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Sinon en ouvrant le fichier html, tu peux aussi modifier des éléments css de ta page
Merci pour cette belle mise à jour !
Good news !
It seems that the sound is back with Html5 on iOS !
And no need to re-build the games !
Don't know why... but that's very cool !
Thanks MCTMusic !
For information the iOS 9.2 is released and there's stil the same problem for me (no sound or crash after several minutes)
The pile : difficult to open (three attempts)
Planets : that's ok for chrome, IE11 et firefox 42
I've got one game to submit here if you want : Please login to see this link.
I confirm !!! with this option, the applications crash...
Sadly iOS 9 seems to be a real success so it's very worrying !
Is anyone in clickteam can answer my question please : Is the next build will integrate the fix ?
I found that if you add a "Start sound" button with an on click event triggering a simple beep, the sound will start correctly. This is, of course, just a temporary fix, but at least it enabled me to put my stuff back up for iPad iOS9.x
I tried your solution with success MTCMusic. Thanks for that !
But I noticed that in the middle of the game, the application crashed
Is it the same for you ?
Yes I have the same problem warlords.
It worked very good before but since several months, no sound at all...
The extension was made by Angel...
ah ok ! Tu peux mettre le jeu comme je t'ai dit et ensuite sur ta page aller le chercher via une iframe (une petite recherche internet t'expliquera ça mieux que moi, mais y'a rien de méchant je te rassure).
Ou bien tu peux aller le chercher directos. Tu vas dans le index.html et tu récupères le dernier script (celui ou il y a le .cch). Tu vérifies bien les chemins et normalement ça marche !
Après tu mets ton dossier complet sur ton serveur (avec filezilla par ex)
Tu peux ensuite voire ton jeu avec une adresse de ce genre : Please login to see this link.
Excellent MCTMusic ! It works perfectly !!!
I have made a scene to put this button (if it's not iOS system, user go to the next scene), and that's not too bad except that the "Please touche the screen to start" is always there (I uncheck this option in Fusion, of course). Does anyone have an idea ?
Hmm, not 100% sure but actually this issue might be fixed and the fix might be in the next update of iOS(?)
Please login to see this link.
If it's true, what should we do... keep our fix or not...
Any news about this problem ?
Is the next build will integrate the fix ?
(Sadly) a lot of people have ipad/iphone so it's quite important...
Les graphismes et les animations sont vraiment superbes ! Vivement la sortie
The game can be opened.
But it occupies only a part in portrait mode. In landscape mode, it's ok.
I have not managed to turn left character ...
Generally, I can't succeed any level
Tested with sony xperia
I confirm that the sounds doesn't work on ipad since the ios 9 version.
I tried with safari and chrome...
very bad news !
On en a parlé ici : Please login to see this link.
En parlant de curseur, il y a moyen qu'il puisse aller à la fin de la ligne ?
A chaque fois que le curseur est perdu et qu'on le récupère il va se positionner au début de la ligne, ce qui est assez gênant
Et pour le logo il faut aller dans les propriétés de l'application. Dans l'onglet HTML5, tu coches "inclure un preloader" (a priori tu as du le faire si tu vois le logo clickteam) et juste en dessous tu peux aller choisir ton image
Ça dépend de ta version.
Si tu as acheté la version standard c'est non pour le logo. Pas de souci pour le texte par contre.
Si tu as la version developer, tu peux mettre ce que tu veux.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)