Posts by Fralex

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Well, that got it to fail in a slightly different way, so that's something. I tried your suggestion after attempting to open the file and getting stuck at the lack of a speechbubble.mfx extension. When I hit the "retry" button, I got an error message telling me there was a problem loading the frame that uses the speech bubble extension, and do I want to just remove that frame and continue. I said yes, and then it stopped responding.

    I am able to open other game files just fine, and even add the "speech bubble" object (actually just another Active Backdrop object) to the game. Also, sometimes when I try to open the first file with the fake extension installed, it just goes straight to not responding.

    What should I do now?

    I tried to open an old game I hadn't worked on in a while, but it refused to do it without all the extensions I used in it. I was able to install most of them, but the Speech Bubble extension I installed from the Extension Manager it won't accept because it's not the Unicode version.

    I only want to open this game file so I can remove all the extensions. That way I don't keep running into this problem. But I can't get at any of the data from the outside. What should I do?

    A game I have been working on on and off for several years, passed along several iterations of Clickteam projects (I think this might have first been made with The Games Factory? Multimedia Fusion 2 at least.), has accumulated a bunch of weird and annoying glitches and it's been extremely difficult getting rid of them. For instance, right now I have an object that works fine in-game, but if I try to edit it the entire program crashes. If I retrieve the player's key$ values to show you what the control scheme is currently set to, any value that should show up as a single letter is followed by a rapidly-shifting string of sometimes random unicode characters, sometimes the names of other keys with the first letter cut off (i.e. "Xeft Arrow"), and, just once, a file path that I didn't think to look up at the time that never showed up again.

    Can anyone offer help with that specific problem or with fixing the more general one of "this game file is probably corrupted or something"?

    Wow, I can't even remember the last time I visited this place. Feels... weird to be back. But good! This has always been a super-helpful community.
    So I just excitedly upgraded to Fusion 2.5 and am totally psyched to explore this newfangled Physics Engine object! It's exactly what I needed to make this one game I tried to make a while ago but gave up on. But I'm kind of confused by the apply impulse action. A series of quick impulses in short succession, all pushing the object the same way, ought to make it accelerate, right? I mean that's just basic F = MA physics. But instead, this is causing the object to slide forward at a constant velocity for as long as impulses are being applied to it, even in defiance of gravity. What am I doing wrong?

    Oh, I remember needing to do something like that once. I wanted to make backdrops that followed the shape of the level. If that's what you're trying to do, what I did was zoom out until the whole level was visible in the editor, then just did a PrtSc capture, pasted it into a drawing program, and enlarged it back to regular size. Since I only needed a general idea of where everything was, the decrease in resolution didn't matter. And of course, if you can fit the whole level in a window, you can use the Screen Capture object to do it in-game. Sorry I can't be more helpful!

    Sorry I took so long to reply to all you guys! I had started a response a few days ago that got lost before I finished it, and haven't remembered to write another one until now. Hopefully someone is still willing to help. :)

    So, about using an Array. I've never really used Arrays before, but I'm not sure how easy it would be to save all the important progress the player has made on a level. I can see how I could use one to store things like the player's position, score, and health, and in fact that was something like my original plan. The problem was coming up with a way to store which coins the player has collected so far, as they play a very important role in the game. Forcing the player to re-collect all of them after every death seemed a little harsh( though I might do that as a last resort if I can't get this to work), and allowing the player to keep every coin they collect before and after the checkpoint would allow them to get dangerously-placed coins without needing to survive the hazards.
    Hmm... now that I think about it, would it be enough to just record the fixed value of every coin you collect, then destroy the coins with those fixed values every time the checkpoint resets the level? I wonder if that would work...

    And I would be happy to try to reproduce this problem on something small enough to fit in a file to upload. It'll take some time, though.

    Thanks for your advice everyone!

    I decided to add a simple checkpoint system to my level. When you touch the checkpoint, it saves the frame position and deactivates. If you die and the checkpoint has been reached, it loads the frame position instead of resetting the frame.
    But when it does this, a ton of completely baffling things go wrong:
    -The score is copied and pasted into a layer below it.
    -You can no longer shoot, but jumping still works.
    -Ending the level results in an error.
    -Some randomly chosen cannon traps designed to launch missiles every 2 seconds appear to have missiles stuck inside them, and there's an endless cacophony of explosion sound effects. Different cannons are affected each time, and sometimes none are affected at all.

    Any suggestions?

