Posts by Ausomeman

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A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    I recently decided to give another shot at game design and I purchased MMF2 with Flash. My question is this: Where do I download Flash again if I have the registration code saved in my email inbox? I reformatted since then.

    Thanks for all the responses guys.

    Just to clarify the particle manipulation, I mean to give an example as I am not 100% how to explain in words.

    Though a bad picture, imagine the water is made of particles. I want that when the user swipes his mouse pointer (while holding the left click button), for some of the particles to attract to his pointer and give an alike effect. Because of this specific point, it will have an impact on gameplay, for instance, the spike will hurt an enemy. I apologize for my lack of time to produce a decent image.
    [img:center]Please login to see this link.]

    Hey guys, I have a concept or two that I am not completely sure how to implement into my games. I will ask each concept individually and will work my way from simplest to most complex.

    1.) Custom Gravity - Is there a way to always tell the player to have his feet facing a specific direction and always fall in that direction if in a specific area?
    Basically, Mario Galaxy gravity. I would like the ability to walk around in perfect circles if need be. Any ideas?

    2.) Physics - I have asked about this in chat and was told it is impossible. I'm sure it is not for a flash game. Is it possible to implement 2D sidescroller physics to objects. So if an object hits another, it will respond accordingly? For instance, your character is moving at a specific speed and runs into it, I would like to to move/roll based on size, shape and the speed of the character. Also the ability to affect the density of that object would be nice.

    3.) Particle Manipulation - For instance, I have what looks to be a pool of water. It is composed of a large amount of tiny particles. Is it possible to 'pull' up the water in the pool to react to the mouse as if the mouse was pulling at the water and have different reactions? One time, the water may come up and stop at a point, or another, it may come up at a rounded edge. Any ideas?

    4.) Mass distribution, filling - Ok, this is my last and most complex issue. I want to have water fall from any source and hit the ground. Doesn't sound too hard right? I want when the water hits the ground, to actually spread out and detect how far away in both directions an object is and to continue to spread to those objects. Once it has spread to those objects, the water level will 'rise' until the source of liquid has stopped. I need the particles to be programmed in a way that I can use them as a source (without lagging the machine in a flash game) to fill that area and possibly overflow if no more water is touching it. The amount of time it takes for the water level to rise will be dependant on how far about the 2 objects that are 'containing' the water are from each other. In my case, a backdrop used as an obstacle.

    Alright, I am trying to do something really simple, and it isn't working. :P

    Basically, I have a horizontal counter with a minimum value of 0, and a maximum of 100.

    I then have 2 Global Values of HP, and MAXHP. I set it up so that the counter will always be set to HP/MAXHP*100.

    This should return the percentage of HP they have left and allow me to change the maxhp as they progress through the game.

    The issue is, when I set HP to ANYTHING other than MAXHP, the counter will set itself to 0. Any ideas why?

    I also tried,

    (HP/MAXHP)*100 = Countervalue

    I get the same result.

    Ok, I don't know if I can do this with one SQL database, but I"m hoping.

    What I am looking to do is for me to put an SQL group inside of another group. For example:

    In my database I want users to be able to login with their username and password (universal no matter which flash game as long as I made it). Then, THAT game's variables will be stored in the SQL group under the user's name with highest score, achievements, and mochi purchases, etc.

    Is this possible? I figure that my games won't be popular enough to hurt the server so traffic should not be too much of an issue. "User gets high score....sends to SQL, SQL says it got it. DONE!"

    If it can be done, do you have any idea of how? I want the server to keep up with flash games my users have played and their scores in each. It can use these achievements to unlock overall rewards throughout all games.

    ---High Score

    ---High Score

    ---High Score

    This should be something simplistic to do, but somehow I do not know how. I just want a static object to rotate constantly. How can I set how fast it rotates? I just want it to sit there and rotate.

    Alright, I want to work on a flash game (which I have not done in a while.)

    While working on it, I ran across a couple issues that I am not quite sure how to handle.

    1. Copy Sprites - This is pretty straight forward. Say I create the object "Block". What do I do if whenever a user clicks, I want the object "Block" appear there. If there is already another on the screen, there will now be 2 Block objects following the SAME programming. So it will not just be a picture, but follow physics that I have instructed it to. So if the user clicks 50 times, there will now be 50 blocks that follow whatever programming I gave the object 'block' to perform in the first place.

