Posts by Krim

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    The animation extension (the little video camera icon) has an option to insert animated gifs but it's not very well optimized. It does take the .gif and display it as is but it tends to hitch when it changes files. I would assume it is possible to hold the frames or play them as is even at 60fps. I understand that it would be quite difficult if not impossible to play an animation that has variable time data in each of it's frames.

    **update** I found that using the animation extension takes the first frames time data and applies it to every other frame so yeah it would seem it's not possible to have variable times.

    Also I animate outside of MMF using other animation based programs because they are built for animation.

    Yeah that is what I was afraid of...I will probably need to pay someone to make the custom engine I have in mind. For both my main player as well as my enemy characters. As that is my main hang up right now. I would code the gameplay actions but in order to achieve that I need a good custom movement engine that works with me instead of against me.

    Just for curiosity sake; What are the 3 ways to make delta based applications in Fusion?

    I'm making an action game and I feel strongly that I won't be able to do my vision justice unless I get delta time to work with PMO. Is this possible to achieve using PMO? I know the physics of it are not like that of a manual object coded to be a platform object.

    Has anyone successfully implemented delta time using the Platform movement object?

    (I would be using delta time to implement slow and fast motion in my action game. I believe it is imperative for making actions feel like they have a real weight to them instead of being papery and floaty.

    Wow thanks for posting all these possible solutions! For me what would be ideal is just to insert a gif with the speed and timing I've already determined is appropriate for the animation. It's nonsense that I have to retime it in the engine.

    Anyway, I'm going to try all of these and report back with my findings. It would be nice to hear from a click team developer on this issue.

    I don't care if this is a necro post. Has this issue been fixed?? I am still experiencing it on the latest build of Clickteam 2.5. Does anyone have a solution? I always thought it was related to me being crappy at animating but whenever I would bring my animations into MMF they would be slightly off. This would appear to be the reason for that.

    If possible I would be satisfied just reading the gif file I animated from. That way it can maintain the exact timing I planned for it. Is that possible?


    I am attempting to make a simple AI enemy for a brawler that I am working on. It's just a test to see if it's possible but so far it's not looking great. I can't figure out how to move an object left/right without it toppling over. As far as I can tell the values that I need to mess with is either Force, Impulse, Linear Velocity and/or Angular Velocity (this is taking into account what angle degree to apply the force to) I've tried all of these already. What am I doing wrong?

    Also is it possible to take the static movement physics object and make it a custom physics platformer object?

    salamanderpants gets what I am talking about. Are there values/variables for the physics platforming object that are comparable to PMO. eg, X vel, Y Vel. Without that information how can I tell if the object is falling, jumping, not moving, moving, or on the ground? They must be there because the automation knows when the character is jump/falling/walking/stopped. How does it do that?

    As I said this isn't an issue if you can combine the PMO with other physics movements. Is that possible?

    Also you know how there is a clickteam movement extension that allows you to get more values out of the default movements? Is there something like that for the physics movements? That would help a lot.

    Hi I was looking at the platformer physics movement and I'm having trouble finding the variables that will allow for more customization when it comes to animations. I want to know how to tell the game whether or not the character is on the ground/in the air/moving/not moving/etc so that I can do animations properly. Although I did notice that it can be done automatically if the animations are set properly (fall animation in falling for example) Although I do not trust the automation to do what I want when I want. Basically I'm trying to re-code a platformer from using the PMO to using the physics platformer. However as far as I can tell the conversion process is not so cut and dry. I'm hoping I'm missing something. Also I noticed in the platformer physics tutorial that some times a platform character can step on a object and some times it just floats around on top. What is the deciding factor that allows objects to be stood on top without sliding around? (it's this tutorial) Please login to see this link.

    To sum it up I just want to be able to customize the animations based on the platformer physics movement. I need variables such as x,y velocity, accel, decel. Unfortunately I can't find them.

    Oh and this would all be a moot point if I can use a non physics object with a physics object. Is that possible or does box2D only play with it's own objects?