    When an enemy first lands on a platform, and tries to move onto a solid backdrop, the "pixel-high wall" thing happens. It can step over it with a jump, and the problem doesn't happen if the enemy moves back onto the platform and try to move off it again.

    EDIT: Erasing the last bottom row of pixels on the mask solved the problem, but I don't know if that was the best solution or if that might cause problems later or something... Maybe I'm just being paranoid about that though... XD

    Well, since it will constantly cycle through all the events in the Event Editor, the previous code is going to keep getting executed as long as the conditions set for it still apply. While the mouse button is down, what happens according to the code is this:

    At 19, it sees that there's 1 Marker and 1 Center of marker, so Player turns to face the Marker, begins moving, then turns to face the Center( having it turn to face the Marker is actually unnecessary, since afterward it's immediately turned to face the Center in that same line of code, and also because the Marker and the Center have the same coordinates anyway).

    At 26, it sees that the mouse button is down, so Player turns to face the Cursor. Keep in mind that no time has passed since Event 19, FAIAP. I'm not exactly sure how it decided that this particular direction change would take priority if it tried to make Player look at both the Center of marker and the Cursor, but that's what happens whenever the mouse button is down.

    Now once the button is up again, the condition for event 26 is false, but event 19's conditions are still true. So from then on it points the Player at the Center of marker, until Player reaches it and triggers the event that destroys the Marker and its Center.

    So it looks like what you need is a way to test how long the mouse button was held down for. If there's just a short click, a target is created and the player moves to it until it reaches it. If the button is pressed for longer than that, the player should instead follow the cursor for as long as the button is held. Here's what I did:

    Please login to see this attachment.

    Hope this helps! :)

    Oh my gosh! IT WORKS! This problem has been driving me insane for over a year! Thank you so much! I can finally continue my experiments in AI, not to mention the game I plan to add to my portfolio!
    Eeeeeeee! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

    Hmmm... now there's a slight problem when I add back the horizontal movement. When moving from a platform to a solid obstacle, the enemies are stopped as if bumping into a wall one pixel high... Please login to see this attachment. any suggestions on that?

    I'm trying to modify DavidN's fastloop platform movement engine to move multiple enemies at once rather than a single player. I'm doing this by having the two colision sensors( The mask and the detector) jump from enemy to enemy so fast it's as if they're with every enemy at once.

    Horizontal movement works fine.
    Vertical movement works fine except for jumps. For some reason, enemies can jump if they're standing on platforms, but not obstacle backdrops and obstacle-like objects! What am I doing wrong here? Please login to see this attachment.

    If it's any help, the main problem is that if you look closely at the detector, you'll notice it is never overlaping obstacles, but just hovering right above them, a single pixel higher than it should be. This does not happen when the enemy is above a platform, for some reason.

    The only difference event-wise is the order: Platform-detecting comes first, then there's a pair of events that move the enemy 1 pixel up or 1 pixel down( this does not happen if a platform is detected, because that first event will end the loop), and the final events test for obstacles getting detected.

    One would think that the problem could be fixed simply by bringing those last events up so that they're right after the platform-detecting one, but no matter what order I put them in, the bug just gets worse. Is there a correct order, or is what I am attempting fundamentally impossible? It seems like there should be a way to do this...

    Because of the nature of my pause screen( it's a Sub-Application with Modal checked), it is impossible to access the part of the game menu where you customize your controls if the game is paused. But part of the pause screen is a brief summary of your current control settings, along with a control-customizing button. Since my original plan to have that button be a shortcut to the "Players..." option in the menu doesn't work, how do I design an in-game controls customization thingamajig? For example, one where you click on "BUTTON 1" and it assigns the next key you press to Button 1.

    _ If it's any help, the main problem is that if you look closely at the detector, you'll notice it is never overlaping obstacles, but just hovering right above them, a single pixel higher than it should be. This does not happen when the enemy is above a platform, for some reason.
    _ The only difference event-wise is the order: Platform-detecting comes first, then there's a pair of events that move the enemy 1 pixel up or 1 pixel down( this does not happen if a platform is detected, because that first event will end the loop), and the final events test for obstacles getting detected.
    _ One would think that the problem could be fixed simply by bringing those last events up so that they're right after the platform-detecting one, but no matter what order I put them in, the bug just gets worse. Is there a correct order, or is what I am attempting fundamentally impossible?

    Oops. The comment "^ That last condition doesn't mean anything( for now)" was in the wrong place. It was refering to the event below the comment, in which the last condition is "Group 0 internal flag 0 is off." Sorry for any confusion!