    2. Velocity Deplacement - This is something I am still unsure how to do and not even 100% MMF2 can do it. Let's say I shoot a block out of a cannon moving at 20pixels a second (in fastloop form). So, if it colides with ANY object with the group, "Object", it is to divide it's own velocity by 2. The OTHER object will then steal the velocity of the object that touched it after the division. So the collision will slow down the object, then it will cause the other object to move because of the collision.

    The issue I am having is that I cannot define which OBJECT to set velocity to. I want it to affect ANY object under the group 'OBJECTS', but I do not want them all to move if it colides with a box, just the box it collided with.

    Any ideas guys? That means that I cannot use a Global Value as all 100 boxes will half their velocity based on one global value which means.....if one moves, they all move.

    Well, my use for it would be used for something similar to an interactive bar that can rotate objects for a certain angle.

    For instance, I want all objects to rotate around the object to 30 degrees. After that, it would stop. I do hope, however, that this will not consume too many resources. A project I have in mind (haven't really started it yet) is going to play with a ton of things....I just hope I'm up for it. XD

    Alright, I am working with fast loops and I followed the tutorial (just to brush up). Something I noticed however, is that fast loops do not handle slopes very all. Is there a reason for this? It, for some reason will always get stuck on a tiny pixel while going upslope. If going down slope, it works fine.

    Any ideas to get this to work guys? Also, the character can 'jump' up the slope. A way to put an end to this if I want to make it impossible or just a way to walk up them would be greatly appreciated.

    Alright, I need a little concept help. I am working on a game that if you hold down the left mouse button and draw a shape, I want to take one sprite, multiply it a few hundred times, give it a basic movement and attach it to the path and follow the path in the same order that the mouse drew.

    Basically, if the mouse curser starts at 0,0 and draws a perfect curser to 0,1, I want 100 tiny flames to appear on the beginning of the path, follow the path, and show a circle of flames (that they drew), before slowly fading away.

    Any idea on how to accomplish this? Complicated, I know, but I am really hoping for this.

    I have followed the fastloop tutorial, but that doesn't help me with walls, roofs, and custom acceleration, deceleration....and the easiest way to......set the Acceleration to opposite.....

    For instance, at certain times, say the player is going 20 pixels a second on the X axis positive.

    Is there a way I can take that number and make the X stop moving and then set his Y acceleration to 20 instead until gravity slows it down?

    Ok, I need to develop a custom movement engine for a game of mine that can detect walls, floors, and roofs (the obvious stuff) without going through them. Most likely, this will use fast loops. Though I have had some experience with fast loops, I am not all that great with them.

    The defualt movement engine lets you go through walls at certain times which would cause players to cheat. What is the best way to make these (is there a tutorial), for a Flash export.

    I am going to try to make a small mini-series of a 2D Portal game (yes, I know there already is one). I want to make my own view and take on it along with a few....changes. :3

    I have all that ready, but I need to learn the basic implementation of movement engines. Thanks a ton guys.

    Well...if you really wanted to, you could incorperate a registration system into your game instead of the actual installer. What you would do would be to force the game to check with a server.

    Set up all the registration codes up in your server. The coding to tell a simple (not your game, but a simple program in MMF2) to mass add a ton of preloaded codes should not be too hard. You could manually type them in, or you could make up an algorithym to make a code, upload it to your server and have that run for an extremely large amount of time. After, that scratch the easy program you used.

    In the game you want to protect, have the game force to check with the server whenever they type in a code. If the code is there, validate the game, delete the code from the server, and you are done. If not, tell them to try again.

    Hope this helps.

    Wouldn't an AI system be incredibly heavy on the system resources? If you were to have an incredibly smart enemy, what if you had 10 of them active on the screen? A true AI would have quite a large number of scripts running at a time.

    The computer would be running through at least thousands of enemy AI scripts a second, and that does not even include any of the normal game scripts such as the player scripts, the UI, and the various animations, sounds, and music.

    How about you just use the screen capture function to take a picture of the gameplay, save the picture, then go to the next frame and show the game window on one layer, and post your pause screen with semi transparency where you want it on the second layer to overlap the picture. This, I think, would provide a good effect.

    The only two issues that I am unsure about are whether the screen capture function has been ported to flash, and the other issue is how you plan to take a picture of just the game being played.