I wonder what caused the sudden increase - does it match the time you got some press?
Yes, we definitely got some coverage during the time of the increase in votes.
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I wonder what caused the sudden increase - does it match the time you got some press?
Yes, we definitely got some coverage during the time of the increase in votes.
I am pleased to announce that Atulos Online has been Greenlit in 30 days
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The campaign got off to a reasonable start in the first few days, while Steam was giving us some coverage. In the first 2 days we got 200 yes votes. We even got some media coverage with a few MMO sites publishing articles about our campaign, such as:
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However, after a few more days the voting reduced to a slow trickle and by day 22 we only had 254 yes votes, after getting to 200 in the first 2 days. We were only 24% of the way to the Top 100 and we had stalled. At this point 3 weeks into the campaign, I started to believe that it was over and the campaign was going to fail. Maybe in a year or so we could make the Top 100 and have a chance at getting Greenlit, and maybe it was just over.
Then something incredible happened. Towards the end of Day 22 I clicked refresh and saw that we were still on 254. I went away for about an hour, came back and clicked refresh again and we had 414 yes votes! 1 week later we were sitting on 1322 votes, in position #73 of the Top 100 and the next day I woke up to find we had been Greenlit! If you had told me on day 22 that we would be Greenlit by day 30 I just wouldn't have believed it. Thanks so much to everyone who voted for us
Here are our final stats:
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Hey Camm, maybe you can help me. I too have a game on Greenlight (Just a cleric) that I put up there the other day and as of now I'm at 48% to the top 100.
The thing is, it was at 26% yesterday morning and shot up a few times to 48% but only with very minimal 'yes' votes added (like 10 tops).Do you know why it shot up so much? Is it because new added games aren't doing as well or does it mean that something that was really good got pushed through and greenlit? I'm brand new to Steam in general and the rules for getting greenlit are confusing to me.
Thanks in advance!
Yes I know what happened. They Greenlit a big batch of games (around 200), and as a result your game made a big jump towards the Top 100
You can follow all the games that are being Greenlit here: Please login to see this link.
I voted for your game by the way, it looks awesome
Thanks for the support Schrodinger and everyone that voted, it certainly has been a huge work over the years
We have been making our way towards the Top 100, but there is still quite a way to go and we would really appreciate any votes from the community here to support a fellow click project
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10 years ago in early February of 2006, Atulos Online launched by posting in this forum. In that time we have managed to keep the game online continuously for the entire 10 years (aside from the occasional server crash of course!).
The game began its development in the old Games Factory, and then was updated to each new iteration of click product that was released, most recently Fusion 2.5. Over that time we have had numerous overhauls and major updates, but in recent years development on the project stopped, although we kept the server running and a small faithful community remained.
Last year the client was updated to Fusion 2.5 and we began thinking about how we could reboot the game and continue its development into the future. We decided to work towards launching a Greenlight campaign, as putting the game on Steam seemed like the way we could give the game the most exposure. Leading up to the launch of the Greenlight campaign, we gave the game another overhaul and developed a new website.
One of the features of the most recent major update is we have re-balanced the game to be far less of a grind. We feel that excessive grinding in online RPGs is something that people are far less willing to do now, and we wanted to make the game progress more smoothly. There is also a new area called the Mountain of Kings, which is excellent for gaining levels quickly.
Now on the 10 year anniversary of the game, the Greenlight campaign has been launched, and we intend to continue the development of Atulos Online during the campaign, and into the future beyond that.
As fellow click product users, we would really appreciate your vote on Steam Greenlight, to help Atulos Online make it onto Steam, securing the future of the game.
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Yeah it is good fun playing around with the exporters
In the properties for your application under the Android Options Icon there are display options. Screen orientation allows you to force landscape, portrait or automatic and Display offers a range of options for how the app is displayed on the screen.
Also the Android object has actions to force landscape or portrait.
Cool, worked great for me in Chrome and Firefox, but had a white screen in Internet Explorer 10.
The short version of what is happening is:
Large frame that uses 2 layers for backdrop objects, at the start of frame when the display repositions to the location of the player active object, layer 2 isn't coming to the party for a split second. ie. Layer 1 is fine, layer 2 has problems long enough for it to be noticeable.
Any thoughts?
I have frames with isometric graphics, and I have put the top part of each backdrop (a wall for example) into layer 2 so that the player in layer 1 can walk behind the backdrops in layer 2.
