Hey All,
So I was wondering about something since I'm working on my very first Android game:
The current resolution that I'm testing it is half HD = 640x360 (Landscape), so far so good.
My Tiles and Characters / Enemies are 32x32 pixels, since it's a platformer I wanted to have lots of space consider the small resolution so it won't slow down the Devices. the thing is... that 32x32 character looks a bit smaller, but when I build the level inside Fusion I'm on 200% zoom it looks really good! the problem is that the Joystick graphics may cover the character and some of the graphics.
Anyway... I don't want to Re-Animate everything again in 64x64 and of course not just Resize to double the pixel size that will look much uglier and blocky so no way for that either.
I'm using a Camera Object for smoother movement and it's working very nice! (I wish Fusion 3 will have a Built-In Camera Object for much easier and more dynamic options).
I know there are many other ways I can play with the resolution, but it's not working I even tried smaller resolution, I barely see the game area... it's too big, so 640x360 gives me lot more area to see consider it's also on smaller devices (Tested on 4 different devices so far and on smaller devices it's a problem as I explained with the Joypad).
Also it will be VERY COOL if I could actually Zoom IN-OUT inside the game!
My Questions:
Is there a way to "tell" the camera to zoom from 100% to 200% without change the resolution of the project / frames ?
I have no idea if it's possible but I'm very curious to try it because it will keep the ratio anyway.
Is there a "secret" object I should download from the manager? :o
Or maybe there is a a video tutorial about zooming IN-GAME maybe? (not in the editor)
Please let me know, I appreciate any help since I'm consider myself a Noob and I just start experiment with the Android exporter. Thanks ahead!
* Sorry about my bad English.