    Another issue I am having is that I tried to give an edited exe of one of the platformer physics frames to my friend as an exe but he told me it wouldn't run because it cannot find Box2Dplatform.mvx! How does this make sense? Isn't this an exe? Shouldn't it have everything that is needed to run it in the exe. Are there separate files that I'm unaware of? Thanks for your time.

    I would just like to say that while I am upset about how poorly this is being handled I can sympathize with the clickteam crew. Furthermore I wish them good luck with handling these issues and getting things under control.

    I feel the same as you tom79. It's very disappointing.

    Also I consider it a bait and switch to say CT fusion 2.5 has html5 but then later you find out you have to pay for. However I have heard that html5 will be free to all users when the free version of Fusion 2.5 is released. I would appreciate it if you removed the "html5" from the list of features of 2.5 until it is embedded into the software or make it clear that it is sold separately. "Batteries sold separately" is a phrase that was created for this reason. As it is right now it's false advertising and like tom79 said it creates mistrust for the users. This goes doubly now that this product is on steam and you are getting an influx of users who have no idea how backward thinking this company is.

    Unfortunately I expect a lot of backlash will come from these new users. I hope that won't affect clickteams relationship with valve/steam. Furthrmore I think it was a mistake to release a $99 product on steam without a demo. Although if it's true and the demo is only a week away I guess that would be okay.

    Just my two cents.

    Is this true guys? This was posted on the clickteam facebook page.

    "Status Update
    By Clickteam
    If you are a new Humble Bundle user for MMF2, it has been decided that if you choose through feb 3rd to upgrade to CF2.5 Standard that will honor the 39.00 upgrade charge."

    Also since we bought on the 5th do we qualify for a free 2.5 upgrade or is that asking too much? Just wondering.

    Hi Paul,

    Just wanted to let you know that I am deeply disappointed that you don't believe it's up to clickteam to promote their own product. I'm even more disappointed that this is coming from a forum moderator. So what you are saying is you like the status quo? That honestly makes no sense to me. Do you like being kept in the dark? Having to claw and grasp at any thread of information even if it's spread far and wide on the forums or in other places? Seriously what you have just typed makes you appear very sheepish. Your behavior is that of a sheep. "Nah let's not change anything" "I like being kept in the dark." "IN FACT if I got more information than this I think my head would explode!" As I said before what kind of company is this? It's too bad they haven't gone public because this kind of mishandling would be getting people fired left and right. As a consumer for clickteams products we deserve to be kept well informed. If they did not announce MMF 2.5 I would not have any reason to complain. I can understand keeping products secret. However when they are announced in a large forum such as the click convention you would think that means they are ready to go full with promoting what they just announced.

    Also I don't know if you guys know this or not but clickteam is playing catch up to the competition. Why would they want to steal from clickteam? Steal what? Their incredible marketing tactics?! Their amazing PR department? I think they'll survive.

    OH and Paul as a forum moderator it is your job to inform, not the community. At least that is what I believe. You have the power to make official stickied threads. The point is that it's official! As a moderator you should want to better enlighten the community for upcoming announced projects. The fact that you don't is appalling.

    Clickteam needs to realize that it's the year 2013 and a lot of stuff has happened with regards to how people promote and aggregate various types of information for their companies. Information that...get ready for this...INFORMS. Many start ups are blowing clickteam away in this regard. Which is pretty pathetic.

    As it stands now I WILL NOT be buying MMF 2.5 so there you have it. You have lost a customer. For now.

    Who knows how many feel the way I do and have already taken off to the greener pastures of Unity/Construct.

    Also thank you happygreenfrog for providing this link. I did not know about it until now. This helps a lot. Please login to see this link.

    At the very least I would like MMF 2.5 to have it's own topic section in the forums. Because as of right now it's difficult to find information. If I seem angry I am but I am not intending for an argument, just a little understanding of how I and others feel. Thanks.