At the start of the frame I center the display at the position of the player, and in some frames I have noticed that for a split second after doing this, layer 1 seems to update it's position first then layer 2. The result being that for a split second layer 1 and 2 are out of alignment, and it looks like you can only see half backdrops. It almost looks like layer 2 disappears for a split second.
However some frames were not doing this, and I discovered that if in the default starting position of the display (before the display gets centered to the player), if no backdrops are in that area (in view), when the display is centered to the location of the player, the problem does not occur.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Here is the mfa:
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Thx Francois
Using the standard platform movement, when my character is facing left and jumps straight up, it always comes down facing right.
This only happens when viewing it as a Java Applet, not when testing it in MMF2.
Check out the example here:
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Use the Arrow Keys to move and Ctrl to jump.
Down with the MooAPI!!! (Finds pitch fork and flaming torch)
I must admit I was a big fan of the MooAPI until they stopped working on it ... If only they had made the server side stable and fast
Well that is what I think most of the click community is waiting for, a stable server solution along with a MooClick/MooGame replacement.
Seems as though that dream will be realized, nice work Jam
I look forward to the higher level side of what you are developing.
Has anyone played around with this? What did you find?
Anybody seeing what i am seeing, or is it just too hard?
As we are all aware the issue of 3d in MMF has been discussed again and again in these forums.
However we have a relatively new kid on the block, in that I mean the 3D Actives object by LIJI.
This gives us the control of rotation and scaling for the main object used in MMF game, the Active Object. My feeling is that the potential of this object is no-where near realised.
I have been thinking of how to build an efficient 3D Raycaster engine in MMF itself.
My question is how can we do this and is the 3D Actives object a possible way of gaining the speed this engine would require for the 3D display, making use of Actives so it is useful.
This may not be possible, but my mind is churning it over. If it is not possible, then can we brainstorm a way to do it effecienty so the whole community can benefit.
So to re-cap, instead of looking for a 3D object to solve our problems, why not attempt a serious community project to create a 3D RayCaster using the best visual programming language around ... MMF!
Andos has an excellent example of the theory of Raycasters here:
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The problem with this example is the Overlay Redux object is not fast enough to display the 3D view.
The basic gameplay is created in 2d, similar to a top down pac man style game. Where ever pac man is, a ray is cast in the direction he is looking until it hits a wall or object. This 'ray' view is displayed in 3d, the 2d part is not. Check out the Andos example to see this concept.
MMF is perfectly suited to run the 2d part of the ray caster engine, what we need to figure out is how to effectively display the 3d part of the engine. This is where I am thinking 3d Actives might be usable.
This is all a big brain storm at the moment and any thoughts or criticisms are welcome
Go the Dream!
Tiles, create a seperate settings application that boots the main application with the command line options.
For example if your application was called Luigi.exe, the settings application would have the following boot options:
Example - Please login to see this link.
Including all the options below:
/DIB => forces standard graphic mode
/DIB3 => forces standard graphic mode, 256 colors
/DIB4 => forces standard graphic mode, 16 millions of colors, 24 bits
/DIB6 => forces standard graphic mode, 32768 colors
/DIB7 => forces standard graphic mode, 65536 colors
/DIB8 => forces standard graphic mode, 16 millions of colors, 32 bits
/DDRAW => force DirectX + VRAM mode
/NOVR => no VRAM
/DEBUG => displays graphic mode in title bar
/NOF => runs in windowed mode
/NOC => prevents images from being compressed in memory (for internal test)
/NOX => disables Alt+F4
/VSYNC => forces V-Sync ON
We have put a mmf2 243 version of Atulos Online to beta test.
Some of the testers have reported that the game runs extrememly slow. (Actually the scrolling is slow for some testers).
Upon further investigation, my conclusion is that the direct x runtime is not working for these testers, and their game has defaulted back to the standard runtime.
80% of testers report the game running at normal or faster speed than the mmf1 version of atulos
So we got the testers who were having the slow problems to download the latest direct x version. This did not make a difference.
I am interested to know if anyone else is having direct x problems with mmf2 243 or if anyone has any alternate theories concerning why the game would be running extremely slow for a small number of players. All testers reported that mmf1 running with direct x worked perfectly, but the same runtime settings in the mmf2 version have resulted in some testers having a slow game.
For a long time the File Encryption object was the main way MMF users encrypted their save files.
Any Idea if the File Encryption object will be ported over to MMF2?
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)