Posts by Alon Dan

Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.

A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.

Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!


    Thanks for trying to help solving this Danny I appreciate it.

    I followed your instructions but the problem is that my default font on the properties expression editor's font are already on western default using Tahoma font.
    So I tried to change to something else (English related of course not Right to Left), Unfortunately it's not solving the issue.

    I guess I'll have to wait to a patch fix on the next build.

    Hello awesome ClickTeam community!

    First of all I must mention that I've reported this as a bug as suggested.

    The reason I'm sharing this question is because I didn't use Fusion 2.5 Dev (steam) for a while now and maybe I missed something or maybe I need to change some settings manually on the software?
    maybe it is not a bug but something I do wrong?

    Here is the bug report link if anybody else maybe ran into it before: Please login to see this link.
    there is also a short MP4 video that shows the bug in action.

    I'm using the latest version and build updated from Steam.
    if this is a bug I hope that ClickTeam will fix it... because it's really almost impossible to type anything and it's happening ONLY in Fusion 2.5 and none of my other software as I described on the bug report.

    I don't remember had this issue when I used Fusion before, maybe it's a new bug, Did anyone with more than 1 language on windows 10 experience this issue?

    Thanks ahead everybody and have a wonderful day! :)

    Thank you very much for taking the time and do this!

    I'm having a rough look and it looks so complicated to me and it reminds me the old manual way before we had an actual platform movement object... and also because I'm a Noob) ;)

    I really hope that FUSION 3.0 will handle such things much easier, but as long as it works now with your solution I will look at it later and try to understand how it works in order to learn and get better of course.

    Thanks again for your afford, I appreciate it. :)

    Thank you for your reply,

    Since I'm very new to the all Android Extension thing, I don't understand yet how to use "Is touch active" it ask for a number (0 based) not even sure what it does and if I choose the default 0, it shows:

    Touch 0 is active ...not really sure how to manage it, I guess I'll need to see an example to get the idea.

    So... the real challenge for me is to combine the buttons for HOLD (walk Left or Right) and normal PRESS to Shoot or Jump while using the "Platform Movement Object" so the walking animation is not freezing.

    I'm sharing this very simple platform (This creature can fly like flappy bird for now) the Buttons are already placed.
    I've managed to make the JUMP button play the animation correct + Make the character jumps.

    Now... if you or anybody else can help with the Arrow PRESSED animation + Make the character walks, I think I'll get the idea of the Multiple Touch object, I really want to learn and understand how it works on this example, also it will be GREAT for other on our community to check it out.

    You'll notice that I used the P1 Active Object as placeholder, I really like the more options I'll have with it later.

    Forgive me for the super lame graphics, I made it fast just to get to the important stuff.
    Thanks ahead! :)

    MFA Example File attached: Please login to see this attachment.

    Small Update:

    So I've made the animations of the buttons to work like this:
    Please login to see this attachment.

    But the thing I can't get to work is the "walking" Animation of the character to work while the Mouse key pressed.

    At the same time the normal keyboard Left+Right Arrows works, and same for the Android Built-In Joystick.

    How can I make the "walking" animation to work?
    The character is sliding, like the walking animation is stuck or not repeating...

    not sure why it's working perfect with joystick and keyboards but not with the mouse buttons, Help please?

    Thanks ahead!

    Hey All,

    I've created an Active object as an animated button.
    It include 2 Animations:
    "Stopped" and "Button Pressed" each one contain only 1 frame.

    I want to make the button animation change to pressed when I TOUCH it with my finger using the Android Exporter.
    But I'm not sure how to accomplish this with the Multiple Touch (there are going to be more buttons).
    I also want to make the character walk to the left for example while I press the Active animated button.

    Is there something like Repeat ?
    I guess I can try do this with the mouse again but I got confused after it didn't work when I tried:

    - User clicks with left button on [Active Button]
    - Repeat while left mouse-key is pressed

    So I thought maybe I should try the Multiple Touch object for the same idea?
    I'm not sure if the Multiple Touch object can do what the mouse does (repeat and such) but if YES, please let me know how, I'm curious to try it out.

    I need 2 kind of buttons, the simple: touch to jump or shoot (1 press = 1 action)
    and the more complicated (for me): touch to move left or right while I hold the finger on the Active animated button.

    As you can see I'm confused, I made it work perfect with the built-in Android Joystick but I want to create my own buttons, add more stuff so I don't want to be limited to the defaults.

    Please help? Thanks ahead! :)

    Thanks for the reply Fernando!

    So, I knew I did something wrong! and you got it, I now used the BROWSE button to load my OGG files on my game, and re-build it to test on the Android devices I've mentioned earlier....

    Still no sound, anything else I may missed? :(

    It works now, not sure what I did but I re-load the file and re-built and it WORKS!


    * Another question:
    How do I remove a sample I didn't use on the editor? I don't see any delete or remove button.

    oh I didn't now that I need to use quality 3, I used 2 (Mid Quality) for even smaller size.

    But that wasn't the problem, as I explained also WAV didn't work on all Android devices, I even checked now on friend's device: LG G4 and the app works perfect but without sounds. The other devices I tested on were: Asus Tablet (not sure about the model), Galaxy S5 and Note 4.
    Everything works perfectly fine but no sounds... not from WAV or OGG 44,100

    I can't really post that MFA because it's a project I may keep working on so I can't share it's materials... But I've made a simple app to test it again with the same file (just one of them to make it simple).

    BUT unfortunately I'm not sure why... now I'm getting a black screen on the Android so I can't really test the sounds manually.
    * I did put an Extra sound at the Start of Frame... but I can't hear a thing.

