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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
I have been playing with a couple of the extensions for a controller. I explored the joystick 2 and the xbox one. My goal is to make something that shoots with right analog and moves with left. I have it functioning after a little trig but my already fired projectiles change direction when I more the right analog. I made a variable, cVal when ArcTan2( - 1 * StickRightV( "XBOX Gamepad", 1 ), StickRightH( "XBOX Gamepad", 1 ) ) / 11.6 and then added some conditions to handle the negative values so I can produce a number 0-31. I do not want the bullets changing course after launch, can anyone provide me some advice? Thanks in advance. I also attached the example if anyone wants to look at it.
Semar, you are exactly right, removing the images at the beginning fixes the issue. Hopefully after my work finally orders the full version this won't be an issue since there will be many other exporting options available. I appreciate everyones contributions.
Thank you for your advice but I still can't seem to make this work in html5. I set "Inactive if too far" to no for all active objects. I also have the "Active 7" Always positioned with P1. I am so confused as to why it works if I start (press space) as soon as it starts but not if I wait until the intro is over. I also moved the conditions for "is invisible" to the event "celebration is over" I am still waiting for the full version, could that be creating any issues? Thank you again for the help.
Here is the updated project if anyone wants to take a look.
I am hoping someone can explain why I can not seem to get the frames to switch. The game works perfectly when I run in CT. I have tried "next frame", "jump to frame" and I have not had much luck. At the intro screen, if I don't wait for the intro to play and just press space to start the game, it works, but then the level 1 to level 2 doesn't. If I wait until the intro is done playing and hit space, that frame just locks up. I would greatly appreciate any advice as to what I am doing wrong. I looked through the Forums but haven't had any luck finding this issue explained. I attached the project if anyone wants to explore this. Thanks in advance!
I have had this happen a few times with student projects and I am not sure why. The program runs fine but when you build it and try it in html 5 it just locks up. I have attached the project, thanks for any help!