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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
The version for DX11 and other runtimes is there, but there is no "New" version, as there has never been an issue with the shader itself - the issue was always with certain CF2.5 events, caused by an update which meant some things that had previously worked, no longer do (specifically, if a parameter takes a float, you _must_ ensure that's what you give it, not an integer).
Thank you! I reinstalled the shaders (just to make sure), but putting decimals on every single integer in the event editor has fixed it.
Obs: I've been trying to mess with the events and the shader itself, and I realized that the shader was created by Werbad. Searching for his name in the forums, I came upon this thread which already presents a solution to this problem.
Okay, soooo... I just tested Werbad's shader on its own, and it actually works fine. Which means that the problem is with the events - and I think I've found it! The issue is with passing integers as parameters that should be floats.
Whenever there's expression to set a shader parameter, like this: ( ( Y Top( "Roof" ) - Min(Y Top( "Floor" ), Y Top( "Roof" )) ) + ( _Height( "Roof" ) * 50 ) ) / ( Max(Y Bottom( "Floor" ), Y Bottom( "Roof" )) - Min(Y Top( "Floor" ), Y Top( "Roof" )) )
...if you force…
December 11, 2021 at 6:03 PM
However, I don't have "New3D.fx", aka the new shader which solves this problem (which is also absent among Sketchy's files). Could anyone upload it?
Hi. Many (many many and many) years ago, MuddyMole/Sketchy made an example that utilizes a 3D shader to create a Pseudo 3D effect for buildings and walls, under this thread right here:
This is based on my earlier GTA example, but with a lot of changes. It makes heavy use of Werbad's 3D shader, so requires HWA to function.
* Pseudo-3D walls (á la Grand Theft Auto), * Array-based map editor / loading, * Improved performance and bug fixes, * Darkness effect (screen fades to black at edges), * 360° shadow-casting effect (casts accurate shadows on the ground), * Line-of-sight effect (hides walls if there is no line-of-sight), * Variable…
January 5, 2012 at 4:41 PM
However, as of the newest version of Fusion, the walls of the example are completely distorted and broken for some reason:
Please login to see this picture.
Is there a solution for this? A new example or perhaps a new shader to replace the old one? Would be highly appreciated.
That's a tough question considering most games made with Fusion are indie, singleplayer and for PC. To find one those that are specifically multiplayer AND for android is like trying to look for a coin in a football stadium.
What's important to know: Any multiplayer game made with clickteam CAN also be made for android. You'll just have to scale down the application, but Lacewing will still work the same. Please login to see this link.
Surface object would technically suffice: scale down the image of the map, and display it behind a red dot active. Only time you'd have to move the red dot is near edge of frame, it'd be center the rest of the time, with the map scrolling behind it.
I have never used that object before (and didn't know it could do this effect), hopefully there are some tutorials on it on the internet (or else i'd have to play around with it to see how it works).
Hi, I can't find any tutorials or any helpful information that teaches or shows how to make a simple minimap that displays objects on the Frame Width and Height. Afterall, a minimap that deals with Virtual Width and Height are extremely easy to do (and there's only tutorials that show how to do them), but sadly its not what i'm looking for, since I'm searching for a minimap that correctly displays the player's position (such as at the center of the minimap when the player's position isn't near the corners of the frame, and then at the corner of the minimap when the player reaches a corner of the frame), while at the same time showing objects that are only visible in the screen.
I'm well aware this is rather difficult to do, but I'd really appreciate an easy example or a tutorial on how to be able to do this.