Feature Suggestion:
Set object visibility through the expression editor. If returned value is equal to 0, make object invisible, otherwise, make object visible.
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Open a TicketFeature Suggestion:
Set object visibility through the expression editor. If returned value is equal to 0, make object invisible, otherwise, make object visible.
Did you find a work around? I'm looking for the same thing, I'm using your extension.
They're too small.
Thank you so much! It worked! I've been trying to get this working for a day.
Most of the posts mentioning this were pretty unclear and also didn't work. So I'm making this post to hopefully get a clearer answer.
I've been trying to make a hud in an OpenGL game i'm making, but it won't work, because of the fact that the 3D scene is rendered on top of everything else. Is there a work around to this so I can make a HUD?
This still sadly doesn't work. I think it'd be better to send the code on here for you to review
So, I'm attempting to delete a file using the file object, but when the file should delete, nothing actually happens
Apppath$ + Str$(value( "chosen slot" )) + "RoomDesignImg" + Right$(Left$(List Select$( "List 2" ), Find(".", List Select$( "List 2" ), 0)), 1)
Chosen slot is the chosen save slot in this case 1, RoomDesignImg is the renamed name of the file, and the rest should be the last letter of the selected line on "List 2".
I just realized the last letter is actually g, because file is .png. How can I get the last number before the dot
Now it says i have too many closed brackets
I dont really know what to put at the last parameter
How can I get the last letter or number from a selected list line?
So, when I try to run a sub-app using the Sub-Application object, I get a "Error while opening file" error. After I click on OK, I get a white screen and the app I wanted to run inside the main app doesn't show up. I know this seems like a vague description, but I really didn't know how else to say it.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)