    I'm only on the beginning of learning the Android Extension so everything is new to me even when I try following the Documents of the basic rules and tips, things are not that simple and easy to follow as I thought it may be...

    I have the feeling it's a general properties or something I need to do... maybe I forgot to enable something,
    But I don't think it's the OGG or WAV files. Y
    ou tell me...

    Simple Android File: Please login to see this attachment.
    (black screen on all Android Devices... not sure what I did wrong, works PERFECT on PC)

    I hope you can help me out here, Thanks ahead! :)

    Hey All,

    Before posted this thread, I looked over the forum and notice this problem is not new and if I understood it's solved but it seems to happen to me, let me try to explain:

    I have loaded a OGG music file to the start of the frame,
    and 2 more SFX when jumping and collide with object.
    The music is on a specific channel 1, the other effect on channel 2 and the last one on channel 3.

    Everything is OGG because if understood it's weight less and more friendly for Android so... yeah!

    When running a PC test from Fusion (F8) it runs perfectly fine.
    But when I test it on my Tablet device there are no sounds, When I test it on my smartphone, no sounds...
    Best of all (from my other tests never failed yet) on the BlueStacks Emulator... still no sounds.

    Is there anything I may forgot to enable on the properties, maybe I missed something?
    Can you please direct me step-by-step how to fix this?

    Thanks ahead! :)

    Hey All,

    I'm very new to the Android Exporter and I'm wondering if In-App Purchase feature is possible?

    I'm clueless about it, I have no idea how to begin but I wonder if it's possible first and if it's based on:
    PayPal? Google Play Store? Amazon? or maybe... it's a General Object for All?

    Can somebody please explain step-by-step how it works since I'm a noob...

    If there is a good Video Tutorial about in-app purchase for Android feel free to share, It will be the BEST way for me to follow and understand because it's more visual and my English isn't very well as you already noticed, sorry about that.

    Thanks ahead! :)

    Hey All,

    So I was wondering about something since I'm working on my very first Android game:
    The current resolution that I'm testing it is half HD = 640x360 (Landscape), so far so good.

    My Tiles and Characters / Enemies are 32x32 pixels, since it's a platformer I wanted to have lots of space consider the small resolution so it won't slow down the Devices. the thing is... that 32x32 character looks a bit smaller, but when I build the level inside Fusion I'm on 200% zoom it looks really good! the problem is that the Joystick graphics may cover the character and some of the graphics.

    Anyway... I don't want to Re-Animate everything again in 64x64 and of course not just Resize to double the pixel size that will look much uglier and blocky so no way for that either.

    I'm using a Camera Object for smoother movement and it's working very nice! (I wish Fusion 3 will have a Built-In Camera Object for much easier and more dynamic options).

    I know there are many other ways I can play with the resolution, but it's not working I even tried smaller resolution, I barely see the game area... it's too big, so 640x360 gives me lot more area to see consider it's also on smaller devices (Tested on 4 different devices so far and on smaller devices it's a problem as I explained with the Joypad).

    Also it will be VERY COOL if I could actually Zoom IN-OUT inside the game!

    My Questions:
    Is there a way to "tell" the camera to zoom from 100% to 200% without change the resolution of the project / frames ?
    I have no idea if it's possible but I'm very curious to try it because it will keep the ratio anyway.

    Is there a "secret" object I should download from the manager? :o
    Or maybe there is a a video tutorial about zooming IN-GAME maybe? (not in the editor)

    Please let me know, I appreciate any help since I'm consider myself a Noob and I just start experiment with the Android exporter. Thanks ahead!

    * Sorry about my bad English.

    Thanks for the tips wpd,
    My latest experiment is half-HD (640x360) with the "Smooth resizing" disabled, so it's not getting blurry as I've tested on 3 different devices include the BlueStacks emulator.

    I also put a counter to always show the FPS on the screen as I work, so it's showing 60 fps when no moving and of course with some action on the screen it's "dancing" a bit, but nothing critical yet.

    I guess that if it will stay 50-60 fps it will still be nice and not annoying to the eyes, but I'm still experimenting as I go.

    I'm considering to reduce the 640x360 resolution to even lower since it's pixels graphics on my first Android project anyway, but still didn't get the "BEST" resolution to my taste just because the UI and the Joystick placement take over most of the screen no matter how I play with it.

    Let's say I'm using a small resolution for the Game for example: 470x320 less or more, doesn't matter but SMALL (not HD)

    And I'm using the "Stretch to Fill" what I notice is that it's blurry on the Device and Bluestacks emulator, actually even when testing on Windows 10.

    Is there an option that allow me to stretch and fill WITHOUT the blurry effect?
    I mean, more like just ZOOM IN to the pixels.

    Just after I wrote this... I'm experimenting with "Smooth resizing" but still not sure if that's the answer so fill free to update me, because it's only for the Android I wonder about it also for the PC.

    Hey Guys just an update,

    I've tried to "think different" and see if I can somehow MAKE the Animated Active (player 1) to listen to the direction of the Placeholder (P1 Red Cube).

    After testing it on both: Real Android Device and BlueStacks emulator, I approve that it works perfect now.

    I'm not sure if that's the best way or if it can be done without these extra events but as long as it works, I'm happy!
    Sorry for the mess, I'm still experimenting with the Android Exporter.

    Screenshot attached:
    Please login to see this attachment.

    Thanks for sharing wpd! :)
    Now I'm experimenting with half HD (640x360) works smooth, but I'll probably try at least HD-Ready or what you've suggested: 1280x960 which is a bit higher but not high as Full HD.

    So far I've tested in 3 different devices, and the Joystick placed on weird places over the game, so I must find a better way to setup the UI which is not exist yet.. probably a black bar or something to leave space for the game itself.