If it's saved on the username user on the pc, that could give lot of people troble, as not many use user as a user on a pc, but thrit own name or nickname. It should be saved in the public user instead, as they are common on all pc
Posts by Carbon_X
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Can't understand you got a problem playing mp3's in fusion? i did try that just now and no issues at all
The Fusion app isn't made to handle that and not Fuision either. So in other words, it's not working the thing you hope to get done.
There is a tiled extention at Please login to see this link.
The extensions I paid for and need ASAP are...
1. Compass object
2. Bluetooth object
I bought others too, but these two are priority. 😭
I see you are registered on The Clickteam Discord server, not meaning the Click Converse, but their corporate, I'll ask if any can help you out , if i can. Discord handle is rickyvbe_40767?
P3d isn't a reactor item.
You don't have dx11 version of the shaders.
* Bullet Player is overlapping Bee
+ Pick one of Bee <- remove this, maybe,idk?
+ Only one action when event loops
Special : Start loop "Spawn 1" 1 times
Special : Start loop "Spawn 2" 1 times
Special : Start loop "Spawn 3" 1 times
Special : Start loop "Spawn 4" 1 times -
I just made something quick to show a way to do it. There is probably many other ways, but i made different images in different directions on the object which is lauched out of the square when you click left mouse button. The parts can even be in the current active object too. -
Just a reminder to Yves, Clickteam Staff/Moderators and other community members. This is a forum for Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Free, which hasn't possibilities for either Android or 3rd party extensions.
Just a reminder to Yves, Clickteam Staff/Moderators and other community members. This is a forum for Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Free, which hasn't possibilities for either Android or 3rd party extensions.
These settings are hardcoded in Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Free. To be able to alter the grayed out one, you need at least Fusion 2.5 Standard. These setting are limited to the limits of the lite version of the HTML 5 Exporter which is provided with the free version and the only export besides the saving of mfa files.
Please login to see this link. Don't know about this, but there were another video some place one made a lightgun game too
Please login to see this link.
Take a look at this web page: Please login to see this link.
Please login to see this link.
Can confirm this too. You're right, it changes the numbers according to just the same as it is for you.
Hi Marv, can you send me the 3d shader.fx too?