

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    Ends up looking like this on runtime:

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    What I did notice, is that the hitboxes seemed to position themselves fine, until the first enemy is killed, at which point, they all suddenly seem to go off on their own tangents...For clarity, here are the events:

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    It may also be possible, that because I'm using the Qualifiers for these particular events, and I should probably do them on an individual object basis; but either way, any input or help would be appreciated, thanks!

    So, I've been working tirelessly on a project piece of mine, and kept a couple backups for this sorta reason, but some times, when I get a signifcant amount of work done, when I return to it the next day, I can't open it up as it crashes CF2.5 instantly when I attempt to do so!! :cursing:

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    I'm hoping to find out what causes this, and if I can try to get back into the folder without having to redo all the work I lost? Thanks

    I'm working on a level in which one plays as a battleship (takes a few cues from NES Super Battleship and World Of Warships, I suppose), and I'm using XPosition/YPosition events in tandem with Cos/Sin angle formulae to make the turrets sit on specific sections of the ship sprite (since they're separate sprites, as I want them to be individually destructible)

    Now, I've got the "primary" turrets configured just fine, as they are exclusively positioned lengthways down the ship:

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    However, for the "secondary" turrets, since they are positioned along left/right edges of the ship (they're supposed to sit on those little black holes you see on the ship, I'm not sure what needs to be added to the angle formulae, that would also allow them to rotate whenever the ship sprite rotates). Any help would be appreciated.

    Please login to see this attachment.Please login to see this attachment.(For the left, for the right it's +12.5 naturally)

    So basically, I have a gun-based platformer, where certain pieces of cover (usually wooden crates) can eventually be destroyed, which is great and all. However, in some parts of the map, I have more than one crate object stacked on top of the other (IE, there could be stacks of 2 or even 3 of these crate objects), and obviously, if the ones below are destroyed, I want the ones above to fall down onto the backdrop obstacles/active objects deemed obstacles.

    Originally, my plan was to make an event like "Every 0.01 second/[NEGATED](Crate) is overlapping the backdrop/(active obstacle object) ------> (Crate) set Y coordinate to (current Crate Y coordinate)+1", which makes it so that the crate moves downwards 1 pixel every 0.01 second until it connects with another crate, obstacle or the background; for the most part, it works, except for the event wherein the crate moves down when not overlapping the crate below it (since it has been destroyed). For some reason, the crate on top remains suspended in the air, even when the below crate is gone.

    I've tried experimenting by turning the crates into Physics objects, rather than just normal Statics, and applying gravity, but this just seems to make the crates fidget about or even fall off of each other when they should be stationary; would anyone here know of a good alternative event layout to make it work? Thanks.

    So basically, I've got a couple platformer levels in my game, in which the player can swim in water, and as a little attention to detail, I've got it so that bubbles can periodically appear from the player's mouth;

    Naturally, I have an event setup, so that the bubbles destroy when they aren't overlapping water tiles/objects within the Group.Water; however, the event does not seem to work unless all bubbles currently on-screen are not-overlapping the water objects (so it looks fine if there's just one bubble, but with two or more, all the bubbles would have to exit the water before being destroyed). Is there some way I can fix this, or is a specific mistake stopping the event from working properly? Thanks.

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    Alrighty, thanks. I did wonder, but needed to rule out things. Knowing that scaling can do it more efficiently is good to know, and I did in fact notice the crash problem not really happening until I started implementing these graphics. Will try it out, thanks, Volnaiskra!

    (On a side note, I believe I originally achieved the zoom effect with Fades/Transitions, but in my experience, these also can cause crashes, so I tried unorthodox methods instead)

    So basically, I've created within my WIP, two first-person railshooter levels; (or three if you count the tutorial one) the tutorial and first level run fine, but the third one is very prone to crashing, and although I suspect it may be to do with the large quantity of Effects being used (the level is set to have a horror atmosphere based on Chernobyl at night, so yeah, I used a lot of FX and color coefficiency thingies), the problem still persists upon playtesting with most/all Effects removed and set to "None".

    I also noticed the tremendous filesize of this frame alone, bigger than all other frames put together somehow. :O

    I was wondering, if anyone here would be able to check out the frame and spot anything that might be causing the crashes, or the main source of the large filesize? Thanks in advance. (I did consider using a Crash Log event test, but one of the tools/objects needed was only available on CF2.5 Developer, and I currently have the vanilla version only. :( )

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