I love you Its I need
Posts by RetIva
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Sorry maybe it was bad explanation. I need formulas to use in clickteam to move the object in an arc like in castlevania or something similar.
Hi guys I find very interesting video about Sine, Cosine and Angle. There was explanation how to do object flies in a circle and loop moving from up to down. I wanna do something new, but I don't know how and dont good in math. Hint me pls. I, very interested.
Oh thank you very much
I'll be waiting for you so my hero will have armour
Thank you, had done it this way too
Maybe you know how to do that when for example value equal 99.01 counter show me the number only before dot (99) and number after dot rounded or not shown (01)
Done it. At least. Thanks.
For example I have at start of frame global value A equal 0. And after one action this number can be more or less. I have events at Numbers 0,1,2 of global value A in global event editor and I don't need that Global Value A won't be less then 0 and more then 2. How can I do it?
And pls can you show me how to use Global String or hint me, where can I find it
Hello. Need help. Had done mini menu for battle like jrpg and it work. But not how I wanted. All events go in a row and I need that events go one after another like menu. In global event editor I have "Меню" part there is that I need to do right way. Pls help. I, understanding that I missed something, that I need something to stop a row but I can't understand what is it.
Link to download .mfa: Please login to see this link.
Oh thank you, you helped so much
and I want ask is there somewhere lessons how to use values and flags? Just so you don't get bored every day
Hello, it's me again< can you hint me how can I do in this .mfa that when I pressed a key (x) events will pass in turn no on each other. Thank you
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Thank you VERY much
It's right thing that I need. Just I'm learning
Oh, thank you, but it's not right thing that I need. Okay try explain much better. I make active object. It will be the item menu. I need whatever I press key (I) it appear next to my person (hero) and when I pressed key again it disappear. In menu player can choose items that he need by mouse. So I can do it with invisibility but that's not good for me. Just if I will press with mouse accidently player can choose item. Just because of it I need that menu (active object) change itself position by pressing key (I). So for example I need when I pressed (I) active object do position (100, 100) and appear next to person and when I pressed (I) key again it change position again to beyond of end screen. I hope I explained right way. and here's link to my .mfa file. Just I can't attach this in reply.
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Oh thanks, that very useful information
By the way I forget, can yo hint me how can I make it so that when I click on the button (let's say i), the active object occupies the specified position (100,100) and when I press the same button, it goes to another position behind the screen? I could do it with invisibility, but it's not the same at all. I tried through groups of events, through enabling and disabling. But it doesn't work with one key unfortunately.
Thank very much
Next step to do the item menu and the saves
Oh thank you very very much, I did it and the most important thingg I understood how it's working. So I have another question about this. Is it possible to set y position to object at start of frame? More accurately, if object end frame at y position 100 and appear in next frame in so y position too
Hello, Ive done similar thread but there was small explanation. Okay what I need. I wanna do game like Metroid or Castlevania but I can't do the transition between frames. How can I do good transition between frames? Whatever my person will pass right end or first frame and appear in left end of second frame. And just the same in the opposite direction. Just person have fixed appear position on frame. I hope that I explained right way.
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Hello, can you help me please? Just I need normal transition between frames. Whatever I will pass the right end of frame one and start from left end of frame two. How can I do this? Thank you.
Thanks I've done it with loops.
Hi guys, such problem. I have a hero for my game, so I have platform movement object. My hero has movements on the right and left and jump. So I added 2 sword attack but I can't do this right. I tried Upon pressing a key and attack animation plays at once very fast, so I tried Repeat while key is pressing and while I'm pressing on the button attack animation plays even when hero's moving and animation continues to play.
What I need when I pressed on the button at once animation will plays one time one second, or when I pressed on the button repeating animation will play on loop while I hol the button.
Hi, I need help again. For the boss battle, I made 3 types of events. Lasers, enemies, and missiles. After that, I made a randomizer so that these events occur randomly every 10 seconds, and when one event is started, the other two events are deactivated in order to restart them. Since I use destruction in them. But there was such a problem, within 20 seconds there are really two random events, but then everything stops and does not work. File attached. Please tell me what the reason is.