Posts by Roencia

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!



    Over a year ago I posted to the forums and got really good response/advice about my project. I showed my project to Steam and they were amazed enough to extend a formal invitation to go on Steam. I was like "Oh my goodness!" All that's left to make this happen is fund the last phase of my project. Mostly to pay the artists helping me.

    Link: Please login to see this link.

    Here are the coolest things about IGB Phase 2:

    1) Creating unique creations using thousands of pieces. There are creations kits for weapons, characters, hud's, planets, spaceships, icons, maps, and more. Video available to see this in action.

    2) Over 10,000 assets are ready for release on Steam soon after the kickstarter ends.

    3) Steam will provide easy download and updates for years to come


    Please login to see this picture.
    (1 spaceship made from over 3000 pieces to choose from)

    Please login to see this picture.
    (many possibilities from the many pieces - Final character design still in flux)

    Please login to see this picture.

    Please login to see this picture. Even the animations will be in pieces to combine differently Please login to see this picture.

    Feel free to tell me what you'd want me to add to it, since I'm most likely working on it for another year.

    Now that I have thought about it more, here is my opinion:

    It's the best thing that has ever happened to indie developers. Now it's gonna be a lot easier for a indie developer with a good game to get a game on Steam. And by a "good game", I mean one that is fun and people like, not necessarily one with super-fancy graphics.

    EDIT: Why has no one else noticed this? This could perhaps be the best thing that has ever happened to indie game developers!

    I run an indie site, and I'm amazed at how many games are simple and actually fun. Many I didn't know about. The great thing about Steam Greenlight, is it gives everyone a chance of becoming a developer. The voting process assures the best games will get accepted. I'm in!

    I always seem to cause trouble whatever I do. Indie Graphics Builder was a Kickstarter I launched providing thousands of flexible art assets to game developers. It's releasing in October. It would be one of the first non-game items distributed on Steam. I've already had a positive and negative reaction. I noticed Steam Dev's took a look at my project and didn't take it off, so they might want to see how it pans out. Maybe you could give me your opinion. Please login to see this link.

    The official webpage is now up: Please login to see this link.

    Find out about the growing content of the pack as well as additional information and non-kickstarter donations. Before it's release, you'll get to suggest content direction and get a huge pre-order discount. The next 30 days will decide on what we include, and the amount of content, so let your voice be heard.

    EDIT: Does anyone know if it's possible to edit the first post? I'd like to have the link in there?

    KICKSTART UPDATE: The project is going very well at this point, but very little page views. I've gotten some good response so far. If you like the project, making a comment on the kickstarter page and facebook likes will help Kickstarter feature my project. So far my project is still buried away, and it takes a deep search to find it.

    Hi everyone,

    I'll try to answer all the questions that were asked.

    DannyC- Are offering these preset graphics which are kinda limited (even at 5000) anyone seriously or commercially developing games will create unique graphics and/or hire an artist so my question to you is; from a professional point of view why would I choose this over Spriter?

    - From what I heard, Spriter is a program that helps you make animations. It actually complements the Indie Graphics Builder (which is currently not a program). My guess is when you buy Spriter you only get a few graphical assets to mess around with. With Indie graphics builder you get 5,000 minimum. The kickstart funding is only $1,850 and the buying price is only $79 for 5000+ graphics with a chance to reach 10,000 or 15,000. I would think it crazy anyone would pass this deal up. I was crazy for selling it royalty free at that price =0. With an artist you would have to pay him more than $79 dollars and he might get a percentage of game sales.

    DannyC- My second question is, on the KB site it shows in the higher donation categories that you don't have to pay a renewal license, does that mean all packages below do? If this is true you will need to state this in your description as it doesn't state this and could be mis-leading.

    - I'll fix this on the kickstart page in a bit to make it more clear. The problem I ran into, was schools and large business's wanted to buy my graphics then use if for all their classes/people. I ended up doing a license deal like yoyogames does with gamemaker. Otherwise, I was having a huge profit loss. Anyways, you buy the package, you get it without any fee's, subscription, or payments attached.

    Redsquirrel- At the end of the day, if you do get a lot of people purchasing this pack then many games will look a like (thats not really your problem though!).
    - The whole purpose of this pack was to eliminate this problem while supplying a huge amount of assets. You can see from the Alien Ship image and the weapons in the video the different amount of cool stuff you can make. Some people will make things that look completely different and some will make things that look alike, but there's no way to avoid that.

    To Nivram- I like clickteam graphics so I don't see why people wouldn't want to use them

    DannyC- why would I choose this over Sprite which is retailing for a hell of alot less and provides Indie developers the chance to create their own sprites, animations and graphics using custom-made art and will provide functionality for custom movement; all exported to a spritesheet format.
    -Spriter, is a tool for making animated sprites for 2D games. I suggest you get Spriter, I'm going to get it. Spriter does not give you custom made art, animation, or sprites at all. A lot of people are going to buy Spriter then realize, "Hey, I don't know how to make graphics to animate". It only gives just enough graphics to mess with the program. Anyone who makes games needs a program like Spriter, or gimp, or Photoshop, otherwise you can't put your graphics together. Some game engines allow you to put things together directly in them.

