Issue resolved.
Posts by willow
Welcome to our brand new Clickteam Community Hub! We hope you will enjoy using the new features, which we will be further expanding in the coming months.
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
A few features including Passport are unavailable initially whilst we monitor stability of the new platform, we hope to bring these online very soon. Small issues will crop up following the import from our old system, including some message formatting, translation accuracy and other things.
Thank you for your patience whilst we've worked on this and we look forward to more exciting community developments soon!
Hi i was hoping to use the new active backdrop to display a animation i have, but when i try to use the "edit" feature nothing happens ?
This is very important to me to get this working any help at all is welcome.
very nice graphics and animation.
works perfect in build 252.
Good enough to eat
very well done!!
I have a demo of this working if anyone is intrested.
Altough somewhat changed to also incorp the player hiding behind say a house/wall or other.
Each enemy works independ from each other and only the current enemy takes the required action.
All enemies copied and pasted onto the play area.
Even though i get little help i wish to share my sucess!
I am trying do the following, however i do not know how to check were the enemy is the current frame settings are 640 x 480
The play area currently 1280 x 960 TESTING
The line of sight is just a small active that is scaled and rotated between the enemy and the player.
spread a value "0" in the ID variable
of the enemies.
Start the loop "Number of enemies" times.* LOOP enemies
+ Is the current enemy in the frame?
Enable Group
* LOOP enemies+ Is the current enemy NOT in the frame?
> Disable Group== GROUP enemy loop ==
* LOOP enemies
ID of enemy is = LoopIndex("enemies")
> pick a enemy at random and Place line of sight* LOOP enemies
ID of enemy is = LoopIndex("enemies")
+ Line of sight collides with player?
> Do something -
Hi i just tested this mfa and you may need to change the settings as i had issues.
just in case.
right click on each line, a new window will open, choose edit now press the key you wish to use.
on my keyboard the number pad keys are identified differently.
end, down , pgn down, left arrow.
hope this helps.
Hi new character demo link: Please login to see this link.
Sorry you are indeed correct when tested the semi-transp only works within mmf and does not work when built and run as a swf.
The only option that worked was to make the string either visable or not.
my apologys for my error
Hmme also works with a string.
Example : mouse pointer over inventory object torch Show string.
mouse pointer not over inventory object torch hide string.
I run build 252. When "build type" is set to "Flash", various things are disabled, including "transparency". *However*, under "Effects", the "Effect" choice allows you to change one effect and one only: "Semi-transparency". The rest are greyed out/disabled. Perfect for me in my situation, right now. So I pick it. Then I change the "Blend coefficient" to 50 or so, just to test it. Then I build and open it in my web browser. The text is 100% solid.
I have not tested text but you can change / adjust the semi-transparency for a active.
In my new demo "swf" the player can move behind a wall i have adjusted the semi-transparency so you can SEE the player and when you step back out from behind the wall i reset the semi-transparency back to ZERO.
TESTED in internet explorer 9.
Hi everyone, i have attempted to re create a sponsor splash logo.
Here is a link to all the required info the sponsor sent.
Please login to see this link.
please excuse my cude improvised mfa.
I am in need of a experienced coder to help.
I have tried but i feel with a professional coder the result would benifit anyone successfull in selling to this sponsor.
If you can help in any way.
This is fun Please login to see this link. thanks i did not know about it.
you could try using this: Please login to see this link.
I am trying to find a example.
the orignal file had a blue,white actives they had a nice beveled edge to them.
The example showed how to use the alt varible to change the order of the actives.
From what i remember some of the actives had the circle movement, and when rotating around the each other they always were placed correctly I.e IN front or behind.
sorry for the lack of information but hopefully you know the example i mean.
Thank you for your time
thanks for all the help. as always very patient and helpful.
How do i stop the distribution, until the sponsorship is all set ?
Sorry im new at all this.
Hi guys, i thought i should join in, i have sold my first game.
I do not wish to say to much as i am awating a responce from the sponsor.
Under the terms of the agreement i can use mochi adds, however i am realy nervous.should i first add the sponsors logo, url, etc ,etc before i use the mochi services.
If you could advise please do so.
First thanks to gerald999 for spoting that the old download link had been removed.
I have just reposted the game to gamebuilder now it is up on there server.The game itself has not benn changed just reposted.
so check it out if you have not played it yet.
to be honest i downloaded the file and ran the app not in hwa but should not make that much of a difference it seems to work fine,
each time i click the button the animation plays for me. -
Hi Yves,would it be possible to know what the colour mmf uses for the transparent color.
I wish to add a new character to the lib file within mmf characters 5, this file has the colour settings 256.
I have created a new character skell warrior but i have set the background transparent colour incorrectly.
Also could you advise as the best format to save the images in for these settings, colour settings 256.
thank you