My app made it on the app store! My first app! I can't believe it, I'm 13 and I already have an app on the appstore!
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Open a TicketMy app made it on the app store! My first app! I can't believe it, I'm 13 and I already have an app on the appstore!
Don't get too cocky. You've had support from a fantastic dev program.
Is there any way to slow down the speed at which a loop executes? Maybe some sort of pause between each new loop.
+ Whenever...
-> Start loop "GetChars", len(str$( value )) times+ On loop
-> CurrentChar = mid$(str$( value ), LoopIndex("GetChars"), 1)
Thanks very much. This worked.
Is there any way I can do this?
So, if I had a variable with the value 89402 or something similar, I could retrieve the 8, then the 9, then the 4, then the 0 etc.
A special edition's just been launched and Vevo is partnering up for music services.
It seems they're making this multimedia with apps just like the mobile markets, alongside gaming.
I don't know if this will get through but I'm currently selling my Xbox 360 to build up some money for a MacBook.
It's a super elite (250gb) and comes with Final Fantasy Xiii. Perfect condition and perfect for development.
If anybody's looking for one for development purposes, I'll bring the price down. I'm looking to get rid of it more than anything (I don't do any game playing anymore, just game making), so if you pm me, I'll bring the price down to something more reasonable for you.
I don't know if this will come up as spam or not. If it does, I apologize.
Please login to see this link.
It's under ParallelSyntax and is £170 at the moment. But I'm happy to bring it down as low as anybody wants, within reason.
Thanks for reading!
I think it would be nice if the screen was slightly larger. But considering a lot of people develop with a larger size in mind, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
Apple probably won't make all of the apps look by changing the ratio. I can see them changing the screen size a bit though. Going back to an iPod Touch is very strange after using a Galaxy Nexus and it seems Apple is the different platform than the rest in terms of screen size. Hopefully it will be retina out of the blocks, rather than just bringing along another model later on for retina.
I think I've been looking for the same thing and I think it's more of a draw-around selection thing.
I came up with a method a while back but it's not very accurate a lot of the time. It'll only select the shapes rectangle (so the farthest vertical and horizontal edges are the edges of the rectangle).
Also. Is there any chance somebody could explain a bit of the tech of this? I find it amazing to see that all my images are placed onto a single image and the JS can mosaic this out and use them as separate images. What's the cch file format?
I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but nothing will load across Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari or IE. It only has the HTML text at the top of the page.
I've tried in both Final Project and Project, with various files just to try and see something.
Ill publish the SDK this week. you will need to be registered as a beta tester to use it (basically, you will want to save HTML5 applications (cch)).
Is this a new file format? I haven't seen .cch before. How exactly does the HTML5 exporter export? Does it give a batch of CSS and JavaScript files?
I'd be interested in signing up regardless.
Yes, MMF3 is in development. However, it will not be called Multimedia Fusion 3. Clickteam wants to find a name that is better fit to attract new users and let the product sound like a professional tool.
Has a name already been decided that I should make a logo for or is the name still in question?
I realize this was mentioned a while back but are Clickteam still looking for a new logo/name for MMF3?
I'd be interested in coming up with something if you guys are still looking around.
Yep, afaik iOS overlaps both desktop and handheld devices.
No it doesn't. iOS is for iDevices only. A Mac doesn't run on iOS. It can simulate it, but it doesn't run on it.
I have purchased a tablet and two android phones for development. I have also purchased another Xbox and soon a Windows phone for my developments. Do not insult me or other members to which you know nothing about, especially in regards to investment.
It seems that you shouldn't even develop for Apple devices if your heart isn't in it. Y'know. If you don't like Apple and give as little care towards testing and going through with the entire development cycle, it's going to show in your bug ridden, crashing games.
Any hatred towards a company for specific methods is just downright childish. You'd say the same to me if I ran around shouting that I won't develop for Android because it's malware-ridden and if I refused to develop for Microsoft platforms because I think Microsoft are just as money-grabbing as any other company. If you want to develop for Apple, invest that little bit further in it. You sound like you have enough money to invest if you've bought all of the stuff for XNA and Android development.
Apple's format may be linear, but it is simple and it is clean. The Android marketplace is always under fire for faulty games, poorly developed games (newbies to Java thinking they are the best around) and malware. It may be open format, but Google don't bother checking apps for problems until it's reported, which is...excuse my language...shi* business practice.
I have to remember that quote for the future. xD
But yes. You do have to get this Apple chip off of your shoulder. It's truly pathetic to take sides in technology and games sub-sections.
If you want to make it anywhere in the games industry, you have to learn to stop taking sides. iOS is a revolutionary platform for games whether you like it or not. By rejecting it just because it's made by Apple isn't just shooting yourself in the foot as a games developer, but it's actually blowing your entire leg off in this industry. As a hobby, I could understand why you might not go with iOS, but as somebody who's aiming to make money (it sounds like you are), you have to stop being so childish and give up all these biased opinions.
Android and Windows phone will not get you any of the attention that iOS would get you at this moment in time. If you want to be a serious games designer, you have to keep with the times and follow the trends, otherwise you'll never get anywhere. Android and Windows Phone OS are nowhere near iOS at this moment in time, concerning profit and popularity. That's not biased of me, that's the facts.
I have drawn an Ice Cube Object and i want it to have a realistic 'see-through' effect.
How can i do this using MMF2?
( build type not importaint )
Have you tried the Semi-transparency ink effect?
Sounds good but problem is you can't easily port elsewhere and everyone knows iOS is where the money is... And ubfortunately Objective C is a real bitch and can't easily be rewritten from Java.
I've done a vast amount with Objective C as well, before the iOS exporter came along. You're not wrong, but one never knows until they've tried.
I'm hoping MMF3 has something more for coding. It would be a nice optional extra. I've been very interested for programming for a while now and I think it'd be interesting to see some more options in the new version, even if it's just an extra, alongside the usual event/condition system.
I've been learning Android with Java (Eclipse with ADT) recently and while I can't wait for the exporter, I have to say that you guys should try this if you haven't already.
I've only been doing it for a month now and the Java is insanely easy. Everything sticks so easily. I've even started with 3D.
Or woody provided him the extension and is sending a bill
Of course Clickteam is always interested in helping (with some $) on extension development!
Just let us know what your doing.
How do you want me to bill you, Javira?
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)