Ebola I'm porting it, to DX11, Android and iOS/Mac
I'll also include a version of it that is a bit more advanced, allows a cone light.
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Open a TicketEbola I'm porting it, to DX11, Android and iOS/Mac
I'll also include a version of it that is a bit more advanced, allows a cone light.
And I can imagine why this...
People don't know exactly how it works, but for an extension to be "savable", it requires the author to program that part.
The Save/Load action from within the editor doesn't do it all alone...
Sure Clickteam could implement that for their most common extensions, but would that be worth it?
This action does not work if you change anything at all on your app, and mobile usually gets updates much more frequently, so other than something to be used only temporarily, it wouldn't be that useful.
For stuff like this, the best way is to use something like Array or even INI, saving only the necessary stuff to load again, wouldn't have the same limitations.
Ported to DX11, haven't seen that people were asking for it.
You can use Crop effect/shader on the layer.
(For mobile/Mac this may be available on build 296 or later, which are not currently released)
Hey, yes, I'm working on a upgraded version of PMO, first feature was exactly DeltaTime.
I already has other stuff like Jump Input Buffer, Multiple Jumps, Coyote Time, etc
And a lot more planned as well... I'm reworking every aspect of it.
I should soon enough release the first test version on my Please login to see this link./Please login to see this link..
So if you want to help me working more on it, you can always subscribe and be the first to have it.
I'd like to report an issue affecting window scaling on nVIDIA cards.
If you have "resize display to fill window size" enabled and use the Window Control Object to scale the game's window by 2x, 3x etc., the resulting picture won't be pixel perfect. It seems that the inner window (rhHEditWin) is being filled or resized incorrectly. When it happens, it also affects stuff like Ultimate Fullscreen etc. To work around this, I've been adjusting the game's inner window manually using code in an extension like this (param1 is integer scale value).
Ultimate Fullscreen have no code to handle multiple monitors which I assume is your case, so it picks the scaling/resolution of the main monitor even if the app is running on the other.
I actually made a fork of Ultimate Fullscreen object just because of this, check if it happens with this version: Please login to see this link.
But, if you mean about integer scaling being wrong, yeah, I've seen it.
I come up with a workaround.
If you can get WINE on it, there's a small possibility tho./
You can also remote control, of course.
Dergot if you're the one that will make the skins, you can use Export animation file in the animation editor then load that file through Load animations.
As for multiple lines on Alt Strings, you can do that by setting the Alt String through event editor, you can either have the multiline text directly or use Newline$
I know this isn't exactly what you're asking for, but keyboard shortcuts can help massively and they are super easy to set up. (Same for custom toolbars btw!)
Not many users know they can actually customize a lot of things from Fusion.
So here's one suggestion of how you can significantly improve what you're doing, right now...
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And you can even move multiple objects at once, just pay attention because they seem to alternate the order when multiple are selected from time to time.
Ah, also, I quickly move across order by holding the shortcut I've set.
Well, some shaders are quite simple to combine, while at it, I did a small optimization.
Android Studio Flamingo doesn't appear to be working, at least not the latest one...
I've rolled back to Electric Eel, but if there's a working Flamingo version please let me know, I like to keep things updated.
I like the idea but I think it should be optional.
endloz ah, I've missed the part you are using Mac Fusion (which is WINE based).
So I need to ask since I've talked with Yves about this issue before, do you happen to be using an ancient installer instead of downloading it from Community Passport?
For example the installer from Humble Bundle, or one that you have downloaded years ago and still keep it.
Because Yves has tested on his Mac and it worked fine with latest installer... Perhaps some configurations have changed there.
I believe the old installer has issues with SVG images.
Why is it not possible to opt out of using this new UI engine (for example, some kind of switch in the settings)?
Reason: The entire UI library has been replaced, because the previous one was abandoned by Microsoft decades ago and couldn't be further used because it wasn't flexible enough to add anything new to the interface.
This took over a year for Clickteam to accomplish, to allow dark mode which was a rightly requested feature since forever, and since the new library uses SVG (vector based) icons, the old icons are not compatible.
The UI library in question is a fork of the original library, one that is continuously updated.
But, there is kind of a workaround, which is using a custom skin with a broken setting, forcing it to use the 16bit icons (from before MMF2, something between MMF1.5 and MMF2), I can provide the skin.
One warning is that it causes the close button etc become white on light skin.
Unfortunately the skinning doesn't allow custom icons on toolbars for the moment, but you can use the legacy toolbar customization to make your own icons but limited to a 16 color palette.
Just right click any toolbar icon, choose customize, after it opens a new window, completely ignore that and right click the icon you want to customize from the toolbar itself, then a Button Appearance... option will appear.
Anyway, I'll leave the skin as well if you want to check that.
After copying it to the skins folder, either in Fusion's path or Roaming, you'll need to enable the new Skin toolbar on View menu, and select the custom skin there.
You can make the game for multiple platforms on the same MFA, sure.
But you have to consider runtime inconsistencies, if you try something and it doesn't behave as it should, you most likely will need separated events for it, working around the differences.
There's also a few situations where a feature is not available in one of the platforms, built-in ones will usually warn you, fully incompatible objects as well, but not incompatible functions within compatible objects. For that, you'll have to try and see.
There's a few ways you can handle having events for each platform, for example you can have different groups of events in case you need a different approach, and to enable the right one, you can use this:
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This condition can also be used in single events or child events if you need.
Be aware that incompatible extensions might break events when exported, for that, in case a version of the event uses a particular extension, make a copy with an alternative to it exclusively for the target platform.
I have made this workaround.
therickman do you mean an Active object being used as backdrop (for example using Physics - Background movement) or Active Backdrop object?
Because Active Backdrop is extremely slow (No HWA support), has problems with DX11 (Because it never got updated to work correctly with it) and it brings no benefit other than appearing bellow of regular Actives...
I don't think it got any updates since 2009, if it did, it was just a bit of compatibility fixes...
Active objects these days are as efficient as regular Backdrop objects, so there's no problem in using them instead.
I suggest that you stop using Active Backdrop object because I doubt Clickteam will focus on fixing and improving it at this point.
Something I would love to see in the next Fusion Version is some automatic features like External Files being automatically added to Binary Data.
Have you tried this?
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Do not post in the Guides, Tutorials, Examples, Widgets forum, that's meant for complete things to share to other people, not ask for it.
Moved the thread and leaved a redirect for 1 week.
I know there are examples of this on Clickstore, so you could start by checking there.
Almightyzentaco (Fusion 2.5 Tutorials)
Captain Quail (Firefly Tutorials)