    The reason you should get "Indie Graphics Builder" is cause you can build unique graphics using thousands of parts. You can edit, stretch, or attach animations to these images. From my view there is nothing even close to comparing to the amount of help this will give game developers. If I was a new company, I could cough up $79 and have the graphics finished for my first 6 games. I can refer you if you want, to sites that sell a spinning gold coin for 1.99 or even a pack of 50 sprites for $50.00.

    Don't miss this chance guys, it's going to be great! Anymore questions =)

    Will "Indie Graphics Builder" support 'User Genrated Content', like their own pieces or sets of pieces?

    It can be used together with any user generated content in any program. The graphics themselves will have their own style, so not all user-made graphics will work alongside it. Like in the video, the graphics are put together in several pieces allowing for unique designs. Currently, the funding for a dedicated program to put the sprites together is a bit farther off the beaten path, but in sight. The Kickstarter is strictly for the 5000+ graphic elements (can grow based on funding). If funding reaches a certain limit, a program will be made for the graphics that makes putting the elements together quick and easy.

    I hope that explanation helps.

    Hi everyone,

    I'm excited to announce my development of "Indie Graphics Builder" found at this link - Please login to see this link.. This picture shows different ship styles built from different pieces.

    Please login to see this picture.

    It is essentially a bundle of over 5,000+ graphics (and growing) of different completed parts in pieces in all genre's. It's like those fun anime face making programs you can find online. You build a face with eyes, nose, and other features and your creation is unique.

    With Indie Graphics builder, you have that same level of freedom in other areas. A list of supported genre's will be posted below. Unlike other royalty free graphics online, we aim to make sprite building dynamic so even multiple people using the same assets can get different results.

    I'm currently funding it through kickstarter. Take a look and let me know what you think on the forum.

    I emailed 20 different blogs 3 days ago asking them to feature my project. I've had no communication back yet. Does someone know how a person may get in contact with Pixel Prospector? I emailed them three times, waiting 3 weeks between each email, and they've never returned the call. (I check my spam folder)

    Choas, if you want me to feature your game on my site, it would be my pleasure.

    I'll check out those sites you mentioned. Thanks for the help. I priced my game according to how much it has already cost me. Some people with more time and assets can get away with it. Your advice is always welcome, cause it's good to discuss these types of things.

    I'd like to answer your questions.

    1) I'm posting in the Clickteam (General) forums cause I thought it was the appropriate place for general stuff. I'm a friend of Jeff's and I've even distributed resources with Clickteam. You'll find my link Roencia Game Creators, under the useful resources section. I also don't have a huge network of friends like big time game companies do.

    2) This is a valid question, but I don't know a single person who has distributed a game for $500 before. All that money would be gone in a week just running Google Ads. My full time job is running a community and small shop and helping "Other people" get their game noticed and built. I'm not raking in the cash, no-what-I-mean.

    You forgot to take into account the time it takes to develop a game with 1 programer also doing 80% off the graphic work, money spent already, advertisement, distribution, video production and the fact I don't want to hire a $100 artist to make midi's for the game, I want something good and enjoyable.

    Since the game looks good Shawn. Why not donate $10 dollars. Or better yet, if you donate a little more, you will get 1000's of graphics I've made to help game developers like you get a kickstart on their game. This took time and money to make. So I'm really not asking for $10,000, I'm asking for $10. You can take a look at my graphical work here:

    Please login to see this link.

    P.S - Actually it was a Multimedia Fusion game that inspired me...Triumph War 2099, search it on google for fun,lol

    Hi there,

    My name is Eldon. I've made graphics for Clickteam developers in the past. You can find some of my work in the resource section of the site. I'm developing my own game now and it's 70% done. I have a video link and webpage for you to take a look at. The game is really close to being released and I would like to ask your support. This is a my first major game project.

    *The kickstarter page is: Please login to see this link.
    *The Official web page is: Please login to see this link.

    -I only have 29 days on Kickstarter to get people to notice it. For those that support I'm offering a copy of the game, 1000's of 2D graphic assets, and a chance to be in the game. You can watch the Kickstart video below:

    Please login to see this media element.

    I feel very ungrateful that I haven't said thankyou for all the free graphics, sounds, and applications you've given us. It must have taken awhile and been expensive to gather everything for us. Maybe the best way to say thankyou would be to create a great game using a Clickteam engine.

    Merry Christmas

    EDIT: I forgot all those from the forum and other places that gave free stuff to us also...thankyou.

    I read what you guys wrote about the bug pack, extremely funny. You can create an interesting Space Invader type game with them. I can't wait to hear what you think about the R?? pack if Clickteam descides to make in a Christmas Gift.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention how excited I am about the Calendar. It's fun and interesting learning about clickteam and its team.