the working version was 256 Beta6.
I haven't made any changes on my app since because everything ran fine, until apple decided to remove it because of the compatibility with their OS.
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Open a TicketHi,
the working version was 256 Beta6.
I haven't made any changes on my app since because everything ran fine, until apple decided to remove it because of the compatibility with their OS.
Is there a chance that this bug will get resolved?
I really need this to get my game back to the store.
The extension worked well several Fusion versions back.
as the bugbox doesn't work I post it here for your info.
Setting the dimensions of the Active System Box Object in IOS doesn't work correctly.
If greater than 0, the picture shows completely instead of a part only.
In Windows this works correctly.
Here's the test file:
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Fusion 291.6
Gamecenter doesn't exist anymore on my IOS devices, but I still see the extensions in Fusion.
Can't get the Gamecenter, Leaderboard and achievements to work anymore while updating my app.
Xcode puts out deprecated errors which I ignore, but calling the scores,.... from within my app does nothing.
Is there an updated guide on how to get this working again or does nobody use it anymore?
What's the alternative for Leaderboards and achievements?
The problem seems to be with Gamecenter, Leaderboard and Chartboost.
Do I have to wait for an update of Fusion or is there something I can do manually?
Here's the capture of the errors
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got a message from apple that I need to update my app which was released almost 4 years ago.
Now I got a lot of errors from xcode 8.2.
I am using the latest version of Fusion 2.5 (287.9) to build the final project.
I attached the errors in a file, hope that someone can help me out with this.
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Thanks again, got it working now
Thanks, that's it.
But for some reason, the ID Numbers are reversed, last created object has ID1, the first has the number of the last created!?!
I spread the value when all objects are created.
can someone help me with the following problem please:
At start I create 16 instances of an object and spread an ID value.
Now I want the object with the same ID as a specific counter change the direction of animation.
ex.: counter is 5, change direction of object with ID=5
Is this possible in Fusion? Can't figure out how to do it.
Any help is appreciated.
It works now, seems I was to fast with testing. It needed some time to work after the release.
IAP doesn't work in my released game, however in the Preview Test Version from iTunes Connect it was fine as well as in Fusion.
It seems that there's a problem with these actions:
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I have now an iPhone 6Plus and can confirm that my problem was only present in the emulator of xCode, on the phone everything is well centered and my app was not rejected.
My config was: fit inside
tried the temporary solution today, managed to see an ad but with the same problem as Willy reported.
The ad is showing at the wrong angle.
Has someone found a solution to this already?
Which other working possibilities do we have to earn money with ads?
just discovered that my old app doesn't show up centered in Xcode Simulator for the iPhone 6 Plus.
In fact, the screen is displaced to the right so that parts of my game aren't visible.
Can anyone confirm this as a bug?
Is there a workaround to always center an app?
By the way, the app has a resolution of 960*640.
Thanks for any help.
Thanks a lot, this works now.
I was so blind not seeing this option.
I found the option Background Color and changed it to black, but no effect.
trying to port my ios games over to Android and have the following problem:
The fit inside option(black bars) gives me white bars instead of black ones on the left and right. Is that a bug? or can I change this somewhere?
Settings for my game are landscape, resolution is 960*640.
Finger Acrobat LITE has been released today.
Please login to see this link.
You can play the whole "Beginner Group" Levels (15) with 3 Fingers. (Up to 8 Fingers simultaneously in the full version)
Have fun!
Andos: just mailing you the example files, hope it helps.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)