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Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Was not too sure where to post this however I have come across an original disk with some of my projects dating back to 2000! However, it was just the builds with protected gam files and I was wondering if there was a way to ideally modify the file so that I could actually look at my old code.
If not is there a way I can extract some of my active objects without having to screen cap each frame of animation?
Any help or a point in the right direction would be great!
Hi there. I am using a sub-app as a pause screen during my game. However. The glitch as it stands is the following:
When pushing enter the sub-app should appear. However, when I push enter I can see the app losing focus to allow the sub-app to pop up. But what I then need to do is click on the app and push enter again and then the sub-app will appear. Can anyone help or point me to a guide or something that will help this work.
Hi there. I was wondering if anyone knew if there was an expression / calculation for letting active objects only semi-collide with obstacles.
E.g. say the Main character (active) colides with a wall (backdrop or active) instead of stopping as soon as he reaches the wall he overlaps it a little first (to give a more realistic effect).
anybody know how to do this without having to put invisible barriers in?
Hi there. I was wondering if there was a resource somewhere that explained the various different combinations of code that you can put in the expressions editor.
Hi there. I am construction a text engine for my game basing my code off the text blitter example of displaying a line of text and then the text scrolling up to display another line.
My question is, how to you get another paragraph of text to display as for some reason I can't.
Hi there. I am busy working away on an adventure RPG game. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to make the camera jump to a point where a certain event is happening. Whenever I do it it sticks and generally I cant come up with an efficient way of doing it.
Also, I am having problem with "create object when X enemy is killed". Instead of spawning one object it will spawn 40.
Hey, does anyone know a good way to make a password entry screen on mmf2.
e.g. user inputs specific information into textbox and upon clicking "OK" button the app will check to see if the password matches the pre-defined password.
they both have modified writes so there should not be a problem or would u recommend just keeping them all in the same file as I do not like storing my INI's by default in the windows folder as I am running vista and it seems to be a pain.
I am having difficulty writing / retrieving information from my INI file when I run MMF2 Dev to test it. However, when I build an application and run it in admin mode it will happy read / write to the INI file.
Is there an option that I have not selected in MMF or on Vista (yes Vista...grumble) that whilst testing the app in MMF it is not properly reading or writing.
It is very frustrating having to build an app everytime I want to test my save game.
do you know anyone here that may have the tool?? its just a bit rubbish that my old games cannot be read. i had a good engine too, just wanted to update it!
but I was sure I remember a couple of years ago on this forum that there was a tool that would allow you to unlock the file again.
Is this not arround anymore or would there be a memory address that I could physcially change in the file to make it useable again?? I'm really desperate!
Hi there, I was digging out some of my old creations to update them in MMF2 Dev but all I could find where the applications that were built and protected. Is there anyway to unlock these protected .gam files???
I am having difficulty getting the Formatted Text object to display a string from an INI file. Can anyone help with this??
I have been able to get the string object to display text from an INI so if this is the only way possible, is there anyway to get the Formatted Text object to display what the string object has instead??
that's great!! Also another quick question while Im here. Does anyone else find that with Windows Vista it refuses to make an .ini when an application is running.
Is there a way to make an ini file appear in the same directory as the application exe file??
Hi there, I'm recently new to the wonders of text blitter and was wondering how to recreate a typing text box where the text appears as if it was being typed
e.g. like in any rpg when one character is talking to another.